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the beach life

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Micro World War- Sign Up

After many talks in the Leauge of Micros, there seems to be enough interest in pursuing Planet Bob’s first ever ‘Micro World War’.    The suggested rules of engagement are as follows:   1) All interested alliances are divided based on stats into two equal teams.   2) The Micro World War will have an official start date (hopefully in march) and a duration of NMT 14 days- both parties will know the start date well ahead of time.   3) There will be a ‘no ghos

Lord Hitchcock

Lord Hitchcock

all MICRO Alliances welcome

Being a member of the newly formed League of Micros, I want to explain what the League of Micros is, it's a round table setting for micro alliances (friends and enemies) to come together and share their ideas of how to make the world interesting and to promote activity. It is not a bloc, it is not a treaty, and it's not enforceable. Think of it like the United Nations for Micros. The purpose of the League of Micros is to work as a community to promote our own micro world. It does not prevent mic

Lord Hitchcock

Lord Hitchcock

Monsters Inc Characters on Planet Bob

I have decided to post pictures of Monters Inc characters and linking them to some of the fine rulers on planet bob. This is about as historically accurate as it gets for us and our relations with them.   Lord Hitchcock       This one is clearly a given, mainly because it's my avatar in an alliance that is M Inc- themed. Also, it quite suits the profile well. A troll with a slight case of napoleon syndrome.   King Neptune    

Lord Hitchcock

Lord Hitchcock

Giving back to Planet Bob

I want to acquire some ideas for an initiative Monsters Inc is planning- and one that gives back to Planet Bob.   Our members are in the lower tier and fortunately for us, we pack enough wonders to war forever while having fun. And we do care about the community.   Members here, whether it's a micro or sanctioned alliance, color dominate or neutral, we all feed off the community to some extent; and we all know the numbers in cyber nations are dying. I can't tell you how many

Lord Hitchcock

Lord Hitchcock

The next Oculus Era

They have been quite impressive. They have quickly managed to fill just about every war slot in mi6 and TPF in the matter of a couple days. The STA war is beginning to fill in. What's the best thing MI6/TPF/STA can do? Draw the war out- whether than it being the Oculus planned 'short war' wrapped up for the yearly world war- they could (and should) draw it out until January- and let AAs like ODN complain that they can't use their treaties for a pointless world war. Anyway- pull this blog up wh

Lord Hitchcock

Lord Hitchcock

Why Do We Have a Yearly World War?

I'm a 'newer' player compared to some of you old geezers. I think world wars are good for planet bob, and that's neither here-nor-there. The question I have is, why do we have a yearly world war? Easy question I thought and I asked some people and the response I have gotten is "we just do". Sort of like the nation of brittben celebrating holloween every year, we just do- and what I am getting at is: there has to be a history of where a scheduled war period started- it is probably the most sou

Lord Hitchcock

Lord Hitchcock

Why we haven't 'surrendered'

Simple word isn't it? Just say 'uncle' and it can be all over... Well, there's a reason and it isn't about pride its more about the deep personal feelings we have towards kashmir. During the m inc TSO war Jack layton actually ghosted into m inc- any m inc member past or present can account that our aa announcements can be fairly vulgar and in kind Jack was happy to join in on them. So anyway, flash forward to the "kashmir declares on their former Protecterate- for us being 'terrible' micros".

Lord Hitchcock

Lord Hitchcock

Making Planet Bob Thrive again

Notice the title wasn't "how to save planet bob". Reasoning is that it isn't dying- in fact, it's just in a bear market. "But it's a text-based game"... sure it is, and angry birds was a big hit in 2011 (it doesn't matter) and Planet Bob will thrive again, mark my words. First, let's get this off my chest, I find it counterproductive for older players to hold "let's save planet bob discussions" and then turn around and poke fun at "micro drama". As heard on the Apethy Report, the issue isn't ab

Lord Hitchcock

Lord Hitchcock

The Birth of an Active Player

(It's a little long) One day I decided to create a nation and with-in the first ten minutes of being online, I received five new messages. The first one, of course, was a "welcome to cyber nations" message and the second was a "please join our alliance" message. I didn't bother to read the other three messages because they looked like recruitment messages too (and I didn't want to join an alliance). At first, I just wanted to be left alone- so that I could build my new nation how I wanted to b

Lord Hitchcock

Lord Hitchcock

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