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The August Revolution


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The truly ironic thing is how, a year from now, a good chunk of the people posting will probably have flip-flopped back to the other side of the issue.

There is nothing wrong with changing your opinion. Vox's cause was to create a world where one could express their opinion without fear of being rolled, and in that we have succeeded. People feeling free to express their opinion, and change it, should be a hallmark of the new era.

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I would like to thank Vox and also give a shout out and thanks to the alliance of Heroes of Gaming. Much like Vox, our leaders came from a varied past and stood out on a limb when we signed a treaty with Vox to show our disgust at the current times. While our effort did not last all the way through, I would like to think we offered Vox a big helping hand which they carried to victory.

Thanks Vox

Thanks HoG

Edited by Hoping
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Thinking back on the hatred and disdain shown to Vox by so many folks, I'll admit it's kinda funny to see the unrestrained adoration they enjoy in their post-mortem. I was never quite sure how I felt about Vox Populi, until of course you manifested as spectacular demagogues and clever wordsmiths, let alone pretty good spies. In the end, I regretted that Karma as a whole moved to reject your inclusion and offers to help, and do not regret my own private conversations with you following that decision.

I can only hope the people never have need of your services again.

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Thinking back on the hatred and disdain shown to Vox by so many folks, I'll admit it's kinda funny to see the unrestrained adoration they enjoy in their post-mortem. I was never quite sure how I felt about Vox Populi, until of course you manifested as spectacular demagogues and clever wordsmiths, let alone pretty good spies. In the end, I regretted that Karma as a whole moved to reject your inclusion and offers to help, and do not regret my own private conversations with you following that decision.

I can only hope the people never have need of your services again.

This essentially sums up my feelings as well.

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Just as we in Karma fought a physical battle that you could not, so did you fight a battle for the hearts and minds of the Planet that we could not, for to speak out openly and forthrightly was at one time suicidal. We may have seldom spoken, but we were both warriors of karma, which has brought about the current state of things. For speaking when we dared not, I salute you Vox.

o7 Vox Populi

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I must admit I'm somewhat surprised by the responses of many of the more vocal supporters of the former Hegemony. Unfortunately, I can't say I thought we'd make believers out of all of you. I never believed we would totally penetrate the fortress of outright opposition we encountered with every post we made. But fortunately, we did.

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Just as we in Karma fought a physical battle that you could not, so did you fight a battle for the hearts and minds of the Planet that we could not, for to speak out openly and forthrightly was at one time suicidal. We may have seldom spoken, but we were both warriors of karma, which has brought about the current state of things. For speaking when we dared not, I salute you Vox.

o7 Vox Populi

I do not identify Vox with Karma, but thank you for the kind words.

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I had a blast in Vox. Thanks to the 100+ operatives who were feeding us inside information, and a special thanks to the ones inside Continuum.

I almost wish we were needed again just so I could read TWiP every week. I used to really look forward to seeing what Schattenmann would come up with. Simply the most brilliant series of threads I've ever seen.

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I can only hope the people never have need of your services again.

History dictates otherwise, and I can't say that it would be a bad thing to have a similar movement back again. Vox did indeed make the game interesting and gave me personally the chance to meet some very interesting people along the way. As someone else noted, loyalties aside, I respect that the movement accomplished the very thing it set out to do.

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Can't believe I'm late to this...

I also can't believe that it's been a year since that day in IRC. I started flying the Vox AA on my return, not sure why. Then, MegaAros also asked if he could fly the AA and fight. From there, it evolved into the original 11, with each founder inviting their friends to create a legendary group of rebels. When we burst onto the scene, we received a great showing of support, and enjoyed the fastest growth in the history of CN. We were soon engaged in nearly 1000 wars, fighting with only one goal in mind: opposing the hegemony. After the initial explosion, we experienced a massive decline in numbers and activity, and morale was wavering. One day, I'd guess about two months in, I went to Doitzel, seeing as how at the time it was basically me and him...just angry at everything, and proposed that we disband and move onto other projects. He rejected the idea, saying he would never give in to those who want to see him dead, those who want to see us fail. Our disbandment would have only brought them a great victory, showing resistance was in fact futile. So we decided to stick it out, and this period was followed by hateful infighting between myself and Junkalunka, even further lowering morale. On numerous occassions, I threatened to walk out on the movement, but I just couldn't do it, despite being so angry with everything that was going on. Eventually one night, myself, Junka, Doitzel, and a few others were discussing the future of Vox, at which time it was decided that we should create a government, and a massive overhaul was undertaken. Essentially, this was the rebirth of Vox Populi, when we settled in for the long haul, without looking back. We created new forums, designed a new flag, signed a treaty with FAN and OcUK, and most importantly we elected our first government, a government I was very proud to be a part of, taking home the second most votes, following the first Vox Dei, Doitzel. This period was followed by a heightened morale, a better will to fight from everyone in Vox. By this time, we had seen nearly all of our members leave, with many now fighting us, leaving 30 or so members. But it did not matter to the core of Vox. Our will simply could not be broken. We intensified our war of words, showing up in every thread we could, attempting to get our message across. We were the center of attention of the world, the most despised and hated players. It was an amazing time. Soon, we were electing our Second government. This was my favorite time in Vox, aside from the end, because I took home the most votes in the election, and was given the position of Vox Dei, and I became the only person besides Doitzel to claim this title. Around this time, many former members were returning, and recruiting was going well. This is also the time when the devastating combo of Electron Sponge and Schattenmann would rise. They became the public faces of the Vox spy network, something myself and Doitzel had tended to very little. I would soon step down from my position as Vox Dei due to activity constraints, and I gave my Senate position to Electron Sponge, and Doitzel was again named the Vox Dei. Around this time, many ideas were tossed around of what we could do, with Schattenmann coming up with This Week in Pacifica, as a joke if I recall correctly. It would turn out to be Vox's most useful weapon in the fight and our greatest success. This was the time when supporters would publicly come out in droves, fighting our battle of words with us. It was only a matter of time until the hammer would swing. I give my thanks to Karma, for we were the Voice of the Revolution, and you were the soldiers of Revolution.

o/ Vox

o/ Karma

o/ FAN and OcUK

Hail the glorious August Revolution.

I am incredibly proud to call myself a former Vox Dei, Member of Senate I and Senate II of Vox Populi, one of the original 11, and a member from Day 1 until disbandment. I am incredibly proud to say I sent over 50 nations into anarchy while fighting this war, and participated in over 150 wars. I am incredibly proud to just simply have been a part of something so amazing. It was the highest point in CN for me. We had a brotherhood like no others could. A true blood brotherhood. Forever, I hope we are remembered. It was a long and painful struggle, taking up large amounts of time and thousands of posts from all of us. Never forget the deeds of Vox Populi, for I won't forget what my comrades accomplished.

You were so close to winning, NPO. Too bad. Perhaps one day I will write a full memoir about my time and experience in Vox Populi, as this is merely a very brief summary.

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I had a blast in Vox. Thanks to the 100+ operatives who were feeding us inside information, and a special thanks to the ones inside Continuum.

I almost wish we were needed again just so I could read TWiP every week. I used to really look forward to seeing what Schattenmann would come up with. Simply the most brilliant series of threads I've ever seen.

I fear I'll never have so great or ample opportunities to prance around an enemy again. There aren't enough thanks to be given to the many who gave so much to bring the materils to light that made TWiP worth reading.

Can't believe I'm late to this...

I also can't believe that it's been a year since that day in IRC. I started flying the Vox AA on my return, not sure why. Then, MegaAros also asked if he could fly the AA and fight. From there, it evolved into the original 11, with each founder inviting their friends to create a legendary group of rebels. When we burst onto the scene, we received a great showing of support, and enjoyed the fastest growth in the history of CN. We were soon engaged in nearly 1000 wars, fighting with only one goal in mind: opposing the hegemony. After the initial explosion, we experienced a massive decline in numbers and activity, and morale was wavering. One day, I'd guess about two months in, I went to Doitzel, seeing as how at the time it was basically me and him...just angry at everything, and proposed that we disband and move onto other projects. He rejected the idea, saying he would never give in to those who want to see him dead, those who want to see us fail. Our disbandment would have only brought them a great victory, showing resistance was in fact futile. So we decided to stick it out, and this period was followed by hateful infighting between myself and Junkalunka, even further lowering morale. On numerous occassions, I threatened to walk out on the movement, but I just couldn't do it, despite being so angry with everything that was going on. Eventually one night, myself, Junka, Doitzel, and a few others were discussing the future of Vox, at which time it was decided that we should create a government, and a massive overhaul was undertaken. Essentially, this was the rebirth of Vox Populi, when we settled in for the long haul, without looking back. We created new forums, designed a new flag, signed a treaty with FAN and OcUK, and most importantly we elected our first government, a government I was very proud to be a part of, taking home the second most votes, following the first Vox Dei, Doitzel. This period was followed by a heightened morale, a better will to fight from everyone in Vox. By this time, we had seen nearly all of our members leave, with many now fighting us, leaving 30 or so members. But it did not matter to the core of Vox. Our will simply could not be broken. We intensified our war of words, showing up in every thread we could, attempting to get our message across. We were the center of attention of the world, the most despised and hated players. It was an amazing time. Soon, we were electing our Second government. This was my favorite time in Vox, aside from the end, because I took home the most votes in the election, and was given the position of Vox Dei, and I became the only person besides Doitzel to claim this title. Around this time, many former members were returning, and recruiting was going well. This is also the time when the devastating combo of Electron Sponge and Schattenmann would rise. They became the public faces of the Vox spy network, something myself and Doitzel had tended to very little. I would soon step down from my position as Vox Dei due to activity constraints, and I gave my Senate position to Electron Sponge, and Doitzel was again named the Vox Dei. Around this time, many ideas were tossed around of what we could do, with Schattenmann coming up with This Week in Pacifica, as a joke if I recall correctly. It would turn out to be Vox's most useful weapon in the fight and our greatest success. This was the time when supporters would publicly come out in droves, fighting our battle of words with us. It was only a matter of time until the hammer would swing. I give my thanks to Karma, for we were the Voice of the Revolution, and you were the soldiers of Revolution.

o/ Vox

o/ Karma

o/ FAN and OcUK

Hail the glorious August Revolution.

I am incredibly proud to call myself a former Vox Dei, Member of Senate I and Senate II of Vox Populi, one of the original 11, and a member from Day 1 until disbandment. I am incredibly proud to say I sent over 50 nations into anarchy while fighting this war, and participated in over 150 wars. I am incredibly proud to just simply have been a part of something so amazing. It was the highest point in CN for me. We had a brotherhood like no others could. A true blood brotherhood. Forever, I hope we are remembered. It was a long and painful struggle, taking up large amounts of time and thousands of posts from all of us. Never forget the deeds of Vox Populi, for I won't forget what my comrades accomplished.

You were so close to winning, NPO. Too bad. Perhaps one day I will write a full memoir about my time and experience in Vox Populi, as this is merely a very brief summary.

A beautiful recollection. There have been fun moments here and there, but there has never been so long a period of greatness as was afforded to those who stuck with Vox. Nor, I fear, so long a period of remorse than that experienced by those who left. TWiP really is the best joke I ever told.

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Vox Populi shall certainly be remembered as one of my proudest moments in CyberNations. There are many among our number I still count as friends, and just as many that hate me, I'm sure.

I'll always remember the early days, where there were only eleven of us. I registered our first forums, and I still like to go back and reread threads from those days. I also managed Vox's first elections, and served as her first Foreign Coordinator, a job I relished.

I do not regret parting ways when I did, for I believe it was for the best. That said, I always followed her growth with interest, even when we disagreed.

Edited by New Frontier
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I don't regret the time I spent helping Vox. My only complaint is that when it's time to review Vox's successes (and there have been a couple of these sorts of threads) I never get mentioned in the OP.

Well, you didn't really do anything. It's not like you got to be a red senator before NPO was taken down nearly a year later. That wasn't just about one of the largest accomplishments Vox had.

You don't matter, sir :colbert:

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I don't regret the time I spent helping Vox. My only complaint is that when it's time to review Vox's successes (and there have been a couple of these sorts of threads) I never get mentioned in the OP.

The Hero of the Red Team needs no introduction from we lowly Vox mortals. :wub:

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Can't believe I'm late to this...

I also can't believe that it's been a year since that day in IRC. I started flying the Vox AA on my return, not sure why. Then, MegaAros also asked if he could fly the AA and fight. From there, it evolved into the original 11, with each founder inviting their friends to create a legendary group of rebels. When we burst onto the scene, we received a great showing of support, and enjoyed the fastest growth in the history of CN. We were soon engaged in nearly 1000 wars, fighting with only one goal in mind: opposing the hegemony. After the initial explosion, we experienced a massive decline in numbers and activity, and morale was wavering. One day, I'd guess about two months in, I went to Doitzel, seeing as how at the time it was basically me and him...just angry at everything, and proposed that we disband and move onto other projects. He rejected the idea, saying he would never give in to those who want to see him dead, those who want to see us fail. Our disbandment would have only brought them a great victory, showing resistance was in fact futile. So we decided to stick it out, and this period was followed by hateful infighting between myself and Junkalunka, even further lowering morale. On numerous occassions, I threatened to walk out on the movement, but I just couldn't do it, despite being so angry with everything that was going on. Eventually one night, myself, Junka, Doitzel, and a few others were discussing the future of Vox, at which time it was decided that we should create a government, and a massive overhaul was undertaken. Essentially, this was the rebirth of Vox Populi, when we settled in for the long haul, without looking back. We created new forums, designed a new flag, signed a treaty with FAN and OcUK, and most importantly we elected our first government, a government I was very proud to be a part of, taking home the second most votes, following the first Vox Dei, Doitzel. This period was followed by a heightened morale, a better will to fight from everyone in Vox. By this time, we had seen nearly all of our members leave, with many now fighting us, leaving 30 or so members. But it did not matter to the core of Vox. Our will simply could not be broken. We intensified our war of words, showing up in every thread we could, attempting to get our message across. We were the center of attention of the world, the most despised and hated players. It was an amazing time. Soon, we were electing our Second government. This was my favorite time in Vox, aside from the end, because I took home the most votes in the election, and was given the position of Vox Dei, and I became the only person besides Doitzel to claim this title. Around this time, many former members were returning, and recruiting was going well. This is also the time when the devastating combo of Electron Sponge and Schattenmann would rise. They became the public faces of the Vox spy network, something myself and Doitzel had tended to very little. I would soon step down from my position as Vox Dei due to activity constraints, and I gave my Senate position to Electron Sponge, and Doitzel was again named the Vox Dei. Around this time, many ideas were tossed around of what we could do, with Schattenmann coming up with This Week in Pacifica, as a joke if I recall correctly. It would turn out to be Vox's most useful weapon in the fight and our greatest success. This was the time when supporters would publicly come out in droves, fighting our battle of words with us. It was only a matter of time until the hammer would swing. I give my thanks to Karma, for we were the Voice of the Revolution, and you were the soldiers of Revolution.

o/ Vox

o/ Karma

o/ FAN and OcUK

Hail the glorious August Revolution.

I am incredibly proud to call myself a former Vox Dei, Member of Senate I and Senate II of Vox Populi, one of the original 11, and a member from Day 1 until disbandment. I am incredibly proud to say I sent over 50 nations into anarchy while fighting this war, and participated in over 150 wars. I am incredibly proud to just simply have been a part of something so amazing. It was the highest point in CN for me. We had a brotherhood like no others could. A true blood brotherhood. Forever, I hope we are remembered. It was a long and painful struggle, taking up large amounts of time and thousands of posts from all of us. Never forget the deeds of Vox Populi, for I won't forget what my comrades accomplished.

You were so close to winning, NPO. Too bad. Perhaps one day I will write a full memoir about my time and experience in Vox Populi, as this is merely a very brief summary.

This pretty much narrows Vox down as much as it can be in one paragraph, and yet it was still so much more. I for one had a lot of fun while in Vox Populi, and although there were times for all of us who were there from August to the end (I wasn't there on day one, but I joined on like day two or three) when we wanted to quit, I'm personally glad that I never did.

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Ah, the memories. Vox Populi in its finest hour was something incredible to be a part of, and I am proud to be able to call myself a founder.

Hail Vox Populi!

Hail the true August Revolution!

I echo this, and I was sad when you left D:

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I don't regret the time I spent helping Vox. My only complaint is that when it's time to review Vox's successes (and there have been a couple of these sorts of threads) I never get mentioned in the OP.

I did try to stay away from specific campaigns to avoid one more Vox flamefest, but it is true that you deserve more credit than you may not have been given. I would say if you had no stumbled onto your Senate eligibility and won that seat, Vox may very well have never grown any legs.

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