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Blog Comments posted by Schattenmann

  1. I guess that you actually know that Schatt is well aware of what mrwuss was doing, and also that you know that Schatt is just exploiting that dumb taunt to make his argument. Dressing this blog entry as "a moralist falling for the bait" may work though.
    I said "this" blog post meaning its specific contents; not just "a" blog post. It's mostly for my own reasons though, so I don't expect everyone else to get it.

    I think everyone got what everyone wanted. And I had fun, too!

  2. WANA is in CoJ? good lord

    WANA was in CoJ. This is a list of everyone who's joined CoJ by application. When WANA applied, he was at the end of his rope, and he needed somewhere to go. I didn't know him, no one else in CoJ knew him, we were given to understand he had some baggage. We could have turned him away because he wasn't popular, but I didn't found CoJ to be a social club. He was in CoJ for a little less than 4 months and I can tell you if anyone in CoJ was worshipping me in November, they certainly weren't by the time I asked WANA to leave. Despite the PR points externally and the arguing internally, I wouldn't change it, and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone else who needs a respite or a sanctuary comes to the gates again, and I'll give it to them again. We grow ourselves by contacting and allowing differences.

    CoJ is an organization founded to do things, and sometimes we can do big things and sometimes we can do small things. In this case, it was a small thing, and I'm glad we did it even though it was difficult.

    I see my alliance (FOK being mentioned). Sitethief was a spy, he spied on FOK with a multi while being in TOP. He was expelled by TOP and we almost ZI'd him. Eventually we let him get away with a simple tech fine. He was considered an outcast and CoJ picked him up. He got fed up with the game while being in CoJ and deleted a few months after.

    Sitethief was, in fact, a member of CoJ for 18 months. Maybe in Holland 1.5 years is a few months, but not over here in the real world. If your claims about his acts are true, I dare say I don't see how they're any more a condemnation of CoJ than of Fok: After all, he was your Vice President. It seems to me, in fact, that he was pretty clever if he pulled off those stunts. I don't recall either Fok or TOP contacting CoJ about their issues, and Sitethief was a big enough boy to take care of his problems on his own. Just the sort of intelligent, motivated individual that CoJ is populated with.

    I see more people on the list who have a history of betrayal and spying. Those people aren't accepted in the bigger alliances and end up in CoJ. The other alliances don't want them because traitors and spies can't be trusted.

    And aren't you all so glad that they were overt members of CoJ rather than covert agents of CoJ?

    The Vox Populi spies who joined CoJ months and years after our founding joined for the same reason everyone else did: Our ideals. Far from your claims, they all spent very long tenures in regular alliances and regular members before joining CoJ. I'll tell you a funny story: I didn't know that Francesca was in CoJ until MCXA sniffed her out and then told me.

    This list doesn't prove much, I see only low ranked gov from the bigger alliances or high ranked gov from minuscule alliances or (semi) neutral alliances on the list. There isn't a single high ranked gov member from quality alliances like Umb, MK, TOP, NPO, NpO, FARK, Gremlins, VE, IRON or Valhalla on the list. Also anyone who was active in the Q channels can confirm that Old Guard was a one man show by Reyne and that the Sun Wukong guy was never online. He was only a delegate to the continuum on paper because OG was very inactive.

    Hear that ODN? You're not a quality alliance. GGA? Jonathan Brookbank has his peculiarities of personality, but he was Tri during GGA's most powerful period. Ditto for rishnokof and Rok during its prime. TOP, Fok.

    Look, Timmehhh, I'm not going to come and twist your arm til you say what I want to hear, but I will require you to be serious about this. As I said in the OP, to insult our membership is to insult just about every alliance, and in this case, you're calling your own alliance's and your allies' competence into question to get a shot in at CoJ. Your choice. I think it's silly.

    Can I make this argument again without the "giant namedrop?" No, because where the contention is that the members of CoJ are mindless numbskulls to my Pied Piper, we must examine just who these supposed raving morons are. And we see that in fact they are anything but.
    Fair enough, the names are perhaps warranted. But my contention is that while you say we must "examine just who these supposed raving morons are," but you didn't do much of that. All you did was list their past credentials, and as I pointed out, credentials tell you nothing about the person. You could have made a much more solid and substantive point if you had simply singled out a good 5-10 members and elaborate in a verifiable way on how their specific history refutes mrwuss's point.And honestly I believe that you could have done this. I think that you're technically correct in refuting mrwuss's "claim", and you simply did a bad job of it. While I do think you're a spotlight-hound and there are many people who agree with you solely because of your reputation, I know that mrwuss's post was nothing more than a barb to get a reaction out of you. And I find it endlessly entertaining that this blog post is the result.

    I will accept this criticism. We all have constraints on how long we have to spend doing this CyberButtes thing, and it was a quick job on this.

  3. Appeal to popularity, appeal to authority, you don't state how long any of them remained in the cult, leadership background does not imply sound reasoning, past actions do not imply future motivations, you don't have any direct testimony from any of these members so apparently you can read their minds.Can you make this argument again without the gigantic namedrop?

    Mr Wuss' contention is that I am "just a shell of a leader who is closely followed by a band of raving morons who worship the words that spill from your twisted, self-centric mind." It is, then, a question of persons and personalities to be answered by persons and personalities. Here are 67 out of 98 who have joined CoJ through active application (the other 31 having joined through merger though still of their own free will [they represent about 3/4 of DNA when the merge occurred]).

    I'm sorry that you dislike my answer, but if you find fault, you must find it with the accusation. Can I make this argument again without the "giant namedrop?" No, because where the contention is that the members of CoJ are mindless numbskulls to my Pied Piper, we must examine just who these supposed raving morons are. And we see that in fact they are anything but.

  4. While I don't necessarily disagree with the content of your post (I skimmed it after the first couple paragraphs), and actually happen to disagree with mrwuss, the idea that you think being a Marauder in NSO and a raving moron are somehow mutually exclusive is genuinely hilarious.

    Haha, I shall concede your point, but argue that we took the good ones :P

  5. What's with your obsession with Bela Lugosi?

    What's with your obsession with frogs? My avatar is my face.

    Sometimes I'm condescending:


    Sometimes I'm a madman:


    Sometimes I'm distinguished:


    Sometimes I'm dubious:


    Soemtimes I'm sinister and irresistible:


    Sometimes I'm nonchalant and jaunty:


    Sometimes I'm at war with the world and myself:


    Sometimes I'm wistful:


    Sometimes, I'm a sex god


    But never a vampire, no capes.

    Bela Lugosi is an extraordinary man. His talent is is remarkable, his life tragic. A WWI infantry captain and hangman, a labor-organizer, an immigrant, a father, a drug addict, a dog-lover (though dogs annoy the piss out of me), Hungarian stage star, Hollywood B-film pauper, founding member of the Academy but never nominated for an award, the only actor whose portrayal by another actor (Martin Landau) has been awarded an Oscar. Look at his face, those eyes. He is perilous and beautiful. His voice is power; my voice is power. What irony that when I chose him as my avatar I did not know that as he was overshadowed by Dracula, I would become overshadowed by This Week in Pacifica.

    Obsession is not the word. Infatuation.

  6. I think that for me, Nemesis' disbandment was as much a blow to CoJ as to many of its members; I picked Nemesis for our first treaty basically because Hoo was the only guy I hadn't spent 9 Vox months trashing, but I found an ally that understood and respected CoJ's eccentricities and was also willing to stand by us in them even across a rapidly-revolving government towards the end. I've never been good at keeping up old relationships from any past AAs, so I'm also sad that I haven't spoken to many old Nemesis pals in a long time, save a few. As for your new outlook, I'll break tradition and refrain from preaching to you out here, you already know how I feel.

    My thanks to those remaining former Nemesis...Nemesisers? Nemesisians? :P I hope you're all doing well wherever you ended up. It isn't the same, but if you're ever roaming alone, the Temple of Justice's doors are open.

  7. vox7-2.png

    ...Move on to where, to what? Those are the obvious questions. On to a world where a man can speak his mind without having to fear for his livelihood. On to a world where honest and frank discussion is treasured rather than trashed. On to a world where basic political opposition is not considered the most damnable of crimes, and where "security" is not held above humanity. On to a world where the future is uncertain but bright, where no single power operates unchecked. On to a world we have sweat blood to forge.

    When Vox Populi set upon the road that has led us to this point we had no knowledge of what lay ahead, how long the journey would be, or what would be required of us. We have been pleasantly surprised at our good fortune many times and I can say plainly that we did not expect to have come so far, so soon. The world we left behind was one of pure fear; the deafening silence we have broken was enough to inspire madness. The voices of all who have suffered tyranny can and have now cried out their righteous fury. Those responsible for so many sufferings have been or are being brought to justice: perhaps not exactly as we might have hoped, but we will not fuss.


    To the world at large, we give warning. This is not the end of the struggle, for the struggle which Vox Populi has embraced is unending. It is a struggle against those who would take what is not theirs, those who would take advantage of all situations, those who seek nothing but personal gain without heed to the needs, thoughts, feelings, and well-being of others. It is a struggle against the purest form of practicality and pragmatism, which drives man to covet without any attention to morality, justice, or fairness. It is a struggle that shall end only when our kind are wiped from the planet for it is something we are all capable of.

    And that is our warning. Do not relax your guard against this mentality. Do not dismiss the possibility of its creeping up and overtaking yourself or those close to you. To fall victim to the idea that the ends always justify the means where the means is your own self-promotion is something that comes easy and silently, but seldom can be snuffed out. Maintain your watch, keep in check those of this mindset, and prepare yourself always for a time when we must again take arms against such a threat -- for that is what it is. It is a threat to all of us, each and every one, and wherever this philosophy takes root so takes root a danger for all that we hold dear, in our own ways, to be cast down at our feet.

    This victory is not permanent, and those who fight not would do well to keep that in mind. Divisions are unavoidable, but remember that we are only as strong united as we are weak divided. Do not again allow ambitious powers to slowly pick off opposition, one-by-one, and hoodwink you into conceding. Stand your ground always, tall and true to your ideals. Never, ever, ever give in, for as long as there is one other by your side you shall have purpose. Remember always when you took on the forces of oppression and let the strength of that memory spur you on. We may forgive, but we should never forget. And should the time come that men cannot speak their dissent, should the time come that alliances' sovereignty is revoked, should the time come that communities are destroyed or repressed let those of noble spirit rise again to spearhead another Glorious Revolution against the darkness that engulfs them.

    Until then, let us hope that day does not come. Even more, let us work to ensure that it does not. For now, let us enjoy this victory. It has been a long time in the coming, and truly the fruits of it have been building up for months. We can speak without fear of military retribution. Alliances may move about freely and give their members leeway to express themselves without reprisal. Defeated alliances are not having heels placed on their heads and their faces ground into the dirt. So let us rejoice. This is our victory, and it is well-earned! Celebrate it while it lasts, for nothing lasts forever.

    Pro Populo!

  8. A CB is important, but for me intentions are also important. Pingu and Sardonic, for example, expressed surprise that I wasn't railing against NG's attack, but I don't see it as a case of no CB. The SOS and the turds in NG have had a lot of problems going back months, and NG decided to go to war over it. Contrary to some who are saying that NG attacked SOS for no reason, they've got legit issues between them even if there wasn't a single catalyst that led to the DoW.

    More important now is how NG plans to go about the war and more specifically the end of the war. If they start asking for money/tech, or really any kind of terms beyond the most basic, then it's an issue, because SOS hasn't done anything to NG to justify any of that; the war is enough.

  9. I find that in practice what you're calling "politics" is not really. The MDP mess prevents faster-paced, more risky, policy/ideology-based true politics (which are more fun) from happening and turns everyting into who is cool, who is dorkey, ok now we sign with the cool guys. An alliance like VE that used to have really strong, unique ideologies gets turned into this self-contradictory joke beholden to NPO/NpO/GGA instead of realizing its potential or beind made obsolete. An alliance like GGA or IRON that's big enough to do its own thing spends its days as a client state. No one acts on their own interests or ideas. There's nothing exciting about a curbstomp for either side.

  10. I'm kind of disappointed, as I read the intro, I thought this was going to be the EphriamGrey mental breakdown post that was mysteriously deleted from your photobucket.

    No clue who gave this to me or when I received it. It may have come from CNtel. Or not. (I'm not registered there, and the quality of what I've seen coming out of there is pretty crappy, so probably not.)

    I could turn on my netbook and check the date when it was created, but the netbook must be at least ten feet away. That sin't gonna happen.

    The answer to this question probably lies in the inexplicably-highlighted 'm' in EgoFreaky's post. Looks like a canary trap.

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