When did FA become so lazy in this game?
Truth is, I am guilty of the implications of the title of this blog as well, so everyone understand, I am not coming down on anyone at all.
But seriously.. when did the management of FA become so lazy? I have spent a few days talking with alliance VIPs and leaders from everywhere on Bob asking if there were examples of FA moves by allies and close knit partners sprung on them at the last minute (either by themselves or others).... I found that nearly universally, every alliance has holes in their communication processes.
What do I mean by this? Well, back in the day, when you were pursuing new FA options, part of that process included discussion with your current allies about the impact of the new signee on your current relations. It really does seem like nobody on any side of the web cares much about this anymore. It is now less about building a sphere (or extending your influence within an existent sphere)... and more about just adding a few more NS for the coming conflict.
I will only provide examples that I personally witnessed , those whom I talked to may choose to, or not to include the examples they gave to me, its completely up to them. NG signed with UPN, told no allies about it till 5 mins before signing. INT leaves C&G, tells nobody in TLR gov until it is already posted. GOONS signs TOP with about 6 hours notice to us. Believe me when I tell you there are exampled just like these rampant on each side.
When did FA change? When did how FA is managed change? If these things had happened in 2006-2011 ... it would have caused uproar and outrage, now one example just begets another, and laziness has become the norm. There is a new generation, it seems, that is looking to make its mark on this game. Are these types of examples to be the norm from now on? Thoughts? Opines?
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