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Ventus ex Gutter

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Everything posted by Ventus ex Gutter

  1. The point is that, whether NoV was a problem or not, your CB was even thinner than GGA's in August. In fact, technically and officially, you never posted that CB, so it's not only retarded, but nonexistent. Tell me, do you concern yourself with the IC/OOC line?
  2. I am genuinely interested: What parts were out of context, what is the true context, and what aspects of her personality have we missed? I know, I know...why should we all be interested in Reyne's personality? True. I myself likely wouldn't care much for this sort of exposure, but now that she's been portrayed the way that she has, it is only the honorable thing to correct that impression if it is truly the essence of slander. My condolences to Reyne if she has been hopelessly misunderstood.
  3. Really? I thought he was in some sort of position of authority. Maybe not the highest, but higher than member status. Oh well. Either way, the point is made.
  4. One can tell by the fact that she occassionally uses italics mid-sentence to emphasize points. While that's not an abnormal practice, having read this issue, it seems she likes to employ it a lot. There you go.
  5. a pathetic group of has beens and never weres Doitzel - Former IO, influential member. ES - Imperator Emeritus of Polaris Everyone else - Writers of prose. the butt of eveyones jokes *Ahem* GGA? Took their balls and went home cause things just got to hard Vox Populi Resistance Movement: Date: August 13, 2008 — Present (CN Wiki) even the few supporters of any value they once had have left them Which is exactly why people keep reading this, assert that Vox makes things interesting, and have, in some cases, taken up their doctrines. The EZI Petition and all the threads lately calling for an outlaw of EZI, personal, or alliance-wide? They have Voxian sigs, but none were started by Voxians themselves. Whether or not people support Vox itself, they still oft support their views, which, if you have been paying attention, and have at least a cursory understanding of them, is all they really need. I am sick and off to bed, but the fact Vox has become so desperate and pathetic almost makes me feel better. Almost. Best be staying in bed for a few months then. You don't like Vox. That's awesome. Good for you, we get it. But this is all you've been doing every single week. !@#$%*ing. If you're going to troll, then it least get your god damned facts straight. Otherwise, for the sake of mine eyes, shut your bloody, diseased trap already. I don't even know what you're trying to be anymore: a puppet, a spin machine, or a really, really bad troll that is so fat on its high ground that feeding it doesn't even produce negative effects anymore. Maybe you're all three. Now, as for this issue: Like I just said on IRC, it was 'aight, but it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. I already knew that Reyne Mordigan is not exactly merciful when it comes to war, and I already knew that she is that way because she is damned pissed when people mess with her friends. As for the Citadel, given her, and given the actions of The Grämlins recently, officially, and just in general voicing of opinion on this boards, it is no surprise to me that they're having , or had, some !@#$ to sort out. Plus, as has already been stated, the name is rather inconsistent. I look forward to the next issue, but yeah...increase the juiciness a bit. That is all.
  6. There are a hell of a lot more sigs on there than there are Voxians...
  7. If need be, I can provide plenty of metal and electronic music tracks. Call upon me if you want it.
  8. I object, despite my eager desire to kill.
  9. I either hold a grudge against all who reside on Digiterra, or none at all... ...hm. We shall see where that leads.
  10. I take it they know who they are?
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