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BAPS response to UPN

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='14 June 2010 - 03:51 AM' timestamp='1276483891' post='2336674']
those purple alliances calling for BAPS to destroy UPN are not exactly helping matters at all and instead letting your own personal selfish feelings get in the way of trying to fix your sphere. now, not saying that fixing your sphere is necessary but if you wish to want to claim some semblance of Purple Unity, actively calling for the destruction of a purple alliance does not in the least look like you are. ([b]now i know Stickmen, at least iFOK are purple but they actively try to destroy purple as it is[/b], so they don't really count. UPN just messed up and seems to have a different political outlook then most of ya'll. though iirc Hydra left PEACE and did not receive this much flak for leaving PEACE, though i am sure they left on better terms.)

Oh no, our plan has been uncovered. We want to kill purple so we can have all of the trades for ourselves! Oh wait a minute. If Purple is destroyed there won't be any trades left. Mhhhhhhh well then, I guess it was all a set-up by the masterpuppeteer FOK. Yes, YES YES muahah!! That must be it, you are so clever Dochartaigh.

Get out.

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While I can understand the points of view that fighting an all out war for a month would be pointless damage, I think that at least one alliance wants to fight such a destructive war against the other as their response to the duel offer and the responses in this thread show their is reason to do it. Either UPN takes BAPS up on the challenge where they still have a numbers advantage and do as much damage as they can while taking it in or people will continue wanting to see a war involving UPN that could turn out worse than a 1 vs 1.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' date='13 June 2010 - 09:37 PM' timestamp='1276479445' post='2336599']
2 billion should be plenty unless the war lasts months and months. I started Karma at about 100,000 NS, 12,000+ infra,6600 tech. I fought all out every day for all but about 2 weeks when I was finally able to get to PM after 48 days of war, all of it at least 1 vs 3 with a 1 vs 5 first round. I was nuked, GA's,bombed etc the max amount possible every single day until about the last 5 days of the last cycle before I was able to get to PM. I also rebought and nuked, spied, air and ground attacked all my opponents every day including rebuying quite a bit of infra to stay at 1000. I had to collect 2 times in Nuke anarchy, which was of course basically nothing.

After all that I still spent only about 700 million during all of the time I fought in Karma, I don't remember exactly be it was well over 60 days, probably closer to 80. That includes fighing several more 1 vs 3 rounds after leaving PM.

With the right trades you can get back from 0 to 12,000 infra for 1.2 billion dollars. So you might not be able to get back to 20k infra and 140k NS, but you should be able to get back to being a pretty sizeable nation (80k+) after only 30 days of war with the tech level someone starting with 11,000+ tech should have left at the end of 30 days.

It's worth noting that since the Karma War, spy ops have been changed so that they can destroy 10 times as much money as before. Over 50 days of war you could lose up to a billion dollars to spies, which is pretty considerable.

Edited by Lord Brendan
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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='14 June 2010 - 07:13 PM' timestamp='1276506808' post='2337046']
Oh no, our plan has been uncovered. We want to kill purple so we can have all of the trades for ourselves! Oh wait a minute. If Purple is destroyed there won't be any trades left. Mhhhhhhh well then, I guess it was all a set-up by the masterpuppeteer FOK. Yes, YES YES muahah!! That must be it, you are so clever Dochartaigh.

Get out.

I was onto you from the start, Arexes. :mad:


EDIT: Sentences

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[quote]Which is why even after all of his mouthing off and such he wont stand up and go thru with his wager(sell down to 110k ns,DoW 3 wars offensivly for a 6v1, and then rebuild and get voted to senate), just like UPN[/quote]

It's really quite simple and quite clear:

(1) First round of war is lined up. BAPS is commmitted to 2nd, 3rd and 4th rounds.

(2) I sell down (if necessary -- obviously I'd hate to sell down if, e.g., Oink was one of the nations interested). The fun starts July 1.

AirMe is on it for #1. I assume BAPS is totally up for 2nd-4th rounds, though I'll have to confirm.

Edited to add parenthetical

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[quote name='Alterego' date='14 June 2010 - 02:02 AM' timestamp='1276495336' post='2336941']They are going to be in C&G before you know it. Londos willingness to get to know them shows this
You're so cute sometimes.

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[quote name='Alterego' date='14 June 2010 - 01:02 AM' timestamp='1276495336' post='2336941']
Our offer was genuine. they openy said they knew their offer wouldnt be accepted
Whos zooming who? as they say.[/quote]

and you guys actually thought UPN would accept yours? i doubt that. ya'll seem to intelligent for that. so you did to them, what they did to you. UPN's challenge would not have resulted in mutual destruction as your challenge does though. That does not show any kind of support of the Purple Sphere nor any of the crap ya'll claim to espouse to when it comes to the Purple sphere. instead, as i stated before, it only shows that BAPS is more than willing to put their vindictive grudges in front of the Purple Sphere.

[quote]We are not the flag alliance of PEACE.[/quote]

I apologize for my error. that whole PEACE/Poseidon/Pegasus construct is utterly confusing to most.

[quote]UPNs political outlook is avoiding and war that can hurt them, even at the expense of allies. They are going to be in C&G before you know it. Londos willingness to get to know them shows this

From what i was told (could not actually recall this), they did fight RnR in this last war on behest of Polaris. so while you may think they avoid wars, maybe they just avoid going to war with those who insult them. I have no idea how long this whole UPN thing has been going on, but i doubt one war could lead to this kind of hostility between UPN and several other alliances.

[quote name='kriekfreak' date='14 June 2010 - 04:13 AM' timestamp='1276506808' post='2337046']
Oh no, our plan has been uncovered. We want to kill purple so we can have all of the trades for ourselves! Oh wait a minute. If Purple is destroyed there won't be any trades left. Mhhhhhhh well then, I guess it was all a set-up by the masterpuppeteer FOK. Yes, YES YES muahah!! That must be it, you are so clever Dochartaigh.

Get out.

oh yes, cuz all your actions have suggested you are more than willing to embrace Purple Unity and never have attempted to goad Invicta or Purple into several wars prior to this? please. also, nice to try to make it seem like i ever claimed iFOK was not their own alliance and instead FOK puppeteers them. please show in my post where i stated that. oh wait, i didn't.

so now how about you GTFO. kthxbai.

if ya'll have changed your stance, good on ya, but i have not seen it all that much.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='14 June 2010 - 07:16 PM' timestamp='1276539359' post='2337351']
oh yes, cuz all your actions have suggested you are more than willing to embrace Purple Unity and never have attempted to goad Invicta or Purple into several wars prior to this? please. also, nice to try to make it seem like i ever claimed iFOK was not their own alliance and instead FOK puppeteers them. please show in my post where i stated that. oh wait, i didn't.

so now how about you GTFO. kthxbai.

if ya'll have changed your stance, good on ya, but i have not seen it all that much.

We have never (tried) goaded anyone into a war. We did our own thing and while some of Purple didn't agree with it, it wasn't intended to goad anyone. Don't try to make us look like the bad guy here, the drama that took place inside Purple wasn't the fault of us alone. The rest of Purple can be blamed equally for that as well.

Your claim that we are out to destroy Purple is really asinine. I would like to see some evidence to back up that claim. I know you won't have any because it's simply not true. Why would we try to destroy our own sphere? It doesn't make sense. Which makes me believe you are implying that FOK set this all up. Which is as silly if not more silly than your original claim.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='14 June 2010 - 02:16 PM' timestamp='1276539359' post='2337351']
I apologize for my error. that whole PEACE/Poseidon/Pegasus construct is utterly confusing to most.


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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='14 June 2010 - 07:16 PM' timestamp='1276539359' post='2337351']
and you guys actually thought UPN would accept yours? i doubt that. ya'll seem to intelligent for that. so you did to them, what they did to you. UPN's challenge would not have resulted in mutual destruction as your challenge does though. That does not show any kind of support of the Purple Sphere nor any of the crap ya'll claim to espouse to when it comes to the Purple sphere. instead, as i stated before, it only shows that BAPS is more than willing to put their vindictive grudges in front of the Purple Sphere.
They offered us a watered down wargames. The kind of thing an ally would offer to beat boredum. Although an ally would have offered more than 5.3% of their members. We offered them something that would have changed not just our opinion of them but everyones opinion of them, the opinion they will do anything to avoid a hard or extended fight. It was unlikely they were going to suddenly do a 180° turn but we were hopefull.

Personally I dont give a toss about the Purple sphere and never have. [u]I cared about P.U[/u] which was a group of allies who shared an ODP. When the treaty goes so does the connection and if it goes on bad terms then a bad reaction or bad blood can be expected. Being on the same trading sphere means nothing at that point to me. PU was not the Purple sphere it was a bloc. The people posting, complaining about Purple unity seem incapable of seeing this should think about that. There are no friends on Bob just treaty partners and non treaty partners. UPN sat out a war where most of PU were united. They walked on P.U so spare me the Purple sphere propaganda.

[b]*[/b] If I come across as heartless its because I am. The regular people in my alliance probably have a different perspective on Purple and allies.

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What I see here is a lot of chest thumping and organ waving. If you want to start a war with UPN, start a war with them. To those of us on the periphery of this absurdity, it looks very reminiscent of the old days. While it's true that FOK learned from the best back in the Continuum days, this sort of hurring and durring doesn't suit you. If you want to fight, start a war. UPN is most definitely looking like the bigger and better man from this angle.

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[quote name='pezstar' date='14 June 2010 - 09:56 PM' timestamp='' post='']
What I see here is a lot of chest thumping and organ waving. If you want to start a war with UPN, start a war with them. To those of us on the periphery of this absurdity, it looks very reminiscent of the old days. While it's true that FOK learned from the best back in the Continuum days, this sort of hurring and durring doesn't suit you. If you want to fight, start a war. [b]UPN is most definitely looking like
the bigger and better man from this angle.[/b]


obviously an obtuse angle

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[quote name='Lord Brendan' date='14 June 2010 - 12:23 PM' timestamp='1276514589' post='2337089']
It's worth noting that since the Karma War, spy ops have been changed so that they can destroy 10 times as much money as before. Over 50 days of war you could lose up to a billion dollars to spies, which is pretty considerable.

That's technically possible but very unrealistic. That would be every spy attack against a nation for 50 days succeeding, and all being directed against money reserves, and destroying the maximum possible money every time.

I know that (for some reason I can't fathom) the nation who was spied didn't have a CIA, but I figure most nations do at that size. But even still with 800 spies it's hard to get more than 50% against a nation with 550 if they are in severe threat. I don't recall ever getting more than 50% personally with my 800 vs their 550 when they were in severe, even when I had around 1000 more tech than my opponent.

That makes it very very hard to destroy that much money via spy ops during war.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='14 June 2010 - 02:55 PM' timestamp='1276545315' post='2337452']
We have never (tried) goaded anyone into a war. We did our own thing and while some of Purple didn't agree with it, it wasn't intended to goad anyone. Don't try to make us look like the bad guy here, the drama that took place inside Purple wasn't the fault of us alone. The rest of Purple can be blamed equally for that as well.

Your claim that we are out to destroy Purple is really asinine. I would like to see some evidence to back up that claim. I know you won't have any because it's simply not true. Why would we try to destroy our own sphere? It doesn't make sense. Which makes me believe you are implying that FOK set this all up. Which is as silly if not more silly than your original claim.

From the moment you moved to Purple you started !@#$. hell iirc you guys were rather hostile towards Purple prior to your move. The crap with Invicta is an example of goading. While Invicta ain't blameless in that matter, your attempts at trying to act all innocent is foolish.

and again, since you like proof so much, prove where i have ever stated a thing about FOK? you brought up FOK first, not me. attempting to claim i have said or am implying something about FOK anywhere in this is ridiculous. i mentioned iFOK, unless you are making the claim of being a FOK puppet yourself? otherwise, you can quit being asinine yourself and stop bring FOK into this.

[quote name='Alterego' date='14 June 2010 - 04:14 PM' timestamp='1276550024' post='2337537']
They offered us a watered down wargames. The kind of thing an ally would offer to beat boredum. Although an ally would have offered more than 5.3% of their members. We offered them something that would have changed not just our opinion of them but everyones opinion of them, the opinion they will do anything to avoid a hard or extended fight. It was unlikely they were going to suddenly do a 180° turn but we were hopefull.[/quote]

the way ya'll goin bout it, i doubt it would have changed many opinions about UPN. it may have made them seem courageous to some, but most of those would more likely just love to see the chance for UPN to be destroyed or for both UPN and BAPS to be destroyed. so, again i doubt it would have changed many opinions in the least. the fact that many are saddened by UPN's dismissal mostly, if not wholly, due to the fact that they would love to see UPN or both of ya'll destroyed, kinda proves my point.

[quote]Personally I dont give a toss about the Purple sphere and never have. [u]I cared about P.U[/u] which was a group of allies who shared an ODP. When the treaty goes so does the connection and if it goes on bad terms then a bad reaction or bad blood can be expected. Being on the same trading sphere means nothing at that point to me. PU was not the Purple sphere it was a bloc. The people posting, complaining about Purple unity seem incapable of seeing this should think about that. There are no friends on Bob just treaty partners and non treaty partners. UPN sat out a war where most of PU were united. They walked on P.U so spare me the Purple sphere propaganda.[/quote]

Then people need to stop making accusations against UPN about purple unity as well. it does not go just one way, the street goes both ways. Yes, UPN messed up huge with sitting out the war, but if Peggy is being honest, she went in to attempt to mend and fix relations, getting insulted does not help that in the least. if the rest of ya'll were truly interested in fixing/mending relations you would have at least lessened if not ceased the insults. this is yet further proof for me that BAPS nor anyone else is interested in mending relations but is instead more fully invested in trying to find a way to destroy UPN.

[quote][b]*[/b] If I come across as heartless its because I am. The regular people in my alliance probably have a different perspective on Purple and allies.

actually your honesty is rather refreshing. the rest state one thing while attempting to do another. as the old saying goes, Actions speak louder than words.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' date='14 June 2010 - 09:58 PM' timestamp='1276570677' post='2337854']
That's technically possible but very unrealistic. That would be every spy attack against a nation for 50 days succeeding, and all being directed against money reserves, and destroying the maximum possible money every time.

I know that (for some reason I can't fathom) the nation who was spied didn't have a CIA, but I figure most nations do at that size. But even still with 800 spies it's hard to get more than 50% against a nation with 550 if they are in severe threat. I don't recall ever getting more than 50% personally with my 800 vs their 550 when they were in severe, even when I had around 1000 more tech than my opponent.

That makes it very very hard to destroy that much money via spy ops during war.
You realize just because it says 50% that there arent other deciding factors in spy ops..i.e. tech and land

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[quote name='TECUMSEH' date='11 June 2010 - 11:22 PM' timestamp='1276280561' post='2333454']
And lol at RnR talking crap.
Even bigger lol comming from you :)

To all those "if BAPS wanted war": ...[i]IF[/i] they wanted war, and from knowing them, they wouldnt give a damn and would have gone for the war already, but guess what, they dont really want a war, I doubt they even care about UPN since the recent past, they got called out....BAPS responded with making the field more equal to both sides, UPN meowed, BAPS roared back, lolz ensued.

@ Doch: Personally speaking, say I was in BAPS, why would I be interested in investing time and trust where I know it'll really mean nothing in the end given the recent circumstances? Personally I respect Peggy Sue, but that does not means I have the same level of respect for UPN as an alliance.

UPN is still in a treaty limbo if you move along the previous lines drawn. If SHTF for w/e reason, UPN may again find itself in a similar situation, what would happen then? Peggy hasnt brought UPN out of that limbo yet, and it remains to be seen what happens, but one can gauge from the trend where it might be headed.

Lolz and drama aside, speaking objectively, a 30 day day duel would have done wonders for UPN in the longterm, earned them alot of respect and I disagree with one of the posters that opinions wouldn't have changed, I think it would be more accurate to say that perhaps like/dislike would have shifted only slightly, but respect for UPN would definitely have gone up.

Edited by shahenshah
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[quote name='wickedj' date='15 June 2010 - 05:20 AM' timestamp='1276575606' post='2337914']
You realize just because it says 50% that there arent other deciding factors in spy ops..i.e. tech and land

Your odds, from my understanding, are calculated based on number of spies, threat level, tech, and land area when defending.

But none of that is my point, in order to destroy a billion dollars in 50 days you'd have to succeed at a 100% clip on all spy ops and all would have to be ops to destroy money.

With 100k+ nations who have 10k tech, I can't see that kind of success rate by the people running the ops and most ops I've ever been targeted with during war were to try and change my defcon, followed by destroy weapons of mass destruction. As a matter of fact, I've fought in quite a few wars now and have never been spied upon for the purpose of destroying money, nor have I ever used a spy op for that purpose.

So I don't think destroying money via spy ops is a massive concern in regards to war chest amounts for a defending nation.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='15 June 2010 - 04:20 AM' timestamp='1276572034' post='2337864']
From the moment you moved to Purple you started !@#$. hell iirc you guys were rather hostile towards Purple prior to your move. The crap with Invicta is an example of goading. While Invicta ain't blameless in that matter, your attempts at trying to act all innocent is foolish.

and again, since you like proof so much, prove where i have ever stated a thing about FOK? you brought up FOK first, not me. attempting to claim i have said or am implying something about FOK anywhere in this is ridiculous. i mentioned iFOK, unless you are making the claim of being a FOK puppet yourself? otherwise, you can quit being asinine yourself and stop bring FOK into this.

iFOK had nothing to do with Purple before our move, so I can't remember us being hostile. If you are talking about those leaked screenies from Youmaka, you are wrong. These were cherry picked, so the image that those screenies got out was worse than it actually was. I could explain to you how the whole Purple drama went on, and why we felt the need to do what we did to do. But you know what? You will downplay and spin that aswell with that pro-Invicta attitude of you. You are hardly objective (read: not) in this matter.

You are the one claiming we were set out to destroy Purple. Which I said is asinine to think since it will not benefit us in any way, quite the opposite. Destroying our own home sphere is not exactly the best idea, I'm sure GGA can attest to that lol. So if you have any proof to back up your claim, please share it with us. Otherwise don't claim it.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' date='15 June 2010 - 01:47 AM' timestamp='1276580832' post='2337987']
Your odds, from my understanding, are calculated based on number of spies, threat level, tech, and land area when defending.

But none of that is my point, in order to destroy a billion dollars in 50 days you'd have to succeed at a 100% clip on all spy ops and all would have to be ops to destroy money.

With 100k+ nations who have 10k tech, I can't see that kind of success rate by the people running the ops and most ops I've ever been targeted with during war were to try and change my defcon, followed by destroy weapons of mass destruction. As a matter of fact, I've fought in quite a few wars now and have never been spied upon for the purpose of destroying money, nor have I ever used a spy op for that purpose.

So I don't think destroying money via spy ops is a massive concern in regards to war chest amounts for a defending nation.

Obviously a 100% success rate is unrealistic, but I think one could achieve 70% without it being too much of a stretch, especially if you successfully lower Threat Level near the start of a war. Assuming 80% of spy ops are used to target money, a more realistic figure would be something like 550 million destroyed over 50 days of war, which is still a pretty large number and a very viable option compared to targeting nukes.

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[quote name='shahenshah' date='14 June 2010 - 11:50 PM' timestamp='1276577386' post='2337940']
Even bigger lol comming from you :)

To all those "if BAPS wanted war": ...[i]IF[/i] they wanted war, and from knowing them, they wouldnt give a damn and would have gone for the war already, but guess what, they dont really want a war, I doubt they even care about UPN since the recent past, they got called out....BAPS responded with making the field more equal to both sides, UPN meowed, BAPS roared back, lolz ensued.

@ Doch: Personally speaking, say I was in BAPS, why would I be interested in investing time and trust where I know it'll really mean nothing in the end given the recent circumstances? Personally I respect Peggy Sue, but that does not means I have the same level of respect for UPN as an alliance.

UPN is still in a treaty limbo if you move along the previous lines drawn. If SHTF for w/e reason, UPN may again find itself in a similar situation, what would happen then? Peggy hasnt brought UPN out of that limbo yet, and it remains to be seen what happens, but one can gauge from the trend where it might be headed.

Lolz and drama aside, speaking objectively, a 30 day day duel would have done wonders for UPN in the longterm, earned them alot of respect and I disagree with one of the posters that opinions wouldn't have changed, I think it would be more accurate to say that perhaps like/dislike would have shifted only slightly, but respect for UPN would definitely have gone up.

Personally i agree yet, i keep seeing all this talk about how if UPN would just allow BAPS to utterly destroy UPN, BAPS would all of a sudden be all wuvvy duvvy with UPN..... i simply pointed out, why that is just blatantly false and why BAPS is just looking to destroy UPN with the offer they offered.

i was not attempting to state BAPS is wrong for not being wuvvy duvvy towards UPN prior to this, nor even now.

[quote name='kriekfreak' date='15 June 2010 - 03:44 AM' timestamp='1276591442' post='2338083']
iFOK had nothing to do with Purple before our move, so I can't remember us being hostile. If you are talking about those leaked screenies from Youmaka, you are wrong. These were cherry picked, so the image that those screenies got out was worse than it actually was. I could explain to you how the whole Purple drama went on, and why we felt the need to do what we did to do. But you know what? You will downplay and spin that aswell with that pro-Invicta attitude of you. You are hardly objective (read: not) in this matter.

You are the one claiming we were set out to destroy Purple. Which I said is asinine to think since it will not benefit us in any way, quite the opposite. Destroying our own home sphere is not exactly the best idea, I'm sure GGA can attest to that lol. So if you have any proof to back up your claim, please share it with us. Otherwise don't claim it.

lawlz. aiight, give me proof via PM that you aren't. i have already given you my proof, you just keep stating i am wrong with no proof to back up your side. (hint: you did it here) as for pro-Invicta, i read that thread and saw what was going on. as for the screenies- i will give you the benefit of the doubt since recently i found out that Youmaka is a fool. you did not go to purple with the intent to destroy it, hell maybe you don't want to destroy purple but you have attempted to goad at least Invicta into a war.

[quote name='Lord Brendan' date='15 June 2010 - 05:00 AM' timestamp='1276596035' post='2338103']
Obviously a 100% success rate is unrealistic, but I think one could achieve 70% without it being too much of a stretch, especially if you successfully lower Threat Level near the start of a war. Assuming 80% of spy ops are used to target money, a more realistic figure would be something like 550 million destroyed over 50 days of war, which is still a pretty large number and a very viable option compared to targeting nukes.

so for the 30 day war that was offered, it would be more like 330 million destroyed? meaning he would still have around what 1.6 billion with 1 billion spent on the warfront max leaving him with 600 million.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='15 June 2010 - 12:43 PM' timestamp='1276602168' post='2338143']
lawlz. aiight, give me proof via PM that you aren't. i have already given you my proof, you just keep stating i am wrong with no proof to back up your side. (hint: you did it here) as for pro-Invicta, i read that thread and saw what was going on. as for the screenies- i will give you the benefit of the doubt since recently i found out that Youmaka is a fool. you did not go to purple with the intent to destroy it, hell maybe you don't want to destroy purple but you have attempted to goad at least Invicta into a war.

What? You has shown me proof that we are out to destroy Purple? I have not seen it, can you point me to it? Assumptions don't count though. I need to give you proof that we aren't destroying it? How can I prove something that doesn't exist :psyduck:

Our dislike for Invicta came when we moved to Purple and they put up their middle finger to us, certainly not before. So no, we didn't came to Purple to goad Invicta to war.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='15 June 2010 - 08:35 AM' timestamp='1276605310' post='2338155']
Our dislike for Invicta came when we moved to Purple and they put up their middle finger to us, certainly not before. So no, we didn't came to Purple to goad Invicta to war.
See, the problem is this is an outright lie. The drama started when you guys started spamming our nations for senate votes; before that time, we got along quite well.

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