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A Story of Forbbiden Love


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The “ItS jUsT rOtAtEd!” Accords



Caustic was the leader of Non Grata, a notorious street gang in the city. He was cold and calculating, with a reputation for being ruthless and unforgiving. Canik, on the other hand, was the leader of FTW, a rival gang that had been at odds with Non Grata for years.


Despite their differences, Caustic and Canik couldn’t deny the attraction that they felt for each other. Every time they met, the tension between them was electric, as if they were two magnets being pulled together despite their best efforts to resist.


As the Leaders of their respective gangs, Caustic and Canik knew that a relationship between them was forbidden. They tried to ignore their feelings and focus on the ongoing turf war between Non Grata and FTW, but the more they tried to stay away from each other, the more they found themselves drawn together.


Eventually, the tension between them reached a breaking point. Caustic and Canik found themselves alone in a room, their emotions running high. They fought at first, each trying to prove their superiority over the other. But as they grappled with each other, their anger gave way to passion, and they finally gave in to their true feelings.


From that moment on, Caustic and Canik were inseparable. They worked together, to end the gang war and bring peace to the city, using their combined strength and leadership to unite their rival gangs under one banner. And as they stood side by side, watching over their united kingdom, they knew that they had finally found the love and acceptance that they had always been searching for.




Article 0ItS jUsT rOtAtEd!”

Non Grata and the Freehold of the Wolves both agree that this is 100% Velocity’s fault.

Article I – “You can’t claim us, we live here”
Non Grata and the Freehold of the Wolves both agree that their flags are indistinguishable from each other and that both acknowledge each other’s sovereignty and will solve issues in private.

Article II – Non-Aggression
Non Grata and the Freehold of the Wolves agree that it is in the best interest of both parties to stay friendly, and cordial with each other, and to maintain Caustic and Canik’s forbidden love for each other.

Article III – "Supply lines and reinforcements"

Non Grata and the Freehold of the Wolves recognize that communication, intelligence, and aid freely given is vital to maintaining this forbidden love. Both parties agree to act in good faith, share any relevant information with each other, and aid each other whenever and wherever possible


Article IV – “Ride or Die”

Non Grata and the Freehold of the Wolves both agree that they are Ride or Die, partners. Both partners will defend the other no matter what. Both parties agree that it is better to commit Seppuku than to break this bond. Both parties agree to freely provide aid to each other, whenever and wherever possible. Both parties agree that the activation of this treaty in a defensive war is required within the next 72 hours. If one of the parties breaks this article, this treaty will be considered null and void.

Article V – Optional Aggression

Both parties also agree that they are allowed to join in on any aggressive fun that the other is having, but this is not required. Both parties agree to freely provide aid to each other, whenever and wherever possible.

Article VI – Termination
If either alliance wishes to terminate this treaty at any time, they must privately inform the government of the opposite side at least 96 hours in advance.






For Non Grata:

Lyanna, Sugar & Violence!!!
Kerschbs, Closet Democrat
Lenin, The Milkman
Erwin Schrodinger, Schrothodoxy Patriarch
weebl, Concentrate and Ask Again
Rhizoctonia, RON Steel Ballz
Caustic, Pope of Non Grata & Canik’s lover
Stewie, Master of the NG Senate & Dreadnought God-Emperor




For the Freehold of the Wolves:

King of Fire & Ice - Dark Lord Sauron, the All-Seeing Monarch, & who’s tired of Smitty’s titles
Hand of The King - Pjk11, the sentient Taco, resident fly on the wall
Regent - Velocity, only in charge sometimes, probably 


Council of Lords
Lord of State - Velocity, who’s fault it always is.

Deputy Lord of State – Joseph Black/Muddog, Lord of the Chattahoochee

Lord of War - CodArk2, Autocorrect Expect

Deputy Lord of War – Canik, the Mad King, Resident madman with a gun, Caustic’s lover

Deputy Lord of War – Piley, Resident Communist

Lord of Economic Affairs - Bowlzahoy, definitely not a second robot

Deputy Lord of Economic Affairs – BMK812, Lord Draculea’s protege

Lord of Internal Affairs - Smitty, Alliance Archivist, Master Wiki Editor, Lord of GIFs, Lyanna’s best friend, & Master of Many Titles

Deputy Lord of Internal Affairs – Phillip VI, Smitty’s protege

Edited by Smitty256
Fixed DLS's Title
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15 hours ago, Smitty256 said:


Roll Velocity you say?

TO WAR!!!!!!


You called?




Oh, lacks underscore.  Carry on, nothing to see here.


Continue to roll Velocity.



Edit: And my congratulations to all parties involved in this mutual tension releasing passion outburst.  

Edited by W_A_R
To the point of the OP
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