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OWF Dead = Game Dead

Steve Buscemi


No big surprise here, but as inactive as CN is, as dead in the toilet as this game has become.....is anyone surprised the degree of deadness in the OWF, AP specifically?

I usually just go in their to troll and post stupid !@#$, but there isn't anything to even troll anymore.

There was this push a while back.....it's always been part of CN leadership, but it's gotten worse over the years. What some alliances learned is the best way to run alliances is to only say positive things about others. It's smart, don't get me wrong, even if dishonest. But it's damn boring. And it's part of the reason the game is dying.

I remember the OWF saber rattling days of ole. I miss you.


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Well that seems to be the way most games die. Everyone in an authority position becomes allied and the game dies. You can see this repeated in every game like it, only CN has lasted longer.

In the end, we as fellow Oculus nations, have won the game. The end. If one can be predicted. You could always go rogue and attack your allies to spice it up. :V

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Every thread ends up with the same posters posting the same posts.

It isn't the reason why this game is dead mind you, but it is certainly part of the reason why it will never be revived, as it appears that the more interesting posters attract too much attention and get 'removed' for things that no one else get 'removed' for.

Consistent and orderly posters are easier to watch over.

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Hey, we posted topics for months...

with the soverign order, the sandstorm confederation, NADC, Doom Squad, TCA, SRA, Kashmir, posting atlas screenshots and trying to poach their vp, SNX running from their protectorate, getting methrage a senate seat, bringing the communist and socialist of planet Bob closer together.

... and eventually you run out of money.

We did our part

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Depends on what you're actually expecting to get out of the game. The inevitable problem with nation simulators is that it attracts people that are in it for the power fantasy, rather than interactive fun. They choose to hide off-OWF and chuckle while planning to roll anyone who bothers posting anything close to controversial. Which will always in a politics-based game. It's the raised nail that gets hammered down. The nail either accepts being level or gets acclimated to the beating. Or the nail just quits.

That's what you're seeing on the OWF. While I have IC contention with them, OOC I applaud NpO, MI6, and DK for taking in more controversial players. It's risky, but for the good of the community to keep those players around and give them opportunities for growth. That's what keeps mid-tier exciting, because it's possible for borderline obnoxious posters to get there.

I don't think it's just a symptom of the game dying, since a lot happens off OWF. Also, there's a lot of casuals that can grow their nation and fight wars with the 5-10 minutes a day that it takes to do so. I'd say the low amount of time needed is part of the appeal of CN over your Clash of Clans clones (and is part of the reason I quit another nation simulator). CN has a lot of options, but you don't get too far behind if you take a few days off, at least in a larger AA. And honestly,micros are only for those players with time to kill.

The question to ask is what you really want out of CN. Fancy graphics are out. Power fantasy will lead you to nothing but boredom as all of the good villains get rolled out of the game/tier and you only have friends left. You've got RP and the challenge of growing, fighting, and regrowing left. And I'm well aware of NG high gov's opinion of RP.

Methrage, Rey, Tywin, et al might be obnoxious, but one thing wrestling will teach you is that you need a good heel or the action means nothing. Given their current power levels, expect high tier to be boring forever.

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Give Oculus some time.

If Oculus plays it straight up and do not rock the boat than yes the game will be boring. Oculus wins but CN dies.

If Oculus go “Everything Must Die” mode than the game will be exciting but the bloc reputation will suffer and eventually disbands. CN extends it’s life.

There is no third option for Oculus. It’s either the blue pill or the red pill!

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The question to ask is what you really want out of CN. Fancy graphics are out. Power fantasy will lead you to nothing but boredom as all of the good villains get rolled out of the game/tier and you only have friends left. You've got RP and the challenge of growing, fighting, and regrowing left. And I'm well aware of NG high gov's opinion of RP.

Methrage, Rey, Tywin, et al might be obnoxious, but one thing wrestling will teach you is that you need a good heel or the action means nothing. Given their current power levels, expect high tier to be boring forever.

I'd say Pacifica will go down as the greatest of all villains when all is said and done, it's disingenuous to say the good ones will get rolled out of the game completely, it's a matter of making wars ever worth it, which quite frankly they never are except in the 1%, so to speak, since you're just letting your rivals grow if they aren't at war, and hurting your own statistics while doing so.

RPing is a dead art though there's still a few of us who enjoy playing the controversial player and don't mind the drawbacks that come along with it, but Steve is right, sucking up to everyone is much easier to keep yourself safe over having a neutral or negative opinion.

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Give Oculus some time.

If Oculus plays it straight up and do not rock the boat than yes the game will be boring. Oculus wins but CN dies.

If Oculus go “Everything Must Die” mode than the game will be exciting but the bloc reputation will suffer and eventually disbands. CN extends it’s life.

There is no third option for Oculus. It’s either the blue pill or the red pill!

These predictions are reaching epic propaganda levels.

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Maybe its time Non Grata rattles some sabers. Maybe we can be on the same side in bringing some chaos or rebalalance the world. Due to inactivity levels of others, if I make more than 1 thread every 2 months; I'm accused of making to many threads. So many alliances we're at war with haven't been announced as being at war with us.

However I still have months left of fighting in me, lets make this world active again if its to inactive through war.

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I also said this a long time ago, that the more OPSEC entered the game, the more backrooms, the more you have like 4-5 coalition channels, each with a higher level.....the more you disinterested people in the real game - which is the politics. Because they were left out of any real intel.

So that forced people to make their own alliances, and you had this huge wave of micros form, which is where we currently are. Also boring. As then everyone got protection so you couldn't even start micro drama due to protectors.

I reached a point during the Doom War that for the first time, the extreme boredom outweighed all the time investment I had in the game (sunk cost theory). I'm currently being rogued and my first impression was, "meh" followed by, "glad he is nuking me and not someone who actually gives a !@#$, lol". I can't even be bothered to care that he's winning most his GA's, something that in the past I've prided myself on not allowing.

I lament, but I really wouldn't even miss the game anymore if the servers went down. My NG community is entertaining, but why does anyone even play the game? I have $8b and I've not even saved for that long. I know most nations have $20b that have picked the winning side of wars for the last 2-3. What's even the point? You get 1-2 rounds of war every year? You literally fight for 14 days each year.

Kind why I thought what DBDC did/is doing/was doing made things interesting. They actually had a plan that they tried to carry out. I'm not a fan of raiding believe it or not, but at least it's something to stem the massive boredom.

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Size for size Poison Clan/NG are the best fighters around. Trust me on this, I got 2 million Tango Uniform from those guys. Wait a second, I mean NEW is in the same league tho, and Kaskus since they have GanTan X. I'd join Poison Clan except I would'nt get to fight them. Hate you all for long time. Send money when you get work.

Chinatown Bus where are you?

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I also said this a long time ago, that the more OPSEC entered the game, the more backrooms, the more you have like 4-5 coalition channels, each with a higher level.....the more you disinterested people in the real game - which is the politics. Because they were left out of any real intel.

So that forced people to make their own alliances, and you had this huge wave of micros form, which is where we currently are. Also boring. As then everyone got protection so you couldn't even start micro drama due to protectors.

Granted, the reason things got compartmentalized was you started leaking things. It wasn't fun for any of us either.

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some people think the point of a game is to have fun and not try so hard. other people think the point of a game is to win. over time, the people who treated the game like a job, the people who donated a lot, and the people who are in neutral alliances (were smart enough not to fight when it isn't advantageous) rose to the top. and the rest of us are permanently cut off. just like real life: the people who treat people with respect and don't take things too seriously stay at the bottom, whereas the cut-throat !@#$%^& tend to rise to the top, even though after a while, the top becomes inaccessible no matter how good you are.

people got want they wanted: everything is serious, cold, calculated, and minmaxed to perfection. the real game exists in irc channels and skype groups but i'd be surprised to find out that any really serious politicking is even going on anymore. who actually gives a $%&@ about this !@#$ anymore to keep trying?

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My advice to upper tier nations who want to have some fun.

Join SNX. No really, leave your mainstream alliance and pick out a smaller AA that suits your inclinations somewhere on the scale between orderly and lulzy.

Dump unnecessary levels of infra (think of it as fat) and settle in the minus 100,000 NS range. Be content, and buy tech at producerist levels, or even operate as a full time bank for lower tier nations. Sure you won't balloon in NS anymore, but now you get to participate in and even organize lower tier wars which tend to be more dynamic.

Sometimes transferring to a smaller alliance where you have more influence is key to having more fun. It may seem boring at first if you aren't able to !@#$%^&* around with your old friends in larger AAs, but there are always missions to do in smaller AAs.

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