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Blog Comments posted by Schattenmann

  1. On 5/17/2016 at 1:39 AM, Auctor said:


    It's not as if other theories of the development of humans don't include some amount of inbreeding.


    In his Descent of Man (where he finally applied evolution to humans after punting for a decade) Darwin stated that man would not achieve his full potential until society removed its backwards prohibitions on "consanguineous"—incestuous—reproduction.

  2. OsRavan has never liked the disinfectant effect of the sunlight of the OWF. He finds his rot shrinks in the open air, so he insults all OWF readers and participants as idiots and charlatans incapable of telling truth from lie or of having minds open or intelligent enough to be changed. I'd do the same thing, too, if I were such a skulking conspirator.

  3. These are always entertaining to read, thank you for continuing. Your writings on OsRavan have been amusing reads for years. I do wonder if you care enough to once again infiltrate ODN with a candidate gain.

    The ultimate twist will be that Os is Schatt's Manchurian candidate.*

    *Note for the easily bewildered: this is in no way a serious suggestion.

    Note for everyone else: No treaty signed by Schattenmann ever stipulated the withdrawal of agents.

  4. Lool.

    As someone who was in ODN gov for a lot of those situations, oh god you are wrong Schattycat.

    If I were younger, I'd run a[nother] manchurian candidate for ODN Senate and post the convos.

    If you mean to imply that OsRavan was reluctant about supporting allies' reps demands, I'm happy to report that I sat through peace talks of a few wars with ODN, you weren't there, Os was, and he was a very eager beaver to negotiate for reps on your allies' behalf.

    This reporter has also demonstrated that OsRavan was more hawkish than the Senate, refusing the majority's calls to simply accept surrender when offered, instead insisting on lulz terms and fake apologies.

    Is anyone honestly surprised that Schattenmann conveniently conflates people with the alliances they are in, and alliances with their allies, all the while accusing others of being slippery?

    This is what's funny about detractors who simply must reduce this to an ad hom battle between me and Os.

    There is no conflation between OsRavan and ODN; OsRavan was SecGen for 3 yrs 8 mos between May 2010- Jan 2014, an additional 6 months May-Jul 2014 and Jul-Oct 2015. No one has led ODN longer, and I don't think anyone has even led any other alliance longer.

    There is no conflation, there is the reality that OsRavan was ODN's head of state for over 4 years, with voter participation under 15% and generally no serious opponents for the position, backed by a Senate that abdicated its role in within the ODN system.

    I would make comparisons like Emperor Charles and NADC, but the fact is that OsRavan is singular in the modern context; I'd have to go back so far to make comparisons that no one would know who I was talking about. And that's the point. There is no separating ODN's actions from OsRavan's personage.

  5. Os is of course correct when he states that he was "not in charge" of ODN when ODN supported $625,000,000 in reps from NATO to GOONS. But like any good liar, with years of practice in nimble-tonguery, he neglected to say he was in charge of the military that enforced those reps. And he was so not bothered by leading ODN's military in those efforts that he accepted re-appointment to the position mid-war.

    His years-long run as Secretary General began that May, where he continued ODN's practice of enforcing reps demands from allies and confederates like GOONS and MK, which was at that time actively attempting to destroy alliances by overwhelming curbstomps and reps demands—a strategy they named "Creative Annihilation" as self-styled gods and guardians of the course of the game.

    OsRavan truly is a foul fiend, a central figure in the power politics that defined the sadistic destruction of thousands of nations across years. He is a phony with a sickly-sweet grin, a pretender who speaks in public of "what is best" for the world, and his so-called principles who in fact gleefully supported and created the conditions for the opposite of every stance he claims to hold.

    Also. I almost forgot. ::amused::. The root of all schatt's angst and hate that he refers to in his post. YEARS ago, ODN made CoJ apologize for threatening our protectorate in the war. He's been butt hurt ever since. I suspect he didnt want to do it, but his coalition twisted his arm. Who knows. But yeah the irony is thats the root of all this heh.

    In fact, I had so much fun apologizing for spying on ODN and threatening your protectorates and applicants that I did it over and over again.

    The problem was the $200,000,000 in reps that you demanded we pay to GOONS in return for peace, because far from being opposed to anything, you were eager to enforce GOONS's demands upon us just as you were throughout your career and will be again in the future, given the chance.

  6. Managerialism, rather than leadership, has become dominant on Bob. There's an almost aggressive mediocrity that has risen to monopolize positions of power. It's tedious.

    ODN elects OsRavan for 70 years straight.

    Everybody complains but when someone tries to do something about it we are pilloried.

    'Community' is getting the boredom it deserves.

    The game isn't dying because the OWF is dead, the OWF is dead because everyone uses Skype to mention the game in between fart jokes and stories about their fake sex lives and real mental disorders, rather than using the OWF. Both make the game boring as hell.

    Anyone who tries to play seriously (actual risks, not derpa-doo wet's be fwiends wiv 100 tweaties, durrr I'm here for the community not the game) does indeed get pilloried, isolated, and kept in a dusty corner until time to roll them or draw in their NS for a few minutes.

    The OWF and game are dead because there is no ideology or actual politics.

    This is a serious question, Steve, what are we supposed to argue over if none of your alliances have any angle on gameplay? There isn't one alliance with a defining, differentiating ideology. No one does anything for any reason, they have no way to argue about it or defend it beyond RETARDED "friends" pap or equally stupid wishy-washy lobotomized crap about "honor." Not even NPO gives a single rip about Francoism, they're just a tub of NS like every other alliance.

    The game thrived in large part because of numbers, but its decline is due to the loss of politics. This is a geo-political simulator that you and your buddies turned into a geo-friendship simulator, forging fake friendships to make the biggest gang to go alliance raiding. MK and GOONS, and their allies like your moronic AA, made the fatal mistake of believing, erroneously, that the game needed a bad guy, so they just went around pissing people off and being bad, with pseudo-intellectuals like Azaghul and Londo spouting the most idiotic crap about saving the game by generating bad feelings and what they called activity. At the same time they spent years ripping down every political aspect of the game, they held their enemies to the old standards.

    You were wrong, here we are. All politics is dead, the game is useless.

    The way to vibrant gameplay is politics.

    Cult of Justitia was founded with a specific purpose: To stoke and guard, advocate, and work toward the realization of a set of ideals. These ideals stem and have evolved from the highest ideals of the Vox Populi movement, which was not organized to realize, but only to advocate. The freedom of association--that nations are not the property of alliances, nor are alliances the property of their allies. The supremacy of sovereignty--foregoing compulsive treaties because they hinder independence of thought and action, and enable action without consequence. The importance of identity, so that an alliance has an ideological wellspring upon which to base its internal policies, foreign policy, and actions on the world stage. Distinctness of foreign policy so that global power remains fractured among many truly distinct bases. We call the result of these ideas the Flat World.

    What does the Flat World look like? Robust alliances who know themselves attract and retain nations based on their intrinsic merits. They formulate foreign policies based upon their values, and align with alliances who have compatible values. Logically ordered by identity, these groups of alliances and blocs rally around their own distinct interests. Unencumbered by murky, illogical treaties across conflicting interests, alliances are free to act when they should; unencumbered by carte blanche compulsive treaties, they are similarly free not to act when they should not act.

    Why Justitia? The Flat World is not a mewling pacifist or moralist vision of global security and peace. It is "flat" because power is not gathered around a Pacifica or a Mushroom Kingdom, but distributed among competing, distinct, self-interested parties. This situation has not existed for many decades--the existence of Pillow Fort, Superfriends, C&G, or Pandora's Box no more constituted distinct, competing bases of power during the so-called mKarma period than did the existence of One Vision, Ring Cycle, Citadel, or AZTEC did during the Pax Pacifica; and where competition existed, it came only as paranoia and then treachery set in, not as a continuous natural state of either period. In these hegemony-dominated eras, Digiterra has been sick, and brutal. The Flat World is, by contrast, the most Just world. War is more common, because the wars are smaller, between only the invested parties warring over the conflicting interest. No central power stops a war that will threaten its grip on global power. No central power begins a war that only it can stop. Listen carefully, this is not a sermon for only half of you, nor only for the condemned: The Flat World is the world that we all desire.

    For the past three years, we have watched as the alliances of Digiterra have repeated the mistakes that they had just immediately risen up against. The desire to be important or victorious by association, and the fear of a resurgent Pacifica drove this ill-fated return to the decadence of the past. The hegemony-based global structure with its foundation upon unquestioning loyalty by indistinct alliances which represent little more than blobs of NS creates and rewards the most perverse atrocities that we see play out on Digiterra. We know them all as the hallmarks of this age: delving into and literally disrupting the real lives of rulers from Ejayrazz to Van Hoo III; war upon entire alliances redefined and written off as "techraiding"; infiltration of forums; the choice between destruction or humiliation for amusement. All this and more not just accepted, but applauded by the allies and clingers-on of the perpetrators who place so-called friendship above sovereignty, above introspection, above humanity. Applauded by those who sneer at any dissent as disingenuous because if all dissent is disingenuous then their acquiescence is excusable. But it is not.

    I am the Presbyter of the Cult of Justitia, Justitia's servant upon Digiterra who receives Her message and delivers it, the Scale upon which Justitia judges. The Cult of Justitia is the Sword of Justice which She wields in Her left hand. These rulers are drawn to Her ideals from all corners of the world, from NEW to ODN to GPA--from any place and any background because of the promise of the Justice of our message.

    Doom House and all her rotten allies, for your perversions and transgressions We judge you guilty, and the Sword of Justitia will now come down upon your heads.

    With this declaration, Justitia's Cult joins the Equilibrium coalition in war against Umbrella in furtherance of its mission and in fulfillment of our charge.

  7. This is 25% of my PM inbox hahahaha I guess I can get rid of the MHA spy trap warning.

    So many mem'ries. Bad JuJu was a FAN operative. On the Vox spy boards, I wrote a warning to our spies about MHA's anti-spy measures, then a few days later I get PMs and queries from friends asking if I saw Brownstone Collusion's MHA spy warning. BC's Vox liaison copy/pasted my warning verbatim, posted it to their forums, and then people warned me with my warning.

    Sam Gerard's mod career lasted about 5 minutes when they deputized like 10 mods in a week that one time. I miss Jiminy, that was a cool mod.




  8. A lot of that has to do with my definition of moralism in CN. My definition (and its just my personal one) does not revolve around having morals, instead it involves trying to FORCE those morals on the game and other alliances.

    What you're talking about is moral imperialism, which is different from moralism. My 2010 thoughts on the matter:

    Basically. what we have here is a term, moralist, which has come into use without holding the meaning that it's being used for.

    What most people who decry moralists and/or moralism really mean to say is "moral imperialist/ism." The definitions posted all answer the question "what is a moralist," with the answer to the question "what is a moral imperialist?"

    As mpol pointed out, the words we use already have real world application, and he argues that we use the real world words in their real-world context while we play CyberNations. However, that is not the case when we get to a lot of terms. "Francoism" is Spanish Fascism (or Spanish NAZIism if you're trying to score points against NPO), not the ideals spelled out by Francos Spain. Until its Senate days, Vox was described as an "anarchic collective" after I made a grammatical error in an essay from our first days; it should have been anarchical collective. etc etc The vocabulary that we have must suffice for CyberNations, but the words we use in reference to political movements in CyberNations are in context of CN, not in context of the real world, so, yes, familiar words get new meanings. Some people can read into it and understand things, other people can't figure it out and they are constantly frustrated and you will spot them arguing illogically due to their application of real-world context to CyberNations.

    So, the answers to your question posted here "Moralists are people that try to impose their moral values on other people/alliances" or "who see their moral set as international law (another real world context in CN)" or "who see their moral set as the superior/dominant set (CN ethnocentrism)" translate to a real world context term: Moral Imperialists.

    With the answer you have received, and an adaptation of terminology based on the answers here, we can now develop an understanding of two types of moral people/alliances:

    Moral Imperialists are alliances/people with a set moral code who seek to impose their morals on other alliances via political means (treatying, war). A current example is Polaris' enforcement by war of what their understanding of the community standard on raiding is.

    Moralists are people with a set moral code who rely on that moral set to guide alliance policy, individual actions/posting, etc. For example, Vilien has strong beliefs and he sticks to them, but he doesn't threaten to stomp people that disagree. Or, Cult of Justitia has a strong moral code that guides our foreign policy (no compulsive treaties).

    While the term moralist has taken on CyberNations contexts, there are two clear moral-centric categories, so we must use two terms. Otherwise, when you're calling someone a moralist for attacking techraiders, other people are calling someone else a moralist for thinking a certain way. All moral imperialists are moralists, but not all moralists are moral imperialists.

    I will say though, some people (not as many these days) take the IC thing to a level that I find concerning from a mental health stand point. By that I mean they say (or in some cases do) awful things that would be rejected by real life society but dismiss it as 'i'm just roleplaying' as though that somehow gives them some carte blanche to be an ass. IF you are an ass in game, you are an ass. I dont care if its your "character". You are responsible for your own actions, and your 'character' is simply a facet of your personality you are amping up for entertainment.

    Is a staunch supporter of MK. The End.

    You come around to your trademark self-contradiction this time by refusing to acknowledge the basic foundation of what we're all doing: Pretending, to lesser or greater degrees, to be rulers of imaginary nations. You cannot refuse to deal with any of us on an IC level because unless you're discussing real life info, you are only ever dealing with any of us because we are pretending to rule imaginary nations. But like anyone who says "I don't believe in X", reality does not need you to believe in it.

    You refuse to acknowledge IC play, but you have a definition for an IC phenomenon, moralism, which may have real life connotations (see above), but exists as we're discussing it only on Planet Bob, where a fake OsRavan lives and rules a fake nation.

    Or I might counter there are both ic and ooc forums to recognize that different people play the game differently.

    And that would be what we call "saving the appearances" (your broken paradigm). IC forums are gameplay forums, OOC forums are meta-discussions, not gameplay. There are, however, two types of forums that actually do recognize two types of gameplay, but I'm sorry to say they're also both IC: National RP, and World RP.

    There's a great discussion of "what is a moralist" from AirMe here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/79233-what-is-a-moralist/

    And an interesting-yet-refreshingly-short piece on absolute morality from Vladimir here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/blog/104/entry-628-on-the-nature-of-absolute-morality/

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