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How does this work?

People continue to claim that the game is not dying, which I personally find very funny. How can somebody claim that seeing as we are no barely over 12,000? Last month we had 13,000 easily. This is clearly the lowest we have been since the game was just getting it's footing. The game is clearly not thriving, it is not growing, so how can anybody claim it is not dying? Also, enough talk about how it is the game mechanics, yes the game has little pop, but stop complaining if you don't want to sugg

New Carnoly

New Carnoly

Shout out for IAA

IAA and their Wonderful Blitz: In an alliance of 51 members and 41 in war mode you managed a very successful blitz, a combined 8 offensive wars from over 40 members. I must say the New Sakura Order must feel safe with you guys protecting them, I would. Even better is that they only have a total of 16 wars o.O Stay in school kids, maybe you will learn how to fight Note: These are my personal thoughts, they do not reflect anything anybody else says.

New Carnoly

New Carnoly

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