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Blog Comments posted by Gopherbashi

  1. Great1 had all his deals the same day. He could go a full 10 days before having to check his nation again.

    Send someone a message. Tell them not to delete it. Guess what, its gone 7 days later...so it's possible Great1 didn't even see any of Pandas's messages asking about this.

    So yeah, your little gotcha moment in trying to say that that's what I'm saying is completely debunked.

    No investigation was made because no answers were given at that time. I don't believe Great1 purposely ignored any messages. Plus, he would have answered Pandas the way he answered me. That he paid the tech. Did you read my previous post here? Great1 answered that he paid the tech.

    None of which addresses StealingPanda's statement that he believed Rush, nor his statement that FAR would send Rush the tech if Great1 refused to.

    So which is it? Does StealingPanda have no authority to speak for your alliance, or is your government going back on its word?

  2. What you don't seem to get is that Great1 says he did pay Rush his tech. To me thats all I need and the burden of proof is with Rush. No screen shots, nothing. Just his recollection.

    Yesterday was the first I heard of this. And how do I hear about it. In our private channel I am told that Rush is here to get military clearance. So I query Rush and put a stop to that. At that point, he is dealing with me. He lacked any real proof. So my answer to him was no. My answer to him was and still is if I have to choose between Great1 v. Rush...Rush loses every time.

    Like I said, don't come asking for a FAR member to be cleared for attack cuz the answer will be no and your proof better be 100%.

    So you show absolute confidence in Great1 - a member of your alliance, but therefore no confidence whatsoever in StealingPandas - who is government in your alliance. I can only assume that you believe StealingPandas to be completely incompetent for not only taking Rush at his word in the first place, but also promising that your government would help him recoup any losses.

  3. What can I say logan, democracy can sometimes be a complicated process. However, I thought during my time in MCXA there was already an Act similar to this one, or was it that Gopher released the Votes at the end of each term without my supreme consent :lol1: <3

    The current act (which remains unchanged through the failure of this proposal) has remained unchanged (at least to the best of my knowledge) for roughly the past year and a half.

    Upon the release of a High Council decision to the General Assembly, the High Council member posting the announcement of the decision must release a list of each individual High Council member's vote or non vote on that decision to the General Assembly as well. In addition upon the release of a call for military action, be it against an individual or alliance as a whole, a set of reasons must be provided so long as it bares no threat to the safety of MCXA.

    I think I released the results of all the votes only once (it takes a hell of a lot of work), and that was back in 2008 some time. That being said, most of the HC topics moved into public viewing during my time in government would have had a vote summary listed somewhere in the thread.

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