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A Joint Announcement

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I actually feel bad for NPO, not that they deserve my sympathy, but this move is one of the most shameful acts of cowardice to ever have graced CN.

Exactly - worst thing bar none I have seen in CN in my 3 years.

Edited by Paradigm
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I lol'd

ironic that most of these alliances going "LOL PATHETIC" were the same NPO meatshields going "LOL PATHETIC" everytime someone snaked their way out of war with NPO.

This comes from a hater, ladies and gentlemen. Be careful with what you're doing, because you could become no better than the tyrannical leviathan monster you have warred against.

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You absolute cowards. You pieces of FILTH. When the NpO was under attack with the odds even more greatly stacked against them, still their allies stood up for their friendship and threw themselves into the fray, even knowing what the action entailed. Hell, when you lot attacked GATO their allies still stood up and did what was honorable. All you have preached for the past 2 years has been war, and now...this? THIS?!

Pacifica was terrible, but at least they had enough spine to pull the trigger and fight. You are nothing anymore. You cannot run - I hope you understand that you have united the entire cyberverse against you, and your time is over.


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Hey remember when Valhalla and TPF and the OPP and their friends rolled BAPS and TDSM8 was treatied to them? Do you remember what the 17 of us did? We fought.

TDSM8: More balls than Valhalla, IRON, GGA, TPF, and OG put together.

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Wasn't there a clause involving a waiting period? I don't recall seeing that in your announcement, and you may have waited that prescribed period, but your statements here do not make that clear. In fact, they seem to point to you dropping the NPO faster than nukes fall.

In either case, I can now say I respect the NPO more than any of you. They had the balls to fight the Cyberverse once before, after all. Let's just hope that even if you won't honor your treaties, your enemies will force you to.

Edited by Boyle
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It doesn't work that way. You cannot bail on the NPO for being "dishonorable" when you applauded those same acts when it was safe for you to do so.

This group of alliances has been marked for their cowardice. The coming days, weeks, and months will be most interesting.

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Wow i never thought id see this, Pacifica would die for you guys... How you just deserted them, I have lost respect for everyone of you.

Pacifica wouldn't die for anybody.

These alliances, late as they may be, are realizing based on the events of the last 24 hours, that even after all this time and all this camaraderie, NPO doesn't actually care about them or any of their allies. They're thinking back through the years, as did we, and seeing NPO's actions in a whole light - that of truth.

Karma brought that light upon them. I feel sorry for and proud of each of those alliances, not for NPO, because they had the wool pulled off of their eyes and they're doing something about it. They're doing the right thing. Whether it's too little/too late, that isn't for me to call, but I know the guys I'm still allied with after all this mess happened are all good people who have and will keep my respect.

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