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Be Real: Question 1

This isn't meant ot be the easiest question, so you only have two options. No semantic arguing, just answer it. Theoretically speaking, lets pretend a serial killer is on the loose. We found 130 of his victims under the ocean, butchered in body bags. Each one of his victims are killers and other severely heinous criminals. Most of these criminals were never convicted merely because of legal loop holes (ex: Finding sperm linking the killer to the victim, but improperly seized, thus the case dis



The Official Terms Given To TOP/IRON/TSO/DAWN/TORN

Since everyone and their mother has seen them, I mine as well post them since I received permission from the person I received them from. Amazingly redundant. So far I have heard "NPO has given worse," well who cares? It doesn't mean these aren't ridiculous just because others have been worse. I have heard this would take at least 100 days to pay off (Someone calculate it), let alone people leaving, not being able to pay, or generally refusing to. I am sure we will be losing some people after



First Issue

This is the 1st issue of my blogs. It is very serious. The controversial question of the week is: Is it okay to pee in the shower, WHILE taking one? Most people will not leave comments as they are scared, but vote. ;]



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