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Dear Archon


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[color="#0000FF"]I was looking forward to this my friend. I would like to say, however, that not all of us dropped guard following Karma. I was perhaps one of the earlier of their critics, seeing them for what they were becoming during that war. May not of one you forget that I told you this was coming. What we have today was never an inevitability, however, but rather the product of our collective indifference, and our inability to put aside petty difference to stand together to preserve what we fought for.

But to many, the values embodied in Vox never meant a thing. They were merely rhetoric to be used by those who themselves desired what NPO had, and what it was able to do. Perhaps I'm just one of the fools who actually believed. Nevertheless, I have continued the fight and will continue it into the future for as long as I can bear.[/color]

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[quote name='Qaianna' timestamp='1295938287' post='2599295']
If you don't care anymore, why destroy that which others care for?

Many times in my childhood, I would try to play games with my family. Those games would end when one party stopped caring. When the rules and the play money meant nothing.

Politics is at times called a great game among nations, but with real soldiers instead of chessmen. If that's the case, I hate to see what happens when the 'smash the board' clique really takes hold.
We're just bad people.

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[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1295937634' post='2599249']
Or become friends with that villain.
We've always been a villain.

Edit: Everyone is a villain. It's all according to what side your on.

Edited by Feanor Noldorin
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[quote name='bkphysics' timestamp='1295937690' post='2599255']
Though I never for once believed MK to represent a bright future for the world, I read your words with total agreement. I still despise the NPO for the crap they pulled in the past, but this recent set of events by doomhouse takes the cake for utter shame. At least the NPO would manufacture a CB via some sort of espionage or shady tactics. Seems doomhouse didn't even have the aptitude to do that.

Wrong friend, at the late stages of the NPO they had to manufacture a CD, at the start of their climb to power there was none, with reasons such that "they are breathing our air". The wrongs of the NPO can never be made right, instead it falls to the few to stop the NPO from gaining the power to be able to abuse it ever again. We have seen Pacifica's true face and we resolved that we would not let it happen again. The newer nation rulers that were not around to see the most horrid atrocities committed by the NPO should not stand in judgment about what Doomhouse is doing or has done. Supposedly MK and friends are now just as bad as NPO has ever been is clearly just a mere one liner with no real truth behind it. Not once have we installed rulers into foreign governments to verify that they are not plotting against us or take control of their homes or control their foreign policy. It sickens me to see Planet Bob so forgetful and so forgiving to such an obvious malignant entity such as the New Pacific Order. MK has not become the monster, nor were we ever the White Knight, we just simply are who we have always been. Just simple folk trying to stick by our friends and having a good time.

When Karma finally came to the New Pacific Order, not all those that had been wronged by the NPO were given recompense, the time has come for the Order to be excised and it is sweet indeed.

edit: ramble ramble ramble

Edited by Floyd
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I don't think anyone for one second believed that MK was here to save the world, I did expect more from Archon than Everything must die.

Kiddies with social problems have been running the show for too long, they have a limited attention span and they have decided it is time to destroy everything. That's fine by me.

Hopefully we can all ascend this time.

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[quote name='Derwood1' timestamp='1295939621' post='2599376']
Oh god the melodrama just !@#$@#$ war would ya....jeez.
But what if eloquence is the spice that enhances the innate flavour of conflict? Would you decree that such cannot be? Or is it that others cannot enjoy the situation as they see fit?

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295938357' post='2599301']But to many, the values embodied in Vox never meant a thing. They were merely rhetoric to be used by those who themselves desired what NPO had, and what it was able to do. [/quote]

Though I and many have often disagreed with your positions, it is this, the fact that you believed and practiced the values which you preached that led I and many to respect Schattenmann and yourself. It is precisely those whom use embodied values as mere rhetoric to be discarded when no longer convenient whom now rule, and deserve no such respect.

[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1295939318' post='2599359']
I don't think anyone for one second believed that MK was here to save the world, I did expect more from Archon than Everything must die.

Kiddies with social problems have been running the show for too long, they have a limited attention span and they have decided it is time to destroy everything. That's fine by me.

Hopefully we can all ascend this time.

There in lies the problem, much as stated by others such as here:

[quote name='Qaianna' timestamp='1295938287' post='2599295']
If you don't care anymore, why destroy that which others care for?

Many times in my childhood, I would try to play games with my family. Those games would end when one party stopped caring. When the rules and the play money meant nothing.

Politics is at times called a great game among nations, but with real soldiers instead of chessmen. If that's the case, I hate to see what happens when the 'smash the board' clique really takes hold.[/quote]

Everyone expected more, but rather instead got maladjusted children who decide to smash every one else's things to entertain themselves at others expense whenever they lose interest. Thus we now witness a global "flip the board" by people who no longer care and are upset they can not take their toys home to ruin everyone else's day.


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[quote name='Floyd' timestamp='1295939012' post='2599344']
Wrong friend, at the late stages of the NPO they had to manufacture a CD, at the start of their climb to power there was none, with reasons such that "they are breathing our air".
Oh my god. That was like five years ago. And it was a joke. You know, a funny. Not serious. Not the actual CB. There was one! We posted it later! How do people still not know this???

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Well said, Schattenmann. However, your words fall on the deaf ears of the baying horde.

In July/August my alliance noticed a shift in MK's attitude and approached then to let them know we were considering cancelling our treaty because of thise shift in attitude. We were assured that there was no such hift and that we should retain the treaty. We decided to give them a chance to dispel our concerns. A month or so later they cancelled on us with no notice and then signed their current treaties.

Mushroom Kingdom membership has always been mostly infantile and with the attention span of a gnat on speed. It was the work of a few such as Archon, SirWilliam and MagicalTrevor who put a veneer or reliability over the bubbling mass of stupidity that their alliance consisted of. Once Archon began acting like the infantile masses of his membership the house of cards was going to come down pretty quickly.

There is little use pleading to Archon's conscience or anyone in Doomhouse. Attention should be turned to those outside their clique that wish to continue to exist on this planet without the tantrums of petulant children.

Edited by Tygaland
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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1295941681' post='2599497']
Mushroom Kingdom membership has always been mostly infantile and with the attention span of a gnat on speed. It was the work of a few such as Archon, SirWilliam and MagicalTrevor who put a veneer or reliability over the bubbling mass of stupidity that their alliance consisted of. Once Archon began acting like the infantile masses of his membership the house of cards was going to come down pretty quickly.
When you stare into the MKss, the MKss stares back into you. Archon clearly couldn't handle it.

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1295942053' post='2599510']
Once upon a time, under a different incarnation, I took NPO's side. Then they $%&@ed me in the ear and I discovered what utter dickheads NPO leadership are. So honestly Schatt, I don't give a damn what happens to the NPO. I would care if it was anyone but them.

What happened to turning the other cheek? More hypocrisy I guess.

Edited by Charles Stuart
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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1295942053' post='2599510']
Once upon a time, under a different incarnation, I took NPO's side. Then they $%&@ed me in the ear and I discovered what utter dickheads NPO leadership are. So honestly Schatt, I don't give a damn what happens to the NPO. I would care if it was anyone but them.

You spied against them for the OP ;P, Stop being melodramatic.

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Great read and very well written Schatt.

I guess we got what a lot of us were asking for. War. Some way or another.

"Who needs a CB? Just attack for the heck of it. There's your war."

I remember myself saying that at some point or another in the past 6 months or so, and now I rather wish I hadn't. As bad as NPO was in the past, does destroying them mean that much to some of you? You literally just became what you hated them for: killing alliances because you don't like them or you find them dangerous, without real cause to kill them. Wouldn't letting them live actually make the game more interesting in the long run? Or are you afraid you won't be strong enough in the long run to take them down again if they went back to their old ways? Whatever the case, I disagree with your current course of action, and I hope you are keeping in mind what this game has already taught us. "What goes around, comes around."

Edit: grammar.

Edited by Silver Empress
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