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A Global Announcement from the United Earth Directorate

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[quote name='Crazyman93' timestamp='1297894039' post='2635985']
My history lesson says that it was only because NPO couldn't stand not being the biggest Alliance on Red.

Keep rewriting history (You were never more than 100 nations). Or should I also mention the complete fail of UED regarding KDII with wF or any of the backdoor politics King Death II tried with RoK regarding Red Dawn in its formation of the treaty. Reviving a failed alliance with the same leadership is just another failure waiting to happen.

Edited by Zeta Defender
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[quote name='Crazyman93' timestamp='1297894039' post='2635985']
My history lesson says that it was only because NPO couldn't stand not being the biggest Alliance on Red.
That must be one of them there alternate history books. :rolleyes:

[quote name='King Death II' timestamp='1297895804' post='2636012']
At our peak we were around 700k NS with like 120 members. We were the 2nd largest red team alliance for quite some time and a large annoyance to NPO
You were a large annoyance to everyone but NPO. Remember all those wild rants that NPO was going to destroy us all and that's why they had to be excluded from Red unity? Here I am; NPO votes our Senator into office every month.

I mean good luck, there's no possible way that you couldn't have matured in the past year, but if you're just going to pick up where you left off . . . yeah, just, good luck.

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This UED won't make it far. Why? Because we all know King Death is rather incendiary and Int has a way of dropping allies if ODN tells them too if the alliance in question is now more trouble than its worth. Of course TGE wasn't more trouble than it was worth, it was just there. However if UED isn't worth it in the grand scheme of things, which I assure you will be the case, Int will inevitably drop you. Or ODN, whatever, same thing.

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[quote name='Joe Stupid' timestamp='1297911091' post='2636268']
When will people learn that just because you can, doesn't mean you SHOULD make your own alliance.

Yeah, tell me about it. I wonder who the retard is who made RoK. Or made any of your FA decisions. Or led you in your wars. Or did anything related to any alliance in any way over the past 3 months.

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