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Announcement from the New Sith Order


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[quote name='andrew734' timestamp='1284332446' post='2451603']
meh good riddance beat us too it, and i guess the ripping of R&R over on their forums was just a hoax that our gov lead us to do right. well oh well im glad to see it gone, enjoy your next screw up resulting in getting rolled

Yes it was, honestly R&R and TOP have been working together in making IRON a puppet for some time now... true story, just ask NSO ;)

Also, haflinger, why an end too that line of defense? RoK doesn't call the shot's in R&R and we where never requested by IRON to join so they could stay neutral, nor was that ever a part of our consideration. So because Hoo read some comment not even directed at him as a plea from IRON to find a way to remain neutral it automatically makes it true?

Just look across these boards for NSO'ers talking about R&R, really NSO itself was more then reason enough for us to join in :)

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1284333239' post='2451630']
[color="#0000FF"]Oh, I won't be forgetting this either. I've quite a few choice words to say about TORN mind you. When I've got your alliance it's throat, don't expect me to be kind. You will be begging me for mercy.[/color]

Sonny, that fanciful day will never happen, and you will find out just how powerful I truly am if you ever do try it. We've heard it all before. You've yet to realize anything yet.

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[quote name='dvdcchn' timestamp='1284333401' post='2451636']
talk to LintWad and Lennox, you were not around

as for the complete logs, no one, including myself seem to have them. well i guess hoo does, you believed him over IRON. but like it was said, no love loss here, and good riddance.
From my understanding this stemmed from more than just the bit Hoo mentioned earlier. Insofar as the NSO is concerned, I believe Hoo demonstrated the value of his word in the last war. Not so sure they necessarily believed him over IRON.

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[quote name='andrew734' timestamp='1284332446' post='2451603']
meh good riddance beat us too it, and i guess the ripping of R&R over on their forums was just a hoax that our gov lead us to do right. well oh well im glad to see it gone, enjoy your next screw up resulting in getting rolled
I would rather be rolled for taking an action to have fun, then being known throughout the community as the designated meatshield.

You can have your laughs, we'll have ours.

Edited by Chron
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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1284333681' post='2451648']
Just look across these boards for NSO'ers talking about R&R, really NSO itself was more then reason enough for us to join in :)
NSO doesn't really talk about RnR very often, and as far as I know doesn't have any strongly negative opinion of RnR in general, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

People like to imagine we do and say things we don't a lot, though, so I'm not very surprised.

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Let's see.

Propaganda that IRON is just TOP's puppet. Check.
Propaganda that IRON is just R&R's puppet. Check.
Claims that IRON asked R&R to declare war on NSO to avoid defending NSO. Hoo kind of substantiates, but R&R denies it.

I'm not quite sure how IRON can be TOP [i]and[/i] R&R's puppet, considering they're not allies themselves. For additional claims about IRON, I'd like to see some actual evidence.

Anyway, I like this cancellation. It was an annoying treaty anyway.

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1284334633' post='2451680']
Claims that IRON asked R&R to declare war on NSO to avoid defending NSO. Hoo kind of substantiates, but R&R denies it.[/quote]

I have never claimed that R&R were approached by IRON. As far as I know, they were not.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1284334612' post='2451677']
And you have fun with your next foray into relevance.

Don't worry, I'll be having fun with my [i]irrelevance[/i] while you and NSO have your backsides handed to you in your next plea for attention.

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1284334633' post='2451680']
Let's see.

Propaganda that IRON is just TOP's puppet. Check.
Propaganda that IRON is just R&R's puppet. Check.
Claims that IRON asked R&R to declare war on NSO to avoid defending NSO. Hoo kind of substantiates, but R&R denies it.

[b]I'm not quite sure how IRON can be TOP [i]and[/i] R&R's puppet,[/b] considering they're not allies themselves. For additional claims about IRON, I'd like to see some actual evidence.

Anyway, I like this cancellation. It was an annoying treaty anyway.

Must be a pretty big .. puppet hole .. :ph34r:

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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1284333681' post='2451648']
Also, haflinger, why an end too that line of defense? RoK doesn't call the shot's in R&R and we where never requested by IRON to join so they could stay neutral, nor was that ever a part of our consideration. So because Hoo read some comment not even directed at him as a plea from IRON to find a way to remain neutral it automatically makes it true?
You mean, your MADP partner launches a war, asks you to join in, and you're going to stay out?

Come on, let's face it. If you're IRON planning on betraying NSO by getting R&R to give you an excuse to stay neutral, the last person you're going to tell is R&R government. You're allied to them. You don't want them to know this is how IRON treats its allies. You're going to tell someone else who has the power to get R&R to give you that excuse.

[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1284332553' post='2451608']
Looks to me like IRON got given a nice gift here. They're generally pretty good allies (too good, one might say – IRON's 'hegemonic' nature was generally actions taken at the request of less scrupulous allies), and would undoubtedly have provided cash and kept a military tie that would probably have got them into trouble in the future.
Look, assuming that IRON did in fact get into trouble on NSO's account, it would be only payback for what NSO already endured thanks to IRON's preemptive strike against C&G which NSO attempted to prevent.

Let's not get into the revisionism too much here. The fact is that NSO lost half its NS directly because of an action that IRON took that NSO advised against, all because IRON did not want to attack a Superfriends member.

Edited by Haflinger
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[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1284334741' post='2451685']I have never claimed that R&R were approached by IRON. As far as I know, they were not.[/quote]
Then I retract it. What exactly did you mean with your previous post? That R&R wanted to join to avoid IRON getting hit, and that R&R was doing it of their own volition?

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[quote name='Davian Thule' timestamp='1284334755' post='2451686']
Don't worry, I'll be having fun with my [i]irrelevance[/i] while you and NSO have your backsides handed to you in your next plea for attention.
The funny thing is we don't do stuff as pleas for attention, we do it for the random giggles of it. The reactions are always just a bonus.

Well, I guess one can't help but be fine with irrelevance when a lack of pride is considered a critical part of foreign policy.

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[quote name='Davian Thule' timestamp='1284334755' post='2451686']
Don't worry, I'll be having fun with my [i]irrelevance[/i] while you and NSO have your backsides handed to you in your next plea for attention.
It should be pretty obvious by now that attention seeks us out whether or not we seek it out.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1284334896' post='2451692']
The funny thing is we don't do stuff as pleas for attention, we do it for the random giggles of it. The reactions are always just a bonus.

Well, I guess one can't help but be fine with irrelevance when a lack of pride is considered a critical part of foreign policy.
I actually have a lot of pride in myself and my alliance.

Also, did you see that, "random giggles." Like I said, you're just looking for attention.

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1284334856' post='2451691']
Then I retract it. What exactly did you mean with your previous post? That R&R wanted to join to avoid IRON getting hit, and that R&R was doing it of their own volition?

We chose to request R&R's assistance based on the comments I received. We were already going to bring an alliance in to help with a handful of mid-range targets. Since it was hinted that IRON would stay out if that alliance happened to be R&R, then it made the most strategic sense for that alliance to be R&R.

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1284334856' post='2451691']
Then I retract it. What exactly did you mean with your previous post? That R&R wanted to join to avoid IRON getting hit, and that R&R was doing it of their own volition?
The gist is that IRON leaked it to Hoo that as long as R&R was in the initial attacking force, they would stay neutral.

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