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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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Still waiting on that apology to GATO. Why apologize you may ask? GATO was demonized for months. Their name was dragged through the mud using lies, deceit, and outright slander. For months upon months they have been watched and criticized by an alliance that by all means should have had no say over them. The shadow of a war they never wanted has hung over, being cast by the very people who engineered their destruction. No, this is not a change of heart. Only a cloak concealing a dagger.

OOC:Anywho, its late. Night.

Edited by greatmagnus
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Nice gesture, though I suspect it's merely that. A gesture. I doubt it will hold up long if you feel like it will be more beneficial to bring those back again.

Still, congrats to GATO and Starfox (even if the later is amusingly pointless since he's never leaving Vox)

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Both merciful and delicious.

EDIT: In before "HA! HA! You have caved to our pressure! We are !@#$@#$ AWESOME!!!1ONE!1!!!"

Is that "anticipation" thing supposed to label the people who will say it trolls or make it less true? :huh:

Anyway congrats to GATO i guess, i don't think you deserved to be in that spot in the first place but oh well.

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While I can't say I'm glad to see this, none of this ever should have been done in the first place. I'll leave it at that.

OOC: I agree with RV here. Except the part about not being glad to see this. And that part about leaving it at that. So I only agree with RV 1/3 here.

It's not far enough, but it's at least a step in the right direction. Though unsure of the motives, I can at least be happy with the progress.

It's not a matter of IC politics here, but a matter of OOC fair play. I hope we all realize this eventually.

edit: Like I said in the TPF thread though. Doing what is right is not praiseworthy; it is morally imperative. Perhaps someday we'll see the apology.

It's a good way to insult someone and sound like you are smart at the same time. "Toady" just makes you sound cliche.

Don't hate on toady.

IRON and Val release JB from EZI, TPF amends it's EZI policy, and NPO amends its EZI policy all on the same day. Man, the winds of change sure blow fast right? :rolleyes:


There is no co-ordinated PR stunt in the Continuum.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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Well it was nice having NPO up in GATO although there were a number of rough patches in the end we got along pretty nice. Baka really is ours though im sorry he joined GATO =P jp but i dont want Baka to leave =(. It was nice though thank you for the freedom.

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Congratulations to GATO on your new independence!


o/ Moo

o/ NPO


Why congratulate an alliance on 'their new independence', which is a sovereign body to begin with, but was forced into viceroyship by your alliance?

The situation as it is now is normal. I would like to congratulate GATO on getting rid of their oppressors.

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