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NPO Body Republic Resoution Y6.T1.1

Sir Paul

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Body Republic Resolution Y6.T1.1 - Youth Declaration Act of 2009

WHEREAS the spouse of the Emperor has recently given birth to dizygotic twins; and

NOTING that the New Pacific Order is a Meritocracy and as such, any off-spring or relative of the Emperor has no claim to the throne; and

UNDERSTANDING that any such off-spring or relative, unless so elevated by their skills alone, has no vote in the Body Republic; and

ACKNOWLEGING that the off-spring and relatives of the Emperor have no official capacity of authority within the Order and hold no special place over any other Pacifican; and

EMPHASIZING that the off-spring and relatives of the Emperor do not constitute a "royal family" and that the Emperor's family is private and separate from official business of the Order;


The PEOPLE do hereby rejoice at news of two new Pacificans, Elijah David and Mary Rachel, scions of the House of Revenge, have been beared by the Emperor's spouse.

The PEOPLE hope these two calves fill the Emperor's heart with joy, perspective, humility, awe, and love that will guide him as he carries out his current and future duties.

The PEOPLE ask that the Emperor's spouse support him during this time of transition, and the PEOPLE ask that the Emperor honor and cherish his spouse for making the miracle of life possible.

The PEOPLE ask Admin to bless the Emperor's house; protect it from sickness, protect it from grief, protect it from strife, protect it from hatred, and protect it from the evil of this world.

The PEOPLE remind the Emperor that the future of Pacifica has always been in our youth; may you be worthy of them.

So resolved this 22nd day of September, 2009, six years and twenty-two days after the Day of Order by the Assembled Body Republic of the New Pacific Order.

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