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The True Story of Emperor Marx



I have it in mind this glorious October afternoon to recall some particulars of history; particularly concerning the rise and rapid fall of \m/ 2.0's leader, Emperor Marx. I will recall only a brief section, mainly to do with his departure. I invite those with the required knowledge of history, who were involved in the occasion, or who had intimate knowledge of these events, please, share what you will.

You will recall there was a time a year or so back when the NPO was en-masse declared on. I and Marx, one evening, made the hilarious decision to join the fight against Pacifica without the rest of the governments consent (I don't even remember if we needed their consent or not, the charter was never really a strong document). I supported the decision, mainly out of a desire for vengeance.

All was going swimmingly until Marx, caving under forum pressure and various would-be allies mocking us for joining the conflict, admitted the following on our public IRC:

He'd never been a \m/ember. This is important to note because he'd rebuilt the AA based on the notion that he had been a \m/ember in our alliance before our defeat. In saying that he had been, he led under false premises and elaborated on his lies as convenient. During this, he had an emotional breakdown, which was an embarrassment, especially because of the public nature of the channel.

Furthermore, he fled the AA and ran to GOONS, where he resides to this day. He remains unrepentant about the whole affair and had the gall to dismiss it when I brought it up to him recently in IRC.

So there you go, Cyberverse; do with this information what you will. Someone please go ask Marx for his version of the story and repost it here; I could certainly use the laughs!


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You really need to get over yourself and the past. For reasons that are none of anybody's business, I had been inactive for the last few months that I was in \m/. I barely had any role in shaping policy or anything else related to CN. You morons wanted to attack NPO in a desperate ploy to join Doom House and went so far as to try to use what few friendly relationships I had maintained between us and DH alliances to facilitate it. If you're still unable to understand what would drive me to leave that garbage alliance in spite of nearly a year of the unrivaled effort I put in to try to make it work, then you're a miserable sack of !@#$ and if I were capable of it, I would pity you.

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Seriously Margrave this happened an age ago, and was only barley a talking point back then. Some !@#$ happened, people moved on. Marx did a lot of good for \m/ as well, which as an ally at the time was duly noted.

One such example was earlier in the same war when \m/ put aside its old grudge with Polar to assist RoK against SLCB. For many reasons they could have chosen to leave us to our own devices in that war but they threw themselves in for us on a front that wouldn't have been popular or rosey odds wise and they saw it through to its conclusion at the peace deal with SLCB before later on venturing into the NPO side. As an ally at the time it was much appreciated and remembered.

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As the person helping Marx make target lists and overseeing coordination after ddog made our war forums public, our war performance was fairly abysmal. We took maybe 7 slots on our initial blitz.

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I don't forgive a coward who freaks out and runs away from a fight. Not in my nature. As to the rest of you who are pretending that I've somehow damaged my reputation, allow me to respond: When have I ever been worried about a reputation? My fame, when I had it, was being a firebrand. The people who know me, the people who I've worked with and been good friends with, know my worth. Everyone else can pack sand.

Meanwhile, you're here talking to me as if I'm irrelevant. So of course the thing to do is come and comment here?

Who looks silly now?

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To be fair, the whole pretending to have been someone in \m/ was silly and seemed a bit petty when you first revealed you were never in \m/. Other than that, the alliance wasn't too good from start to finish and largely only got off the ground due to you, CSM, and select IS crew (and to an extent Caliph and Gerald M crew) doing hella work.

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I am unable to take you or anything you say seriously at all.

I am unable to take any grown person who watches a show about magical talking ponies for children seriously, so the feeling is mutual.

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