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For he gave tech to the wrong person...

Entries in this blog

What Makes CN Tick Pt 1

In my introduction, I said I was going to do several more blogs about what it is that makes this game keep going on. I asked around, and apparently out of game discussion is okay on a blog, but other rules apparently still apply (still not clear on that given there's a separate ToS for blogs. If someone can fill me in on the details I'd appreciate it). That said however, I'm going to put off discussion on actual game mechanics for now. Because lets face it, at the core of this game we all play,



An introduction

My name is Seerow. You may or not be familiar with me. I've been around this game for a long time. Far longer than I ever thought I would be. Some of you may recognize the name from the book series I sniped it from and have used as my internet handle almost exclusively for over a decade. So that answers question one, yes Seerow is the same as the Seerow from the Animorphs. In that series, Seerow was a character out of lore, who gave advanced knowledge/technology to another sentient race that



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