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Pacifica: Really? come out and play


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I didn't want to bother posting in here but...

[quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1297371842' post='2628271']
Oh hey this again.

Lets talk about those lovely nations in Umbrella, Mushroom Kingdom, and GOONS that are currently "hiding" in peace mode. Those 100 and something nations should be cowards to? Aaah the fun.
That's funny. You should actually look into what nations are in peace mode before saying something stupid again. Here's a reminder of what you should be looking for in Doomhouse:

[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1297369583' post='2628228']
top 74 nations hide in peace mode.

Edited by Stalk
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[quote name='Stalk' timestamp='1297376272' post='2628354']
I didn't want to bother posting in here but...

That's funny. You should actually look into what nations are in peace mode before saying something stupid again. Here's a reminder of what you should be looking for in Doomhouse:


Not sure I see the difference. Pacifica's just... bigger...

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Stay in peace mode Pacifica, coming out may make this war fun for everyone and that is a position I cannot stomach. In fact you should stop fighting back all together. IRON is now an anti-fun alliance. EVERYTHING MUST BE BORING.

Threads like this are ridiculous it is a credible military strategy which I am sure NPO's allies have no qualms about.

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Dear mr angry Umbrella poster starting this thread...

Im sorry that NPO didn't want to play your game of letting you stomp them for laughs today... they are indeed not very nice and I will be talking to them personally about their antics.

I am sure when the day comes that CN decide to overthrow its new "all powerfull" leaders within the New Pandoran Order that you will all proudly stay in war mode durring the ride down to oblivion.

Warm Regards


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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1297369583' post='2628228'] Face the consequences of your past. Your past reflects your present and your future. Coming out of pm is the first step. Time to prove to your allies you aren't just using them.

**My opinions are my own opinions, not Umbrella or Dh. Have a problem with what I have said, I have 3 defensive slots available, take your pick. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT : D
What the heck was karma then? I await the day it comes time for you to face consequences of your actions. You're just throwing a tantrum you don't get things your way, deal with it. As an ally of NPO and one who still is at 50% my ns from pre karma beat downs I support holding out against such immature opponents. We're done building you guys up (what between TPF and NPO 400,000 tech?) just to deal with more temper tantrums when you get bored. No you don't get that toy today, sit in your cart and be quiet.

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1297379600' post='2628419']
The thread wasn't a great idea, but kwell said it was just him talking.
I've yet to see anything from you that would suggest his little tantrum was any different than the actual policy. Feel free to correct anything he messed up.

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[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1297379736' post='2628421']
I've yet to see anything from you that would suggest his little tantrum was any different than the actual policy. Feel free to correct anything he messed up.

What? We do want NPO to come out of PM. It's known, however, that they're staying there for reason, making this kind of thread unnecessary.

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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1297369583' post='2628228']
As Allies of NPO come to her defense, while NPO's top 74 nations hide in peace mode. Friends don't hide in in pm when their allies are fighting for them. There is no strategy in this cowardly tactic. This is tossing allies into the flame to watch them burn. NPO, consider yourself lucky that your allies came to your aid, hopefully they have seen your true character this time around. Who needs enemies when you they have friends who will toss them into the flames to save your own skin?[/quote]

Kept reading after this paragraph but all the eye-rolling made it difficult to pay attention afterwards.

This argument is stupid because everyone over a certain limit is in peace mode, not just NPO. Derp. AAnyone over that certain NS who is not in peace mode decided to have their own personal fun, or wasn't following orders, or wasn't active enough to get there in time. These threads have been successively made dumb by the successive deployments of higher an dhigher NS ranges. Last week it was everyone over 35k, now it's everyone over whatever. Get a clue.

As for not letting allies burn, ohhhhh boy what a whopper! Sparta got it's dumb ass thrown to the wolves in this war and just last month the same happened to NEW.

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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1297369583' post='2628228']
As Allies of NPO come to her defense, while NPO's top 74 nations hide in peace mode. Friends don't hide in in pm when their allies are fighting for them. There is no strategy in this cowardly tactic. This is tossing allies into the flame to watch them burn. NPO, consider yourself lucky that your allies came to your aid, hopefully they have seen your true character this time around. Who needs enemies when you they have friends who will toss them into the flames to save your own skin?

This is the difference between the new hegemony and the old hegemony: the new hegemony values its allies and has burned for them time after time while the old hegemony was in power. NPO's past actions have driven them into this political landscape. Don't pity them for they deserve this. What I fail to understand is why NPO's allies let their upper tier suffer the wraith of the combined forces DH, CnG, among others when NPO is hiding every nation above 39,500 ns in pm. This shows that NPO values its allies as meat shields who they can toss into the flames as they sit back in pm.

I argue that they should be held to the same standard as they held Fan: 2 years of war. If memory serves me correctly, NPO told fan that every nation must fight 2 rounds before peace can be discussed (or something to that affect). FAN spent over two years while you held them captive. I proclaim why shouldn't NPO be held to their standard that they set? Bullies become bullied.

Its time to come out and play, your allies have taken enough damage in your defense as you sit back and watch. Face the consequences of your past. Your past reflects your present and your future. Coming out of pm is the first step. Time to prove to your allies you aren't just using them.

**My opinions are my own opinions, not Umbrella or Dh. Have a problem with what I have said, I have 3 defensive slots available, take your pick. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT : D

Yah he mad. [img]http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/467/nsosmugsmall.png[/img]

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1297379501' post='2628416']
"Every. Must. Die. We will destroy you, there will be no peace for you and every last one of you will be ground into ZI..."
"Why won't you come out of peace mode?"
I can't believe that I agree with something you say. (I assume you are making fun of DH)

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If they think that we are going to let them get peace with all these people in peace mode they are sorely mistaken.

I am enjoying fighting in the lower tiers getting my slots filled with aid non-stop, allowing me to fight in perpetuity, while my NPO opponents aren't getting anything and run out of money and infra. If this keeps up eventually all our upper tier people will be able to sit in war mode growing normally sending out aid, while still ending up with a lot more money from their collections than the NPO guys just breaking even in peace mode.

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