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His Imperial Majesty's Most Gracious Speech


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[b][size=8]His Imperial Majesty's Most Gracious Speech to the Body Republic of the Order[/size][/b]

Delivered on Friday, this 28th Day of August, in the 2010th Year of Our Lord before the Assembled BODY REPUBLIC on the 6th Anniversary of the August Revolution.

My Imperial Officers, and Members of the Body Republic - Comrades all:

Seven years ago, before this Planet was born, a greater movement sprung from the despotic corpse of [i]the[/i] Pacific. And behold from within the corpse that Francos Spain slew was a young, vibrant people with a revolutionary spirit, whose cause and calling would cause empires to fall and new worlds, like this one, to tremble.

The ideals of Francos Spain were sung by the greatest poets of the day, and Pacificans, controlling [i]the[/i] Pacific for the first time in history, beat back the tides of foreigners and created a State based on their ideals.

We are the heirs to that State.

Francoism means many things and teaches us many things, but it also teaches us that we are not Gods. We are not perfect, and though in striving to better ourselves we may touch the face of perfection it is not something we can ever grasp, for we're human. And as humans, we have made mistakes.

However, whereas the last time an Emperor addressed the Body Republic we were well reminded of our some of our past mistakes, for strongly we felt the burdens of reparations and the chains of slavery that our Karma conquerors had put upon us, today we are reminded that not only are we human in our mistakes, but also human in our victories. For as some lesser men may have crumbled, we have thrived. Whereas some may have forsook our right to power, we have stood tall again on the world stage. And whereas some may had repeated mistakes whose lessons were not learned, we have steered clear of all evil and built ourselves a new empire of peace, strength, and prosperity.

My fellow Pacificans, the tasks before us for this year:

[list][*]First: The People's Government will close all non-essential offices between the August Revolution and the Day of Order for the Feast of Pacific Revolution. The next five days are to be devoted to the celebration of our people, our accomplishment, and to carry out various changes in the People's Government.

[*]The People's Government will continue the great task of restoring our technology to our nations and lessening the gap between us and others.

[*]The People's Government will continue to provide for the dissemination of our great Culture, our great Ideas and our Literature, Art and Media.

[*]The People's Government will further hone our great war machine to deal with all eventualities: battles against both weak and strong enemies. We will possess more military wonders than any other alliance in the world.

[*]The People's Government will continue to build the Red Sphere into a secure and economically prosperous region through multilateral agreements such as the Red Dawn Treaty, and we will resolve the terrorist threat to the Sphere.

[*]The People's Government will treat with civility all peoples and all alliances, and we will offer an olive branch to any peoples who come to us in sincerity, but will be prepared to drop that branch and clench an iron fist against any who may oppose us.

[*]My Regent looks forward to hosting the Fantabulous Ball to open the Feast of the Pacific Revolution.

[*]Other measures may be laid before you[/list]

The Revolution is far from over; that only ends when the Order ends itself.

Let us remember the words of Francos Spain: peace, strength, and prosperity. Let there be peace upon any people who wish peace with us. Let there be strength in arms and strength of moral character to see what is right and do what is right unto Pacific and the world over. Let there be prosperity among our people, such that we may defend ourselves against those who wish us evil and defend our friends who wish us good.

My Officers and Members of the Body Republic:

Hail the Body Republic!

I pray that the blessing of Almighty Admin may rest upon your counsels.

[i]Emperor Blackbird
New Pacific Order
Comrades Chuckles[/i]


[url=http://radio.pacificorder.net/commercials/Revolution2010.mp3]Click to listen to the speech![/url]

Edited by Cortath
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Nice speech.

One thing I was always curious about, what are you revolving from? It seems like every day there is a revolution in NPO. Shoot, drop a glass and there's a revolution. So I have to ask, what exactly is it that you all are revolving into or away from?

Also, perhaps this is simply semantics, but doesn't revolution imply a full circle sort of thing? The overturning of one existing order for another might be called a revolution, I suppose, but what order has been overturned for a new one? And would a full revolution involve, after disposing of the last order, returning to a previous order at some point? Why, if you revolved only [i]half-way[/i], that would be an [i]evolution[/i]! So is it like a merry-go-'round of chaos or...?

Er, nevermind, congrats and all that.

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Nice speech. I like this part the best:

[quote]The People's Government will treat with civility all peoples and all alliances, and we will offer an olive branch to any peoples who come to us in sincerity, but will be prepared to drop that branch and clench an iron fist against any who may oppose us.[/quote]

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The citizens of Huyuma sends their warm congratulations to the New Pacific Order on reaching their anniversary and hope they enjoy the celebrations. They also sends 200 crates of beers to help them along the way during their celebrations.

Edited by Swanfield
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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1283026384' post='2434058']
Nice speech.

One thing I was always curious about, what are you revolving from? It seems like every day there is a revolution in NPO. Shoot, drop a glass and there's a revolution. So I have to ask, what exactly is it that you all are revolving into or away from?

Also, perhaps this is simply semantics, but doesn't revolution imply a full circle sort of thing? The overturning of one existing order for another might be called a revolution, I suppose, but what order has been overturned for a new one? And would a full revolution involve, after disposing of the last order, returning to a previous order at some point? Why, if you revolved only [i]half-way[/i], that would be an [i]evolution[/i]! So is it like a merry-go-'round of chaos or...?

Er, nevermind, congrats and all that.

Whilst the political term "Revolution" did originate from the semantic meaning of the word revolve that means a turn around, it has now pretty much evolved into a more separate concept describing extensive change in power structure. Therefore, when we use the word, we are not actually talking about cycling around something, we are talking about the "change" form of revolution.

Constant revolution therefore means embracing a constant change and adaptation. The Order prides itself as a meritocracy, and the enemy of any meritocracy is the entrenchment of the "status quo" and special interests. The NPO will therefore regard little as sacred, and will institute whatever changes are necessary to serve the collective material good, so far as we are able to judge it correctly.

On a more practical basis, it means a culture of self-examination and challenging existing practices to see if they can be improved and made more efficient - without being content with something that is merely adequate.

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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1283030459' post='2434141']
Whilst the political term "Revolution" did originate from the semantic meaning of the word revolve that means a turn around, it has now pretty much evolved into a more separate concept describing extensive change in power structure. Therefore, when we use the word, we are not actually talking about cycling around something, we are talking about the "change" form of revolution.

Constant revolution therefore means embracing a constant change and adaptation. The Order prides itself as a meritocracy, and the enemy of any meritocracy is the entrenchment of the "status quo" and special interests. The NPO will therefore regard little as sacred, and will institute whatever changes are necessary to serve the collective material good, so far as we are able to judge it correctly.

On a more practical basis, it means a culture of self-examination and challenging existing practices to see if they can be improved and made more efficient - without being content with something that is merely adequate.

Thanks for the well written reply.

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The day when world history changed course: when tyranny met its end, when freedom reigned, and when a great journey began. And a day that continues to shape the course of history year after year: that causes tyranny to shake in all its forms, that advances the cause of freedom to every corner of the known world, and that takes the journey beyond what our revolutionary forefathers could ever have imagined.

Hail Pacifica!
Hail Franco!
Glory to the Emperor!

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It's plain to see for a new nation that Pacifica is a leading light of organisation. The insight that an ideology, if not based on the prevailing material conditions is irrelevant and acting on that insight is both simple and genius.

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