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Cybernations Fantasy Draft

Kim Jaym Il

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I think I had about 50 in two days and I didn't recruit at all. :P

*WalkerNinja examines this statement and formulates a recruitment message designed to capitalize on the Moldavi-effect


We have it on good authority that Ivan Moldavi will consent to rule our alliance and lead us to unimagined greatness. If you would like to ride his mile-wide coattails with the rest of us, please visit our forum. Please do not look Mr. Moldavi directly in the eyes or attempt to engage in him conversation. He speaks with tanks. Literally. They roll out of his mouth and enslave people. This is a well documented condition.

This message does not apply if you have a rusty automobile.

In the name of he-whose-opinions-are-more-factual-than-facts,


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For me i would go with an edited version on the MHA gov structure:

Triumvirate: Denzin, Lord Sharpe, Syzygy

Goverment Advisor:Almighty Grub, Saber, Feanor, Tygaland, HellAngel

Ministry of Bablefish: Dilber, Kevin McDonald, AvengerNL, Bob Janova, AirMe, WickedJ

Ministry of Towels: DocTaco, Steelrat, Arctic Penguin, MrCyber, Ramirus Maximus

Ministry of Hitchhikers: MadOverseer, Cortath, Snagglepuss, Heft, Omas Nams, Han Fei Zi, Egwaterboy

Ministry of Destructor Fleets: Liquid Mercury, Dr. Dan, Boondock, Anthony

Ministry of Bad Poetry: Ivan Moldavi, GenZod, Bros2, Schattenmann, Sir_Paul, Inferno

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Me, Schatt, Dilber, Chimaera and Random, all in the same alliance government? Are you sure about this? Because I only see chaos coming from this line up.

I don't have a problem with anyone in that government, actually. You guys are all pretty fantastic leaders, and we all know my opinion of myself. :P

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Sham, you're putting me in the diplomatic department? <_<

I like a nice slimline government, so I'm going to pick a triumvirate of FA, IA, Defence, although each person would be able to cover for the others to some degree.

FA: Dilber. He built the greatest collection of allies ever seen on the planet, and even today is widely respected even among the 'other side'. It's not his fault the NPO eventually lost when he was retired. The best diplomat in the game.

IA: Archon. He keeps MK very happy and still manages to represent them well to the rest of the world, and balances their wishes with what is necessary to do well in the world.

Defence: This is a tough one; so few armies have really been successful when under pressure. I'm going to go with my Karma experience and go for LiquidMercury, who managed not an alliance but a disparate coalition well. There'll be some FAN MoDs who deserve a look in at this position, too, but their last combat engagement was so long ago they're probably not here any more.

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Only by having every alliance around merge into it. He really was one of the most overrated leaders ever.

Maybe, but the reason people liked him, including myself, is he treated everyone with courtesy and saw to it his members were well mannered as well. I don't recall a single time Hoo has resorted to name calling or picking on someone because he was in a position of high power, and trust me, that was a very recurrent trend at the time. He didn't abuse his power, he never forgot who he was.

If I had to describe Hoo in one word it wouldn't so much be "leader" as it would be "friend".

And I think that's why many like him.

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Maybe, but the reason people liked him, including myself, is he treated everyone with courtesy and saw to it his members were well mannered as well. I don't recall a single time Hoo has resorted to name calling or picking on someone because he was in a position of high power, and trust me, that was a very recurrent trend at the time. He didn't abuse his power, he never forgot who he was.

If I had to describe Hoo in one word it wouldn't so much be "leader" as it would be "friend".

And I think that's why many like him.

I just spit my breakfast all over the screen. Courtesy my rear. No name calling or picking on someone? HA. Well documented thread on Aqua forums there is. Gentleman to MK he was not. But yeah, for the most part he wasn't a bad guy.

Wow...I just went Yoda there for a couple of lines.

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While Hoo was trium of Nemesis, he not only dealt with the majority of political agendas but was dedicated to updating, and managing the nemesis forums.

He ran the big things and took a strong part in the day to day things. How many leaders can say they still do all the grunt work in their alliance?

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Maybe, but the reason people liked him, including myself, is he treated everyone with courtesy and saw to it his members were well mannered as well. I don't recall a single time Hoo has resorted to name calling or picking on someone because he was in a position of high power, and trust me, that was a very recurrent trend at the time. He didn't abuse his power, he never forgot who he was.

If I had to describe Hoo in one word it wouldn't so much be "leader" as it would be "friend".

And I think that's why many like him.

That's certain not the Hoo that MK and I are familiar with, I suppose he showed a different face to those in power.

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While Hoo was trium of Nemesis, he not only dealt with the majority of political agendas but was dedicated to updating, and managing the nemesis forums.

He ran the big things and took a strong part in the day to day things. How many leaders can say they still do all the grunt work in their alliance?

Lots of us. But Hoo is still cool.

That's certain not the Hoo that MK and I are familiar with, I suppose he showed a different face to those in power.

The_Aut should never be in power.

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While Hoo was trium of Nemesis, he not only dealt with the majority of political agendas but was dedicated to updating, and managing the nemesis forums.

He ran the big things and took a strong part in the day to day things. How many leaders can say they still do all the grunt work in their alliance?

you mean every other leader who isn't overrated?

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1000 days CN experience tells:

Triumvirs: kingzog, Striderwannabe, Vinzent Zeppelin

Minister of Economics: Myworld, Rasimus

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Decker, Samuel Houston

Minister of Internal Affairs: Wartides, Gottrich Northeim

Minister of War: Thor, Chiftelos

Minister of Culture: JJ45, Nemhauser

Minister of Recruitment: JuQu, pd73bassman

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I just spit my breakfast all over the screen. Courtesy my rear. No name calling or picking on someone? HA. Well documented thread on Aqua forums there is. Gentleman to MK he was not. But yeah, for the most part he wasn't a bad guy.

Wow...I just went Yoda there for a couple of lines.

Soon as I said that MK jumped on my comment. :P

Well he does have preferances. I know he had problems with MK and Echelon, but in general, he was a good guy.

The_Aut should never be in power.

(Adds Janax to a list of people excessviely obssessed with him.)

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hmm...this sounds like fun so I'll make one (the structure for this gov is one that I came up with on my spare time, just for kicks):

(Leader)Dragon Father: Grahamkeatley - anyone who work for or with GK for as long as I have (some even longer) can tell that he's just one Epic :awesome: leader in CN

(War) Fire Dragon: Jarkko - you really have to ask? he's GOOD at his job :D

(IA) Earth Dragon: Gopherbashi - seriously, who doesn't want a gopher in their gov. ;) of course, after seeing how he and Dr. Fresh were able to renovate MCXA (along w/ a few others after the "split") he'd be a must

(FA) Air Dragon: Zoomx3 - not only can he get along w/ anyone and help maintain good relations but he'd also be good for lightening the tensions ;)

(Education) Water Dragon: Turetel - one B) dude who can get the job done plus well-liked by all

(Finance) Gold Dragon: Atora - the one TRUE finance god of CN, nuff said :)

(Commerce) Silver Dragon: Greywolfpup - known him for a good while (though forever b/c he's my bro :P) but that's not the point - truthfully, he's GOOD at organizing and regulating tech deals (he's the one who helped Wolfpack w/ their war reps way back when) and give him a fair bit of training about trades, he'll become ideal for this position.

plus a Dragon Council of 6 (to make the magic # 13, it'd be temporary but if I had to pick the 1st group):

dragonknight1000 (can't resist NOT being a part of this gov), Skygreenchick, Coursca (is that how you spell it?), Janax, Adrian LaCroix and William Blake

edit: curse you spelling

Edited by dragonknight1000
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