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Ventus ex Gutter

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Everything posted by Ventus ex Gutter

  1. Gatherum cleared his throat. This is a notice to all current and future clients that my other account has received the Banhammer due to a lack of a matching nation in the name. It is thus that I will be using this one from now on. It is also my understanding that at least one of you PMed me an order, which I intend to fulfill, yet can no longer access. If you know who you are, I would kindly ask that you forward that PM to this account. Heyman, I haven't begun to make your sig yet, but rest assured that I have not forgotten. I will begin work on it very soon, perhaps today, actually. To those whom it may concern, I will continue to appear as Gatherum on IRC, which is actually the preferred medium for placing orders. This thread will continue to be used for posting recently-finished creations. MODs: Not intended to be a gravedig. I am hoping it is not locked.
  2. I do not believe Karma exists, because not all unjust are brought to justice and not all just are justly rewarded. IMO, the "Karma" Coalition is a collection of groups who were sick of the Hegemony and thus decided to do somthing about it. The name is still fitting though, supposing, for argument's sake, that Karma is real.
  3. Gatherum cleared his throat. Er...Vox Populi resides on the Yellow Sphere, therefore their name should be yellow, not red. Otherwise, nice work.
  4. Why don't you tell that to the six alliances that bailed last night? They pretty much won the war against...themselves... Fine if you just don't like ODN. I realize that some people just don't like other people. Period. But don't let it blind you. Be happy they're making some sort of effort and/or choice. They could've just as easily said, "To hell with all of this!" and declared neutrality, avoiding any possibility of conflict altogether.
  5. [OOC]If I may ask, were you drunk? No offense meant, of course. I just ask because that's happened before, methinks, to other people.[/OOC] As for this move, well-played, good luck in the future.
  6. Given the radio silence and the way things have gone down, I suspect something more than meets the eye. I would advise Karma to be prepared for a surprise...no I have no information regard this, nor am I certain. It's just a hunch.
  7. ...ODN doesn't have any other treaties with mandatory defense or aggression clauses in them, other than those three treaties, and the ones they're not going to activate. The rest are ODPs, FPTs, or PIATs.
  8. The Third Great Patriotic War... /me sighs. And now, Pacifica are the martyrs. Please let this be a jest...
  9. This had best be a ruse...
  10. )): Bandwagoners )): But, you know what? You're doing what you believe in, and that's cool. Godspeed.
  11. A man need solace...I don't blame you at this point, mhawk.
  12. If it is not one of those three treaties listed in the OP, then yes, it is superceded.
  13. This is only my personal opinion, and not that of the rest of ODN, but they have honestly been one of our greatest hinderances for that same year. They have been in our business, dictating who we ally and do not ally ourselves to, as well as who we can cancel and not cancel on, as if we are their secondary colony on Orange. We appreciate their political maneuvering to keep us alive, but we will not, I repeat, will not dance for them when they themselves dance for Pacifica, and whoever else they feel they need to please. Perhaps, at some point, we were the blood brothers that our pact claimed that were were, but the fact that IRON made a huge "oversight" about informing us of the return of GOONS speaks for just how much importance IRON places upon us as an ally. I talked with Finsterbaby earlier today, because, despite me actually supporting the return of GOONS, I wanted to figure out, for the sake of ODN's GA, why they chose not to come to us with this news. These are the (brief) logs... I have waited, and he has yet to elaborate to me what it is. Fine, fine...I am, after all, not that important...he doesn't need to share with me this info. The best part, though, is that Finster apparently had not forgotten, because Arsenal had been in contact with him approximately a month ago about the relationship between ODN and GOONS. I showed Arsenal the log above. Here's what Arsenal said about the issue... And this is from earlier... So, apparently, not only has IRON had a sudden bout of memory loss, but now they're pissed at us because we're tired of putting up with their BS on top of the reasons cited in the OP. And to add to it, they're not even trying to give us any modicum of explanation. When IRON Starts showing that it at all wants to be an ally, then we'll damn sure be willing to reciprocate. At least degenerate108 actually came onto the ODN forum to plead GGA's case, an alliance we all know is so far in shambles it's amazing it's still breathing. IRON does not have that problem, and I know that they can take a couple minutes out of their oh so busy schedule to give us the time of day. Make of it what you will...
  14. /me sighs. Who can tell of the intentions of TORN... ...an honorable alliance who has seen the light...or a traitor? I am unbiased here...and thus I shall leave it at that.
  15. Get peace with MHA and then maybe the side that would make the most sense will be all too apparent to you (assuming the predictions will come to pass). Personally, I wanna see a good old fashioned FAN update blitz, but hey, you guys'll keep doing your thang, and I can respect that.
  16. As much I wished for GOONS to reform, and as awesome as I see this in its own way, there's just something about this that I really, really don't like. I dunno what it is, honestly. It just seems like this GOONS does not carry the character of the GOONS we all loved to hate way back when. Still, I'll give it a chance. Polaris will be good protectors, absolutely. I don't see Pacifica surviving very long though. Perhaps that is why you are the protectorate of both? Ah, well. We'll see. Edit: Awesome flag!
  17. Sigged. :lol: also, Posting this will get me warned.
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