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Dear Archon


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[size="3"][font="Palatino Linotype"][right]Tuesday, January 25, 2011[/right]
Dear Archon,
Hi, my name is Schattenmann, I'm familiar with you, but I don't think we've ever met formally.

I'd like you to know that I've been a fan for a long time. As a member of GOONS, I always heard what cool guys you were, and good allies and everything. And of course when a lot of GOONS went to MK after the Unjust War I figured it must be so. I personally went to some pretty lame alliances after that war, I was doing the spy thing for Alastor and Sara. Knowing what cool guys you were, I was pretty bummed to see MK constantly getting its ass whipped for simply being who you are, for nothing more than your past associations.

As I entered into the next phase of my life in Vox Populi, I was happy to see MK begin to enter its own new phase. The beatdowns came less frequently, the blacklist effect seemed to be wearing off as you expanded your ally base. People began to line up behind you--myself included--and unlike the mushy-mouthed Ardus and Bob Janova, MK was positioned to make a real stand and courageous enough to be really independent. As we laid down the climate, Vox Populi put faith in the character of the Mushroom Kingdom, and its King. When Karma rolled out MK became the voice of Karma, and the Voice of Revolution became Karma's [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=55209"]cheering section[/url], make no mistake about that. To us, these words rang more clear and beautiful than any bell:[/font][/size]
[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1240293085' post='1436061']
You believe you can have your way without consequences in this world. That is not the case.
We are Karma incarnate, and we stand in solidarity here today to decree that this action shall not stand. You will pay for what you have done.[/quote][size="3"]
[font="Palatino Linotype"]
In the months after Karma, really almost immediately, people rolled out the "meet the Neo Hegemony, same as the old Hegemony" lines. Busy with my latest stage on Planet Bob, the Cult of Justitia, I regarded those people as desperate ex-Heg'ers doing their damnedest to get back into everyone's good graces. To me, the guys complaining about the Neo Hegemony were just the same idiots that had accused Vox Populi of trying to take control of the world, too. I ignored them. The Mushroom Kingdom that had done so much for this world was not out to play the evil menace, I reckoned. The Mushroom Kingdom that suffered the CB-less stomps, the political isolation, the bullying and slander would not take up the example of their former oppressors, I reasoned. In point of fact, as a man that saw what impassioned ideals can do, I bought a lot of stock in MK. When members of MK stopped GOONS's attempts to squeeze $90,000,000 from Cult of Justitia, I nodded to myself in self-affirmation; [i]that's the MK[/i], I said.

Nevertheless, for the past few months, I began to sense that I was being made a fool of. Not explicitly, not bold-faced. The slow erosion of MK began to make its way into my perceptions. Still, I made excuses. [i]It's because Archon has been gone so long. It's just a handful of vocal malefactors. It's just because the good guys like AirMe left. Voytek doesn't represent whole Kingdom.[/i] Tonight, though . . . well, Archon, I can't keep fooling myself. A man runs out of excuses when the King squats all over them.

Dear Archon, I've spoken volumes in the past few years, but Doitzel always had me beat in the poignancy department.[/font][/size]
[quote name='Doitzel' timestamp='1240548027' post='1458813']
This is what we face, what we struggle against: the two-faced spectre of injustice incarnated, a group of schoolyard bullies who act innocent when the headmaster strolls past, then punches the other students’ faces in when her back is turned. So they have done to countless alliances, and even now they continue to hold countless nations by the throat for relatively minor offenses. They fancy themselves the purveyors of all laws, imposing and enforcing rules of war, disallowing other alliances to practice certain activities, and setting territorial limits upon them.[/quote][size="3"][font="Palatino Linotype"]
For too long I have been the hapless headmaster. Indeed, most of the world has been ignorant, or willfully permissive. It's not bad influence allies, it's not your wayward princes, it's not a vocal few my idols, it's not anything. It is just who the Mushroom Kingdom is, without regard to the fuzzy feelings of the past.

The greatest advantage the Continuum and NPO had in the past was the ability of the masses to disregard their evil works in exchange for entertainment. And in this endeavour such shall be your advantage.
But for me, and for many others, the words of the Vox Dei ring clear across the ages:[/font][/size]
[quote name='Doitzel' timestamp='1242858637' post='1543237']
To the world at large, we give warning. This is not the end of the struggle, for the struggle which Vox Populi has embraced is unending. It is a struggle against those who would take what is not theirs, those who would take advantage of all situations, those who seek nothing but personal gain without heed to the needs, thoughts, feelings, and well-being of others. It is a struggle against the purest form of practicality and pragmatism, which drives man to covet without any attention to morality, justice, or fairness. It is a struggle that shall end only when our kind are wiped from the planet for it is something we are all capable of.

And that is our warning. Do not relax your guard against this mentality. Do not dismiss the possibility of its creeping up and overtaking yourself or those close to you. To fall victim to the idea that the ends always justify the means where the means is your own self-promotion is something that comes easy and silently, but seldom can be snuffed out. Maintain your watch, keep in check those of this mindset, and prepare yourself always for a time when we must again take arms against such a threat -- for that is what it is. It is a threat to all of us, each and every one, and wherever this philosophy takes root so takes root a danger for all that we hold dear, in our own ways, to be cast down at our feet.

This victory is not permanent, and those who fight not would do well to keep that in mind. Divisions are unavoidable, but remember that we are only as strong united as we are weak divided. Do not again allow ambitious powers to slowly pick off opposition, one-by-one, and hoodwink you into conceding. Stand your ground always, tall and true to your ideals. Never, ever, ever give in, for as long as there is one other by your side you shall have purpose. Remember always when you took on the forces of oppression and let the strength of that memory spur you on. We may forgive, but we should never forget. And should the time come that men cannot speak their dissent, should the time come that alliances' sovereignty is revoked, should the time come that communities are destroyed or repressed let those of noble spirit rise again to spearhead another Glorious Revolution against the darkness that engulfs them. [/quote]

[size="3"]We in Justitia's Cult are rather fond of Kool Aid, but tonight I drink from the MK punchbowl no more.
[right][font="Palatino Linotype"]
[size="3"]Yours truly,
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54743"]An Aggrieved Citizen[/url][/size][/font][/right]

Edited by Schattenmann
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I think you have what I had. That after the karma war people made MK out to be the knight in shining armor. Finally saving the damsel in distress from the evil clutches of NPO + Friends. However, I realized MK is MK. As much as some want them to be some knight they're just MK. They were this way before the war, it's only natural that they would be this way after the Karma war.

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Schatt, I've always enjoyed your topics and I find myself agreeing with a lot of what you have to say. A lot of us allowed yourselves to be fooled by MK. Like someone said before me, "the only thing that changes in CN are the names".

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Though I never for once believed MK to represent a bright future for the world, I read your words with total agreement. I still despise the NPO for the crap they pulled in the past, but this recent set of events by doomhouse takes the cake for utter shame. At least the NPO would manufacture a CB via some sort of espionage or shady tactics. Seems doomhouse didn't even have the aptitude to do that.

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I find a certain irony in tonight.
It was not love for Polaris that brought Vox together at the onset of the noCB War, or me to Vox (I hated Polaris) rather it was without regard for who it was happening to, only that it was happening again. Tonight, I cannot in honesty say I speak these words out of any particular passion for Pacifica, my old Nemesis, only I find that it is happening again.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1295938001' post='2599278']
Um, most of us just don't really give a !@#$ anymore, but if trying to fit our behaviour into traditional CN norms makes you happy, please continue.

OOC: Cya on the moon etc.
If you don't care anymore, why destroy that which others care for?

Many times in my childhood, I would try to play games with my family. Those games would end when one party stopped caring. When the rules and the play money meant nothing.

Politics is at times called a great game among nations, but with real soldiers instead of chessmen. If that's the case, I hate to see what happens when the 'smash the board' clique really takes hold.

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