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What is your proudest moment?

Emperor Whimsical

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1292437404' post='2540266']
Don't lie, it was when Jay Z named you the most powerful man in CN.

Well, if I was forced to pick, I would go with being the first non-Genmayer to be elected to high leadership. I think that signified a turn from being considered a reformation to having a more independent identity.

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After I had realised that Gre on its death ride against IRON could not only hold off Old Guards counter, but without any significant change of plan continue to crush IRON whilst ripping OG appart and still have the capacity to take on any other comers,
after arranging for FARK to scrape off Zenith from our banks, and shortly before I knew that our operation's were to tear our opponents new ass-holes all over the shop

to then be invited into a meeting with IRON, OG and Zenith's leadership for them to ask if Gre was willing to surrender, knowing they were deadly serious, and be able to respond with a simple NUTS!!! before leaving the channel made me :D

to several weeks later see that same response being used on mass by the other side as an attempt to troll the discussion of the initial surrender terms Priceless

for those who get a hard on over such things

[quote]Session Start: Tue Feb 09 23:18:02 2010
Session Ident: #piot
03[23:18] * Now talking in #piot
03[23:18] * ChanServ sets mode: +oa Synth_FG Synth_FG
01[23:18] <&Synth_FG> you guys want to talk
[23:19] <@Kzoppistan[Zenith]> Hello there, Synth_FG
[23:19] <@Kzoppistan[Zenith]> Thanks for meeting with us.
01[23:19] <&Synth_FG> no problem what can i do for you
[23:19] <&ET[OG]> good evening
[23:20] <@Kzoppistan[Zenith]> Well, we've decided that we've been battling long enough to at least start some diplomatic talks between us.
[23:21] <@Kzoppistan[Zenith]> So in the interests of time, I'll just lay it out on the table.
01[23:21] <&Synth_FG> ok
[23:22] <@Kzoppistan[Zenith]> As it stands now, I think it's clear that IRON, OG, and Zenith have an advantage on you. We would like to offer mutually acceptable terms for you to consider.
01[23:22] <&Synth_FG> Nuts!!!!
Session Close: Tue Feb 09 23:22:31 2010

Edited by SynthFG
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In the opening acts of what would be the BiPolar War, coining the plan to have RnR and GOD hit NSO with GOD's Top 40 in PM to deny IRON a target. While I never could have predicted IRON's response to it, I like to think it played a significant part in how easily that war was won.

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1292460383' post='2540523']
FIghting Legion was a hell of a good time. I remember just how happy Hoo was when he could finally declare on Legion. :D

Sorry to point this out but Hoo was not a member of Ragnarok during the karma war.

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[quote name='We Are Not Alone' timestamp='1292460512' post='2540524']
Sorry to point this out but Hoo was not a member of Ragnarok during the karma war.

Now Bob is just gonna tell you that he was talking about Nemesis at the time and it's gonna go downhill from there.

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(In chronological order)
First time was when the UPN recruitment team, under my leadership won the best recruitment team of the year 2009.
When the UPN recruitment team, under my leadership won the contest with ODN.
Having a blast with RnR, LOUD, in Karma and Cluster**** war. :D
Finally, founding DRAGON, and watching its progress, through the months. :)

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1292434818' post='2540241']
Well my proudest moment I wasn't directly tied to. I'd say it was Soldier and not so much Soldier itself but the strong members within it. When I stupidly disbanded it, those in WFF carried on its name in a way and are doing a good job finding their way in this game. I'm very proud for them, makes it seem like I wasn't a complete failure who just pops on here to post things.
Awww, we do what we can(not that I was a big part of Soldier). Thanks for the kind words, and drop by sometime :)

I suppose my proudest moment was firing my first nuke, which was in a war I had a role in getting us in on.

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[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1292407531' post='2540113']
Helping the ICSN and ICP to merge back in August 2006, but most of all fighting for GATO in the GATO-1V War.
Same. I'm very proud of leaving the CPCN to assist GATO and staying through for the whole curbstomp.

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[quote name='Zessa' timestamp='1292448994' post='2540351']
I had a gypsy curse for years and it's gone now.
So does that mean you lost your soul?



I'm with greenacres. I don't get how you could have pride because of a videogame.

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[quote name='Auctor' timestamp='1292422879' post='2540168']
Nueva Sangre, for more reasons than one.

Writing the RoA-TFD ODP would be a close second.

Nueva Sangre is definitely an awesome thing to be proud of - the past successes and future promises are surely something to be excited about...
...but I've always wanted to find out who the author of that epic treaty was. You sir, are my hero. :awesome:

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* Leading FOK during the Unjust War. We had a great blitz on NTO and had the only surrender on the ~ side (-AiD-).

* Being part of the Karma movement. We really had a blast in the months leading up to Karma.

* Starting iFOK and watching it grow...4.5M in less than 2 years isn't that bad.

* I was very proud of the fact that FOK (and later iFOK) attacked NpO in the BiPolar War, even though a lot of people told us it was stupid because we supposedly didn't have enough NS on our side.

* Getting all the alliances together for Pandora's Box.

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These are all tied (:P):

I was proud as I watched NpO take a humiliating tumble down the ranks without putting up [i]any[/i] kind of a fight.
I was proud to be in the coalition channel during Karma and to watch everyone (kind of) come together against NPO... although not quite so proud of what went on in that channel.
I'm proud to have been able to stir things up a bit... although that won't be going on for much longer.
I remain proud of my bloc and how we all seem to do the right things. I'm proud of how SF has fought together in both defeat and in victory, and I'm proud of how we've carried ourselves since the BiPolar war. Where we could have taken advantage of our position in the world, we haven't.
I'm proud of the people in CSN and the hard work they put into their home.

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A whole load of stuff surrounding the Karma War. It was a clear case of ~good and evil~ and I was on the side of the good guys, fighting for what I believed. I came within 200 infra of ZI for VE in that war, after taking sixteen nukes. I'm pretty proud I came out with my involvement in Vox too.

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Karma ... almost everything apart from the political back-games relating to the IRON front, which albeit necessary was dirty and not at all to be proud of. In particular, the cross-declarations I arranged during the day when IRON was attacking us, and anarchying the IRON nation who attacked me before he managed to get any GAs off. (I was F5ing my GA screen watching for him to deploy ... and I bet he remembered to buy GCs in the next war too :awesome: .) Seeing CNA ('NORAD') used in serious combat was pretty awesome, too.

@Haf and Greenacres: I disagree with you. It's perfectly normal to take pride in playing a game well and helping 'your team' 'win'. If I weaved past three defenders and scored a brilliant goal then I'd be proud of that, too, particularly if it won a match for my team. Computer games which are multiplayer are the same.

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