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My Final Non Grata Announcement

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Dear Cybernations Community, 


I would like to thank you for an amazing 963 days playing this game with you all. It has been my honor and privilege to work for Non Grata as a member and later as NG Gov and finally as leader. Non Grata is the greatest alliance in the game. The members of Non Grata have been the most amazing, stubborn, difficult, wonderful, hilarious, delightful group of absolute misfit toys I have ever met. Thank you guys, you are honestly incredible and I am so thankful for each and every one of you. 


Shout Outs:


Caustic: had you not "poached" (for legal reasons this is a joke) me, I would not be here. Your discord invite changed the trajectory of my entire time in CN. Thank you for being you. You will forever be the greatest player CN has ever seen. 


Krabs: F it all, feed the trolls. I won't be here to leash you ever again. Chaos Elmo your heart out because everyone loves you. 


Schro: Your calm and steady and level headed counsel saved me from being stupid more times than I can count. Thank you. 


Weebl: Your brain is a delight. 


Crink, Rearview, Knight: You made my job so much more interesting every single time I ever made the mistake of letting you guys know I was offline. Thank you, because of you it was never boring. 


Come Dragons: You are so special, and I mean that is every single way. Bee, you are a straight up nutcase. 


NG Ladies: Liz, Draggie, Crink, Lia, Gatherum, and ZuZu, thank you so much for being an amazing support system and I am so thankful for each and every one of you. 


Lenin: From the day you came back to the game you have supported me. You have cheered me on. You helped me more times than I could ever count. Thank you for your enthusiasm and for your very real love of Non Grata. You not only help me, you understand the Dutch - thank you so much for translating lmao 


Speaking of Lenin. I would like everyone to welcome the new leader of Non Grata.




Lenin is the new leader of Non Grata. I know he will be amazing and he will lead with strength and purpose. Thank you, Lenin. I know I am leaving Non Grata in the best of hands. 


Thank you. 


For the last time, 

Sugar & Violence


NG Gov List:
Magic 8ball, Supreme Leader 
Lenin, The Milkman
Kerschbs, The Nice One
Caustic, Pope of Non Grata
Erwin Schrodinger, Schrothodoxy Patriarch, Mod of The Stickman
weebl, Concentrate and Ask Again
Rhizoctonia and Stewie, Advisors



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Thank you everything you have done for NG, it is absolutely amazing what you were able to acheive over your 4 years in gov with us, and you are genuinely one of the most amazing leaders this game has ever seen.

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What a run! Congratulations on leaving a big mark in a (relatively) short time. Thank you again for your contributions to the community, and I'm glad you had a fun time along the way. Best of luck with your new area of focus, and I hope this isn't a forever goodbye!

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It has been a genuine privilege to work together for the past few years. I’ve learned a ton from you, and CN will be significantly worse off without you around. 

Enjoy your retirement. You’ve earned it several times over. 

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6 minutes ago, KameraadLenin said:

Thank you everything you have done for NG, it is absolutely amazing what you were able to acheive over your 4 years in gov with us, and you are genuinely one of the most amazing leaders this game has ever seen.


Bro I straight up would never have made it without you. You need me? You know where to find me. I am so excited for you. 

2 minutes ago, lilweirdward said:

It has been a genuine privilege to work together for the past few years. I’ve learned a ton from you, and CN will be significantly worse off without you around. 

Enjoy your retirement. You’ve earned it several times over. 


LWW, you kept me sane so many times, our chat is one of my favorite places. 

3 minutes ago, Sarkin said:

What a run! Congratulations on leaving a big mark in a (relatively) short time. Thank you again for your contributions to the community, and I'm glad you had a fun time along the way. Best of luck with your new area of focus, and I hope this isn't a forever goodbye!


Thank you, Sarkin!

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I've said it in private channels and I'll say it again in public:

Thanks a lot Lyanna for all the wonderful work you did as our leader. You took a group of misfits and transformed then in an economic and military powerhouse. It was a pleasure making your job more entertaining, 10/10 would be a silly goose again.

Lenin, I've known you for some time now and I know you love NG very much and have what's needed to be a great leader. I hope to see what new heights NG reaches under your leadership. I'll try my best to be a good member of your alliance as to help you with that goal (but do expect some shenanigans along the road).

P.S. you're not leaving CN altogether, are you Lyanna?  😭

o/ Lyanna Mormont
o/ KameraadLenin
o/ Non Grata

Edited by Cydonian Knight
Full alliance name rather than initials
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Congratulations, you have been one of the key players in this era, and the world will have a noticeable absence without you. Don't let them drag you out of retirement!

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1 minute ago, Cydonian Knight said:

I've said it in private channels and I'll say it again in public:

Thanks a lot Lyanna for all the wonderful work you did as our leader. You took a group of misfits and transformed then in an economic and military powerhouse. It was a pleasure making your job more entertaining, 10/10 would be a silly goose again.

Lenin, I've known you for some time now and I know you love NG very much and have what's needed to be a great leader. I hope to see what new heights NG reaches under your leadership. I'll try my best to be a good member of your alliance as to help you with that goal (but do expect some shenanigans along the road).

P.S. you're not leaving CN altogether, are you Lyanna?  😭

o/ Lyanna Mormont
o/ KameraadLenin
o/ NG


I will always be in the NG discord ❤️

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18 minutes ago, Lyanna Mormont said:


I will always be in the NG discord ❤️

This is good news, although not as good as I had hoped 😢❤️. Enjoy your retirement though! It's very well earned 🍻

I was never able to catch up to you in casualties while you were active, damn shame...

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54 minutes ago, Lyanna Mormont said:



Dear Cybernations Community, 


I would like to thank you for an amazing 963 days playing this game with you all. It has been my honor and privilege to work for Non Grata as a member and later as NG Gov and finally as leader. Non Grata is the greatest alliance in the game. The members of Non Grata have been the most amazing, stubborn, difficult, wonderful, hilarious, delightful group of absolute misfit toys I have ever met. Thank you guys, you are honestly incredible and I am so thankful for each and every one of you. 


Shout Outs:


Caustic: had you not "poached" (for legal reasons this is a joke) me, I would not be here. Your discord invite changed the trajectory of my entire time in CN. Thank you for being you. You will forever be the greatest player CN has ever seen. 


Krabs: F it all, feed the trolls. I won't be here to leash you ever again. Chaos Elmo your heart out because everyone loves you. 


Schro: Your calm and steady and level headed counsel saved me from being stupid more times than I can count. Thank you. 


Weebl: Your brain is a delight. 


Crink, Rearview, Knight: You made my job so much more interesting every single time I ever made the mistake of letting you guys know I was offline. Thank you, because of you it was never boring. 


Come Dragons: You are so special, and I mean that is every single way. Bee, you are a straight up nutcase. 


NG Ladies: Liz, Draggie, Crink, Lia, Gatherum, and ZuZu, thank you so much for being an amazing support system and I am so thankful for each and every one of you. 


Lenin: From the day you came back to the game you have supported me. You have cheered me on. You helped me more times than I could ever count. Thank you for your enthusiasm and for your very real love of Non Grata. You not only help me, you understand the Dutch - thank you so much for translating lmao 


Speaking of Lenin. I would like everyone to welcome the new leader of Non Grata.




Lenin is the new leader of Non Grata. I know he will be amazing and he will lead with strength and purpose. Thank you, Lenin. I know I am leaving Non Grata in the best of hands. 


Thank you. 


For the last time, 

Sugar & Violence


NG Gov List:
Magic 8ball, Supreme Leader 
Lenin, The Milkman
Kerschbs, The Nice One
Caustic, Pope of Non Grata
Erwin Schrodinger, Schrothodoxy Patriarch, Mod of The Stickman
weebl, Concentrate and Ask Again
Rhizoctonia and Stewie, Advisors



The best to ever play CN. Goodbye my friend and enjoy your bright future. 

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I am so sad but very happy for you! 


Think I've retired at least once, maybe twice... don't be like me haha 


Hope you stick around!


Al Bundy

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Not great at this sentimental stuff, so I won’t say much. But it was always a pleasure to have you around, and every time I’ve ever chatted with you has been great! Good luck on everything in your future, and I’m sure I’ll catch you on discord at some point!

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Finally!!!!! I only dealt with your nonsense cuz Im still afraid/in love with your mother...... 🤣

In all sincerity, you've been the best of all of us for so long, you're absence is not only going to affect us in NG, it's going to affect the entire community. (Now you can't tell me to delete my comments!) You've earned retirement, but you'll be missed ❤️

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1 hour ago, Lyanna Mormont said:



Dear Cybernations Community, 


I would like to thank you for an amazing 963 days playing this game with you all. It has been my honor and privilege to work for Non Grata as a member and later as NG Gov and finally as leader. Non Grata is the greatest alliance in the game. The members of Non Grata have been the most amazing, stubborn, difficult, wonderful, hilarious, delightful group of absolute misfit toys I have ever met. Thank you guys, you are honestly incredible and I am so thankful for each and every one of you. 


Shout Outs:


Caustic: had you not "poached" (for legal reasons this is a joke) me, I would not be here. Your discord invite changed the trajectory of my entire time in CN. Thank you for being you. You will forever be the greatest player CN has ever seen. 


Krabs: F it all, feed the trolls. I won't be here to leash you ever again. Chaos Elmo your heart out because everyone loves you. 


Schro: Your calm and steady and level headed counsel saved me from being stupid more times than I can count. Thank you. 


Weebl: Your brain is a delight. 


Crink, Rearview, Knight: You made my job so much more interesting every single time I ever made the mistake of letting you guys know I was offline. Thank you, because of you it was never boring. 


Come Dragons: You are so special, and I mean that is every single way. Bee, you are a straight up nutcase. 


NG Ladies: Liz, Draggie, Crink, Lia, Gatherum, and ZuZu, thank you so much for being an amazing support system and I am so thankful for each and every one of you. 


Lenin: From the day you came back to the game you have supported me. You have cheered me on. You helped me more times than I could ever count. Thank you for your enthusiasm and for your very real love of Non Grata. You not only help me, you understand the Dutch - thank you so much for translating lmao 


Speaking of Lenin. I would like everyone to welcome the new leader of Non Grata.




Lenin is the new leader of Non Grata. I know he will be amazing and he will lead with strength and purpose. Thank you, Lenin. I know I am leaving Non Grata in the best of hands. 


Thank you. 


For the last time, 

Sugar & Violence


NG Gov List:
Magic 8ball, Supreme Leader 
Lenin, The Milkman
Kerschbs, The Nice One
Caustic, Pope of Non Grata
Erwin Schrodinger, Schrothodoxy Patriarch, Mod of The Stickman
weebl, Concentrate and Ask Again
Rhizoctonia and Stewie, Advisors






... but ... you were one of my favorite noobs.


All kidding aside, I retired several times before finally doing so and YEARS after I initially should have. Congrats on walking away from the part time job that is CN leadership.


@KameraadLenin ... As you know, you have inherited an assortment of hoodlums and jackanapes; the CN boogeyman** that is NG. I question your sanity, but I will remain a timely tech turret, random Discord commentator, and proud member of the egg carton.


**Boogey ... person? Did we decide if that was the proper term? ...



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You were the best intern I could have ever wished for. Thanks for taking care of my CN baby for all these years.


You are one of the few in modern CN that could have made it and thrived in the prime days. See you soon 👑😍

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Lyanna!! Thank you for all the laughs, the support, and just being you ❤ You will be missed for sure! Wishing you the best IRL!! 🥰


Hugs & cupcakes, 

Cello 🧁

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