I'm looking for a drink
In 2005, I was in Moscow, and we went to this restaurant called Myu Myu; it was like a Russian Golden Coral, buffet, big fiberglass cow on top of the roof.
I accidentally picked up the translator's glass and drank his drink, and he gave me a weird look, like he was expecting something. I asked what it was and he said it was kvass and apologized. I said what for, it was really good, which amazed him.
Now: The drink at Myu Myu was thick, pink-ish, kind of sweet, and a little malty.
So, I convinced the translator to sneak off to the grocery store with me, and I bought 4 litres of kvass to bring home.
I opened a bottle on the plane, and an attendant bumrushed me to tell me there was no alcohol allowed, I saw her nametag was Polish, so I said, it's just kvass, and her eyes got big as saucers and she said "oh, you're American? You LIKE kvass?" And I told her I did.
Then I poured a cup, and it was brown, thin, and sour. And it was disgusting.
Are any of you Russian and/or do any of you have any idea what I drank? I've wanted more for 10 years.
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