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Blog Comments posted by Schattenmann

  1. I don't know either, maybe you just bit, why don't you just link them?

    I hope you're happy to know that, even if I still maintain that that feat was brilliant and funny, I at least didn't waste my time by reading another wall of text on the subject... I know you love me, that's it.

    Well, one problem is that when they upgraded the forum software here, the new version limits user content to just 365 days old, so it's almost impossible to find something a person posted more than a year ago, oneself included. Google is a passable alternative if you have an hour to slog through results.

    The other is that if these people are STILL asking the same loaded question 3 (or 4?) years later, they clearly missed the multiple threads.

    I could have sworn you made a topic about it more recently than that as well. What would it have been, around the time Haf was going at Zzzptm on the OWF until they finally got to fight in Bipolar? I seem to remember Zzzptm making a topic about it all too.

    Yeah I opened one a while back because Lamuella kept going on about it in a thread and I didn't want to derail anymore.

    People still randomly bring it up (like in this blog, for example) like it's some kind of Schattenmann silver bullet or dark secret. Newsflash: It's in my sig. Kriekfreak was hammering on it a few months ago for some reason, Impero and NoFish brought it up last week. Hey, world, I took over an alliance while I was spying for GOONS, I call that a success.

    Can you? [be arrested for watching teenagers fight in a churchyard]

    I donno, the SA lawyers got into all kinds of minutiae.

    Hal wisdom

    As ever, all conceded. As it turns out, I was in the thick rather than observing from space, so I got off track. I'm sorry for what happened but it was fun and it was cool, and it's not my fault that Browncoats couldn't recover from the Dark Confederate war.

  2. When was it that you got around to betraying the browncoats in the Bubblegum war?


    Well, let's see. I wasn't told where to go after I fake surrendered. So, I just applied to the first alliance at the top of the Player Created Alliances forum. It turned out to be this GOLD diaspora AA Republican Organization for Liberty led by Nintenderek with some other GOLDies, they made me MoD because I had a copy of GOONS's/Arcades' war guide.

    Then ROFL merged with Purge which was also mostly ex-GOLD, and the sitting MoD Uberspion quit in outrage (there was all kinds of ex-GOLD drama, never got it) so Purge made me MoD. Then TPF disbanded our gov and installed a Viceroy (first greenacres then like 5 hours later OneBallMan) because we were going to merge and form a new AA with Starfox and KaiserMartens and Slayer thought Starfox was racist and KM was a NAZI. The Viceroy made me Vice-Emperor with Kharn420. We just sort of flopped around losing members like crazy until we were down to like 15, then on the night One Vision attacked GPA I used a metaphor toward DarkMistress which she interpreted as me calling her a NAZI, so TPF crapped bricks and Slayer acted all "after all we've done for you!" and dropped us; at that point there was no reason to keep Purge around so we disbanded and I joined Browncoats because ChairmanHal is awesome and he was the Prime Minister there.

    I was still a Hidden GOONS operative, so I threw a fit on the Black Conclave forum when CIS moved to Black and sanctioned banned member (http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showuser=2116) who had been a GOONS Senator the whole time even though there were less and less GOONS to vote and she was sitting in PM longer and longer and had to sell off stuff to stay out of bill lock. They also sanctioned WarriorConcept who was ghosting GOONS after NPO stopped protecting him (he had been a personal protectorate post-UjW bc he was such a good ally to NPO). CIS got super pissed at me for calling them NpO's puppet and agents of chaos etc etc, and demanded that Browncoats let me be ZIed, but Hal told them to piss up a tree. Then they demanded an apology out of me instead, so I wrote this backhanded thing that made them even more mad. Then Obsidian, who was in a bloc with CIS, announced they were going to run a second senator for that bloc (besides CIS's Senator) I spammed all of Obsidian's membership to vote for the OBR candidate. I figured if Obsidian was telling everyone at the Black Conclave that they were running, their membership already knew, but as luck would have it they didn't and so Obsidian was forced to wait another two months to run. So, now the Dark Confederate bloc was all gunning for me.

    A month or so later, Mechans and Veneke--the MoD and MoFA--poached the majority of what was left of the dwindling Browncoats active membership right before elections. There was no one running for anything, so I ran for MoFA. We had some Black treaty partners and some Brown treaty partners, and I had become very close to Zzzptm, President of Black Defense Council. Browncoats, M*A*S*H, and some of the smaller brown AAs in the UPS bloc started agitating for GATO to only have 1 seat on the Senate, and let us rotate the other two among the rest of UPS, but BarbulaM1 refused, so we all began leaving the UPS bloc. Browncoats gov was super slow and inactive, so we were still in UPS a couple weeks later when everyone found out that GATO had broken its surrender terms to NPO (to never let ChrisKaos in gov again). GATO had signed treaties with all of us under false premises--they KNEW they had violated the terms and would be attacked one day, but they didn't reveal that to anyone, they went about the business of creating a meatswarm; I continued to urge BC's Prime Minister to hurry up and cancel the treaty due to GATO's unwillingness to treat us as equals in the Senate and for pulling the wool over our eyes in regards to the ChrisKaos violation, but they were too slow, still.

    As war loomed, I also realized that the treaty chains would create a situation pitting half of Black against the other half of Black, that Browncoats would be stuck put up against people that had been threatening to disband us on the forums for months, and that we could not manage a war of this magnitude--no one was active. For example, in 3 months I had several hundred (I want to say almost 600) posts on the Browncoats forum, but Lamuella, who had been there for over 6 months, had 40. GATO opened a channel for all its allies to coordinate in the run-up to the inevitable war, there was some small commie alliance in it which was also allied to ODN, and over everyone's objections, they brought WalkerNinja into the channel. I don't know why the commie alliance was so !@#$@#$ retarded as to believe that WalkerNinja would defend them in a war against NPO, but they insisted that we were all wrong about ODN, that they were super allies and would stick with the commies. Of course, WalkerNinja sat around for a few hours taking logs, announced that ODN would not help the commies, and then sent his logs to NPO and said that WE were gathering a coalition to attack NPO!!

    At this point, I went to Zzzptm and told him that he had to tell these guys that this was all stupid, but he rightly informed me he was stuck on the conveyor belt just like us. He was in all three major Black blocs and knew the war would shred Black, I had my GOONS undercurrents and also didn't want Browncoats put through the grinder for the likes of GATO. So, what's the only reason an alliance can't go to war? If they're already at war. This is where everyone goes into black-white mode and without a sense of nuance and of global politics they go into GAWDERN COWARDS mode. Too many people know the luxury of the decline of Pacifican dominance, in that time it was nothing to disband an alliance like Browncoats that stirred up trouble, and that's exactly what we had been promised would happen if they ever got their hands on us. It wasn't about saving infra, it was about getting Browncoats into the future.

    So, we made a war. BDC cancelled their treaty with OTS (that was real) and I wrote an insulting OWF thread (the sentiment was real), boom they declared war and 30 minutes later the 1 Vision-GATO War began.

    People don't understand that when the war began, we were on such a tight schedule trying to roll it out before the other war, that there were no preconceived terms. Zzzptm had some ideas, but we didn't discuss anything for another day or two. The plan was beautiful, Browncoats took some light damage--seriously, Lamuella and Princeps and others went BANANAS but we're talking 3 rounds of GAs--surrendered, and walked away to get its internal structure back in shape. But the infra-huggers and narrowminded idiots in Browncoats couldn't see past their own noses, they thought 5,000 tech reps were the end of the world; I had enough money to buy most of it ALL BY MYSELF. They all talk a lot of honor bullcrap about defending GATO, but they couldn't handle 3 days of war, you think they honest-to-god could handle a month? That's a joke.

    Let's wrap this up:

    I was able to put the plan in place because the Prime Minister was out of commission for some reason, Nintenderek (MoD) had no reliable internet connection, Mickey-whatever (Thompson?) was on a youth retreat, and the internal affairs guy Huang Ti had been AWoL for over 2 weeks--I was left the only gov for a week.

    When the rubber hit the road I told Durim (now Kahn), no one knew I was doing it in the run-up, no one knew til after we were already at war. Kahn was furious, but he got the idea and I guess he figured he could deal with me when it was over. When Nintenderek logged in and found us at war, he opened a tread to have me dismissed, so Kahn gave him the very limited logs that I had passed to Kahn to keep Nintenderek calm. Nintenderek then posted those very limited logs in the gov forum. Brownocats gov forum was a wreck, there were probably a twice as many people with access as there were actually in gov.

    Some idiot with gov access created a fake account and posted the logs in Browncoats surrender thread. To this day I have no idea what that moron thought they were going to accomplish. They posted the logs like they were going to save Browncoats from public disgrace and the whole world would stone me and lift Browncoats on their shoulders. Stupid. It might have been my fault, but that dumbass that posted the logs sealed Browncoats' fate: NpO installed a Viceroy on BDC, nulled Browncoats terms (including protection), PZIed me and Zzzptm. Browncoats was left exposed, and even though I was out of the Browncaots picture for good, Dark Confederate declared war a few days later for their long revenge.

    People like you like to sneer at the Bubblegum War, go ahead. I've been complimented on the Bubblegum War by everyone from Vox members to NPO Imperial Officers, people still randomly tell me that they were amazed by it--it was one of the most imaginative and intricate plots in history. I still get emotional thinking about the end result of Browncoats, but my plan was working without a hitch until a Browncoat wrecked it; the Bubblegum War met every goal we set forth, Browncoats was attacked by Dark Confederate only after the plot was exposed by myopic dullards.

    Anyway, I don't know why I typed all that: I wrote everything I just said over 3 years ago, there's a wiki article, I tell it the same every time because I tell the truth every time. But 3 years later you still ask because you refuse the truth. Browncoats was dead long before the Bubblegum War, it was dead when HPS was formed. If the Bubblegum War had never happened it would have disbanded 2 weeks later along with IAA anyway. If you were so intent on saving Browncoats, you should have stepped up to the plate before the Bubblegm War, not torn your hair out after.

  3. When I was younger I worked in a pet store with this aging hippy with terrible dry greying brown hair that hung down to the small of her back and a face with hollow cheeks and bony hands--heart of gold but you get the idea. There was a South-African kid that used to hang out in the store all the time who was about 13 and the sweetest kid in the world but had no sense of what you should or shouldn't keep to yourself. So anyway, one day me, the kid, and the lady coworker are standign around the register and he goes, "You know who you look like?" She says no, who and he continues "That one from de moovee, ehhh, with theeee magic man and de little guys." Well this lady never went anywhere but work or home so she has no idea what he's talking about and she's like what movie? I'm still trying to think but it's slowly coming to me. So, he goes on, "The one about the Lords. Lord of the Rings and you look like de one, I am thinking of the name." Well it hit me like a ton of bricks. She looked like Gollum. Dead ringer. I jumped in "Yeah, Lord of the Rings, the, uh, the Elf!"

    "No," he protests, "The other one. The one that want the ring."

    I try to kill him with my eyes. "Yeah. the. elf. princess. The. one. in. the. forest."

    He looks at me funny as the lady sweeps her hair back, blushing, "Oh, you're so full of it! Thank you."

    I put my arm on his shoulder and tell him we need to take care of something in the back of the store as I push him along.

    "Listen, Gollum is hideous, you cannot tell a woman she looks like Gollum. Thank God she hasn't been to a movie since 1980."

  4. For all you kiddoes out there in TV land it's alt+132 ä. If you can't remember the code, "e" is closer because the umlaut brings the vowel sound to the top of the throat, giving the "a" more of an "eh" than the sounds associated with an English a. If you're all technical about it, "ae" is better because the umlaut started out as a tiny e over the letters until it was abbreviated to two dots.

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