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Cloudite Central News Network Archive #1



The Great Prance Forward


Year 25: Dragonshy took part in a poetry competition hosted by the Order of the Black Rose, and won with the following entry - The Black Rose. This poem was also featured in the GPA's Dove's Chronicle (September 8, 2012). Dame Hime Themis of Dulra represented the Order in presenting the prize, which was the joint development of Cloudshy's infrastructure, and deeds to many new lands. In return for such a magnanimous gift, the bards of Cloudshy offer their free services to the Order for all eternity.

Year 27: Cloudshy is now officially a First World nation, and has started international technology acquisition plans. Another joyous occasion came in the form of Dragonshy's coronation as the First Princess of Cloudshy. Mystique, a prominent businesswoman in Cloudshy, is appointed the Princess's Hoof.

Year 28: A National Research Lab is built in Cloudshy and results from the Serenity experiment is published. Cloudshy Tech Acquisition Incorporated is founded and publicly listed in the Hearts Aflutter Stock Exchange.


- All news reports are dated based on the Cloudite calendar

- The Cloudite calendar started with the arrival of Dragonshy in the Cloudite desert


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