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Blog Comments posted by Schattenmann

  1. Important historical note to readers: [the terms offered] were something ridiculous like 6 months of no tech importation.

    I recalled the term but I was unsure if it had come straight from NPO or if it was truly the voice of the EQ committee of leaders. I suppose you answered that question for me, thanks. Unless other AA's had floated that possibility as well? It was a rather insulting opening offer. :facepalm:

    Brehon's offer was peace and no aid for 5 months.

    The harshest terms in the terms collection thread were posted by CoJ, and formulated with the expectation of negotiations down:

    Surrender by name to each AA Umbrella and MK or its AA-hoppers has attacked regardless of whether a DoW was posted or not, and explicitly to Equilibrium

    All nations repatriated to Umbrella or MK AA for the duration of terms

    No aid in or out for 90 days

    Any nation in violation subject to war

    Any aid violation to be repaid in tech 200% (or higher)

    No more than 5 nukes on the AA for the duration of terms

    After all, MK and GOONS had just spent 2 years giggling about high reps because "if people didn't want to pay high reps then they should negotiate them down."

    So you can imagine our surprise when you were so taken aback that Brehon wasn't giving you white peace that you couldn't get the focus to negotiate at all:

    [15:58] <Sardonic> I distinctly remember the war being the punishment

    being a big thing with you brehon

    [16:07] <Sardonic> Your opening offer can't seriously be no aid for 5

    months for all of DH? How are we supposed to counter that?

    [16:08] <Sardonic> This is leagues worse than reps brehon in economic

    damages, and I think you know that.

    [16:10] <Sardonic> but, this is worse than reps
    [16:10] <Sardonic> by a lot
    [16:22] <Sardonic> Seriously though aid restrictions?
    [16:23] <~Brehon[NPO]> Lets all remember how negotiations work...

    something is offered, something is counter offered.

    You all continued to gasp at the idea of terms at all; there was a hilarious discussion wherein you all claimed that aid restrictions and reps are the same thing, literally; OsRavan offered 100k in reps; and Brehon (as Roadie noted) put forward the idea of an extended war with Umbrella at last, which got traction with all of you.
    This was March 14th. On the 12th, when Brehon informed us DH wanted talks and asked for our terms, both IRON and AI told Brehon not to convene any peace talks at all, and to simply continue fighting the war.

    I've been waiting for the first Schatt entry of the war.

    Me too :3

  2. So what you're saying is that I should be thanking NPO for pushing for white peace in the face of stubborn people who felt entitled to reparations? Because that's what I'm getting out of this.

    You may have forgot, but you already know the answer to that question from the first round of talks:

    [16:09] <&OsRavan[ODN]> you let DH off with surrender, and ODN pays reps to those who feel our ally have wronged them
    [16:09] <~Brehon[NPO]> No reps

    [16:10] <&OsRavan[ODN]> say we pay out 100,000 tech? (and I would need to run that by our senate)

    [16:10] <&NobodyExpects> no reps
    [16:10] <~Brehon[NPO]> and NPO will not allow for reps

    [16:10] <~Brehon[NPO]> No one is paying anyone anything

    [16:10] <Sardonic> but, [the terms offered] is worse than reps
    A more complete answer, though, is "yes and no" since only a couple AAs had proposed any reps in the first place, and not even close to 100,000 tech (which is equal to $3 billion [probably, I'm not a maths guy]).
  3. Once again... 85% of your coalition would not touch Umb. Who knows, maybe CoJ was more than willing to stick it out longer. But lets not be ignorant of numbers here... it was almost completely AI and IRONs load to bear. AI lost 60% of its pre-war NS. They indeed, had had enough, and gone above and beyond the call. The divide was within AI itself. Because they had segments of gov who wanted it over, and segments who wanted it extended. Once they agreed that they wanted it over, the saw fit to end it. It was THEIR war... not yours. It was THEIR WAR.

    Oh dear, all mixed up again.

    The idea that AI agreed to end the war is ridiculous given that QueenHailee had flown the coop, Pansy was gone, leaving the decision to NobodyExpects alone against the will of a vast portion of the AA. He gave NPO what NPO wanted, not what AI wanted, and you see where it got him and AI.

    Like Brehon, you claim that the war was IRON/AI/NPO's alone to start and end on whatever terms they saw fit. Let's assume that position for the sake of argument, ok. IRON did not want peace, AI had no consensus on peace. There we go.

    The simple fact of the matter is, however, that it was not THEIR WAR because from the first week they refused to accept a leadership role or responsibility. It was OUR WAR.

    Boob you are, you're literally arguing against the reality. Look where we are: AI in ruins, NobodyExpects in exile, QueenHailee dead, IRON cancelled on NPO, Valhalla reformed, Pacifica isolated and regarded by everyone from not worth messing with to revulsion.

    You are wrong.

  4. Oh, shucks, I thought the only thing I was missing by not tuning in to Bootleg was penis jokes and [other game] stuff. If only the 3 people that listened had warned the 40 AAs in the coalition.

    Rush, retire or don't, but the half-assed, half-crazy stuff has to stop. There is no debate over whether or not promises were made by NPO to NPO's DH-aligned allies, only how many and what they were.

    The suggestion that NPO was doing any fighting of note with Umbrella is also absurd, and the conclusion your draw from it (that we were opposed to the extended war bc we didn't want to fight Umbrella) is equally stupid. Brehon came up with the idea of an extended war, and it was NPO which would have been relying on IRON, CoJ, Polaris, MHA, etc etc etc etc to fight it for them.

    Half the strife between IRON and NPO was that NPO wasn't pulling its own weight against Umbrella.

    Your traitorous friends in EQ might have been telling you lots of tales, but it's clear you got the "how do we make ourselves look good in this" version of events, and have run with it. You're a boob.

  5. From my perspective, the main goal of the EQ war was to hurt Umbrella. When it was realized that no significant damage was going to be done with the target alliance, it was decided to end the war.

    No point for both sides to take damage when the main goal was unachievable at that point.

    If, when you say "it was decided to end the war" you are applying your perspective to NPO's decision to end the war, then you are completely wrong. Brehon's argument was the exact opposite: That the goal was to wreck Umbrella, and that we had wrecked Umbrella.

    If you're applying your perspective only to DT's acquiescence to the peace process, that's a matter personal to you/DT and I haven't got anything to say about it.

    As Roadie distilled it down: The problem was in NPO's underhanded, back-room, my-way-or-highway approach to the war and specifically to peace. High on the list was Brehon's claim that the only goal of the war was to damage Umbrella, that it had been the agreed-upon goal by IRON/NPO/AI, and it didn't matter what the rest of us thought or that no one told us about it until NPO decided it was time to pull the plug. Especially problematic to this reasoning.claim was that IRON wanted nothing to do with peace at the same time NPO was screaming at us that IRON was part of the pre-war decision.

  6. Could I possibly get a copy of this script? You know, the script you said I was sent for approval? You know, the script I never approved, or received? Yes, that one, please. Thanks!

    Maybe you didn't get asked, either. ODN (C&G) was made promises and deals along with NG. It's not my narrative problem if GATO wasn't informed.

    [16:02] <&OsRavan[ODN]> im not angry, but im dissapointed in what im hearing here i have to admitt. I was under the impression that when this war was ready to end we would shake hands like adults and move on
    [16:03] <~Brehon[NPO]> Show the faith and shut them down.
    [16:03] <&OsRavan[ODN]> how can we do that when what you are now demanding of dh is against what youve been impling you wanted from day one


    [16:07] <&ncc[NG]> If we peace out this front, we (NG) specifically need something concrete to know you're not going to &#036;%&amp;@ over MK.
    [16:08] <~Brehon[NPO]> &#036;%&amp;@ over MK how... and I bent over backwards for

    NG on that, you konw this.

    [16:08] <&ncc[NG]> I know you did.
  7. Quite obviously Pizza Hut and Dominos are not a thing around here (Italy): www.pizzahut.it and www.dominos.it are actually up for sale... :D

    Your dreams of owning an American franchise are on the cusp of coming true!!! You could be the Silvio Berlusconi of mediocre American pizza. You'll make millions selling it to tourists who are ecstatic to see a brand they recognize!!!

    I never eat Sbarro pizza, but when I was in Moscow, I ate it 4 times in a week.

  8. I am pretty sure he just tore you to shreds with that pizza hut comment. I also appreciate that you admitted to being an internet tough guy in your disclosure at the bottom.

    I tend to agree in a broad sense, but when it gets down to it, I'm not actually fat-fat nor do I work at Pizza Hut, but he is actually saddled with debt from a law degree, unemployed, and a laughing stock of the professional association of his chosen field regardless of his physical condition. So his comeback is good in the abstract, but it doesn't have the actual bite of mine :P

    I wouldn't have made the comment if I knew he was actually going to see it because I'm perfectly content to have a big laugh at his expense, but I don't have a desire to make strangers feel bad.

    Hahaha Does he like his own comments too?

    Some Chilean guy hit like on all the comments.

    Why are you taking the internet so seriously?

    I'mmmmmm not?

  9. Not totally but largely. The lack of a OOC/IC divide has helped kill the ability to properly discuss FA with allies and even your own alliance in cases. Many people are now are more loyal to their friends than to their own alliance and that seems to be the accepted norm.

    Exacty! Take Rey the Great, who literally sees nothing wrong or even strange about taking his entire alliance to the brink of war because "MK were our friends and so MQ are our friends." I've never heard anything so stupid in my life, but his stance is typical of a large swath of alliance leadership.

    These numbskulls who love their "friends" so much baffle me! If they're so wonderful, fine, join their alliance. Why in the Hell do people not go to the alliance where their pals are if their bond to their pals is stronger than to their own alliance?

  10. Probably because there's no such thing as a private convo anymore with all of you putting OOC friendship first and breathlessly gushing every little morsel you come across hoping to be the news breaker/info broker/popular. If I were in your neck of the web, I wouldn't tell any one of you my dinner plans much less my FA plans. Especially if I was changing course, the way all you old bitties with your mucked up friendship "politics" treat every adverse move like a personal blood feud insult.

  11. Wow, I'm a little surprised at the consistency of the content of his posts about you over the years.

    Also, does your fan club archive every post about you? Or did it take hours and hours to find all those posts?

    There's no fanclub. There's a subforum I made at Prototyoe's request 5 years ago then he got banned and I never deleted it. That was back when MK liked me.

    Sometimes someone c/p's an OWF zinger in it, a couple years ago I made a series of (mostly ironic) sigs featuring quotes of people talking about me (you were actually the first in the series, Impero had a few) But that's it.

    It was easy to pull together this blog since CoJ has been laughing at Crymson's posts about me for 2 years:

    We got it the first time you said this.

    So, all I had to do was put in an advanced search for posts by Crymson with the word "schattenmann" or "attention." The bulk of the time was actually in formatting the quotes' snapback codes (the swoopy arrows) since only 10 quote tags can be used in a single post.

    It's all a big circular joke: I post a 3-page essay about foreign affairs and some bum says I want attention. I answer him and 3 more bums says "see!" Then, voila, they've turned a discussion about FA into a discussion about Schattenmann but I'm to blame. This is an unfortunate psychosis diagnosed under Schattenmania. And so here we have poor Crymson, who bellows that I don't want anything except attention, and ironically he is the one that gives it; I say Doitzel and Zhadum had a ruler conflict, he can think only of Schattenmann's need for attention. It's a sickness.

    I also think it's funny, and I hope you all do too, so I've let you in on the joke.

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