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The Official Terms Given To TOP/IRON/TSO/DAWN/TORN



Since everyone and their mother has seen them, I mine as well post them since I received permission from the person I received them from.

Terms of surrender of The Order of the Paradox (TOP), Independent Republic of Orange Nations (IRON), Democratic Alliance of Wise Nations (DAWN), The Sweet Oblivion (TSO), and The Order of Righteous Nations (TORN) - collectively hereafter referred to as TIDTT.


1. TIDTT admits defeat and surrenders to the collective forces of the Complaints & Grievances Union, and their allies in Sparta, Mostly Harmless Alliance, The Grämlins, Fark, Nemesis, Dark Fist, The Brigade, The Resistance, Aloha, Aircastle, The Jedi Order, Prism Protection Front, Siberian Tiger Alliance, New Polar Order, The Alliance of Angry Bees, FOK, Christian Coalition of Countries, Federation of Armed Nations, BaCoN, Ronin, Global Alliance and Treaty Organization, Umbrella, Imperial Assault Alliance, Open Source Alliance, Genesis, Eldar, and the Order of the Black Rose.


2. TIDTT shall pay reparations in the amounts outlined below. In the case of both reparations paid directly by TIDTT and of TIDTT paying for tech deals from other alliances, it is the responsibility of TIDTT to ensure that payments reach targets specified by the receiving alliances.

3. TOP shall pay the following reparations:

300K tech to the Complaints & Grievances Union. Up to 150K tech may be purchased by TOP from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

25K tech to Sparta.

7.5K tech and $105 Million to Dark Fist.

5K tech to The Brigade.

5K tech to The Resistance.

2.9K tech to Nemesis.

4. IRON shall pay the following reparations:

150K tech to the Complaints & Grievances Union. Up to 50K tech may be purchased by IRON from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

15K tech to Sparta.

6K tech paid for at a rate of 3m per 150 tech for Fark and a Beer Review which must meet their criteria.

6K tech paid for at a rate of 3m per 150 tech for Grämlins

IRON shall agree to provide BACoN with unlimited cast iron frying pans for bacon cooking purposes

a good bourbon review from IRON leaders for FAN

5. DAWN shall pay the following reparations:

10K tech to the Complaints & Grievances Union. Up to 5K tech may be purchased by DAWN from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

5K tech and 200M to IAA (SHARED WITH TORN)

6K tech to Grämlins, 3K of which is paid for at a rate of 150/3m

500 tech and a Beer Review for Fark which must meet their criteria.

6. TSO shall pay the following reparations:

40K tech to the Complaints & Grievances Union. Up to 20K tech may be purchased by TSO from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

10K tech to GATO or it's equivalent in cash at $3mil per 100 or any combonation thereof.

5K tech to OSA and a short essay of no less than 400 words on why GNU/Linux is a superior operating system to Windows. Up to 2.5K tech may be purchased by TSO from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

5K tech to Genesis. Up to 2.5K tech may be purchased by TSO from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

5K tech to Ronin. Up to 2.5K tech may be purchased by TSO from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

7. TORN shall pay the following reparations:

10K tech to the Complaints & Grievances Union. Up to 5K tech may be purchased by TORN from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

5K tech and 200M to IAA (SHARED WITH DAWN)

8. TIDTT alliances and their members shall not engage in inter-alliance aid except aid required to pay reparations.

Length of Terms

9. These terms shall last individually for each TIDTT alliance. When an alliance has completed the full payment of their reparations to designated targets from each receiving alliance, their time subject to these terms is complete.

Amazingly redundant. So far I have heard "NPO has given worse," well who cares? It doesn't mean these aren't ridiculous just because others have been worse. I have heard this would take at least 100 days to pay off (Someone calculate it), let alone people leaving, not being able to pay, or generally refusing to. I am sure we will be losing some people after this, great, just what this game needs. "I love your tears," I am sure that will be mentioned by one egotistical idiot who adds nothing civil to this discussion, mine as well mention it in the initial post.

I am more concerned with the timing. I do not care how much damage an alliance has done, even to mine, I wouldn't give them terms which would jeopardize growth for MONTHS at a time like NPO has done. These terms are ridiculious, and I laugh even harder at people saying "They could have been worse," alright, we get it, but it doesn't change the fact that these will take too long to pay off. "Others have done it," I don't care for it either, just because others had to you'd think they wouldn't wish for others to go through similar situations. Or, best of all, "THEY DID THIS TO THEMSELVES," yeah, they did, but this is exactly what others have done before; causing others to waste slots for months while another side builds and builds. I guess it is how this game goes, I guess you could have asked for more, but good job breaking the cycle. This is a game and ultimately we play it for fun, good job with adding to the problem at hand that this game faces with months of consequences over one war, but wait! Since this is a game, no one TRULY can grasp this concept since mentioning this is just a game is something none of us can accept, therefore we must do what we can to REBUILD PRECIOUS STATS! TOP, you were stupid for the attacks, but these terms are laughable at best. Mind you, these are terms who were only representative tonight. They'll be more most likely.

Even though I was against you TOP in this war, I hope you absolutely refuse these reps and do as much damage as possible. These terms are a joke.


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Well the terms are harsh, the they have the right to continue fighting to get better terms if they so desire.

I personally think we have all been spoiled with the advent of White Peace since the Karma war that we suddenly think that White Peace is the norm for all/most war situations. There was a time when most conflicts resulted in reparations, and white peace was extremely rare. It seems now that any war that ends in terms harsher than white peace get labelled in an incredibly harsh light.

Would you, Ejay, support lesser terms given for these alliances? Would you, Ejay, support terms that were harsher than white peace, but not as harsh as these terms?

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