I Simply Do Not Care
The title says it all. Over the past couple of years I've become extremely cynical about the world, about life, about school, everything. The world is so screwed up and filled with injustice. People come up with ways to try and fix it, but it all becomes meaningless debate and dick measuring because there really is no one way to fix the world's problems. America's problems, the world's problems go back hundreds of years and there is nothing we can do about it. They aren't going to get any better. People ask me well Loki, what can you do about it? I'll tell you: Absolutely nothing. No matter how much I argue with people, no matter how much others protest; it simply will not change a damn thing.
Now on to my life: I don't care about school. I have midterms at the end of the week, and I don't have the energy or motivation to do even study. Not that I don't want to, I simply can't and I do not care. For example, I got a 75 on the history test I took before my most recent one and I simply put the test in my notebook and kept it moving. I try my best to remain optimistic, to love people, to keep the faith (God knows I do) but it is damn near impossible with all the stuff going on in the world.
With regards to CN: You all should be ashamed of yourselves, you sit here and complain about how CN sucks and it's dying yet you do nothing to change this. Unlike the problems in the real world, this game's problems can be fixed if people actually made the effort to be revolutionize the way politics are done around here. If people actually made the effort to embrace new ideas, but no: The old order tries to make things "How they used to be" by maintaining the status quo (which in and of itself is counterproductive). Just know that the only reason I stick around here is because somewhere deep, deep down I love this game. It could be what it was before (I wasn't here, but from the things I've heard it was pretty good).
Now I know what you're probably thinking, what the hell is this guy going on about. Well to sum it up: Life sucks, the world sucks, people suck. No matter how hard we try to make things easier with technology and what-have-you, it is always going to suck.
This is From the Mind of Loki, God bless
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