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Oh boy, we are back to pretending that Bones declaring an act of war on a sitting Senator and ingame aa owner is the same as sanctions being applied to a rogue currently in an active state of war with 4-5 aa's (and with no treaty ties to Bones)?


At this point I'm not sure if even Lowsten can save you.

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I don't remember having approved that, but I'm in no position to question Argent.


If you do find yourself in the position to question Argent I am sure that Unknown Smurf will be happy to give you any answers you require.

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At this point I'm not sure if even Lowsten can save you.


I can't.





If you do find yourself in the position to question Argent I am sure that Unknown Smurf will be happy to give you any answers you require.


Noted, thanks for the advice. 

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I'm sure pink has room for both Auctor and Hartfw.  

Has Auctor given up his position in TGE?  If not, one doesn't want to be overwhelmed with responsibility :P


If oculus supercedes all treaties then a declaration by Oculus should allow a preempt on any oculus alliance.

Just like Sengoku basically preempted SP&TR instead of declaring on just Mongols.

Once the fighters in the upper tier are gone, I wonder who is next.

This is not a declaration by Oculus, it is a decree by Sengoku.   I would imagine that the group who is next is the next group to sanction a senator in an alliance either in or tied to Oculus for a reason that does not meet whatever standards, if any, Oculus decides to make on sanctions.





Of course now the situation has changed, but we are allied and have agreements with much of Oculus.  This current conflict is like a fight between 2 friends, which friend do you help bash the others face in?  


How you answer that speaks a lot about your character.






...I still think Oculus is a stupid name though.  I much prefer the Dune theme I came up with, and I am sad that people didn't go with it all the way :(.  Frawley, if you're listening here, bring back Dune @#$% it.


Sorry, but I can not resist the next statement:


She who controls the tech spice controls the universe and what people do not tell you is we have control of someone who is very close, very close, to {redacted}. This person, this traitor, will be worth more to us than ten legions. 






^^ This right here.One thing that both sides can definitely agree on, DBDC has been nothing but a good friend to alliances on either side of the conflict. I can state with certainty that we would never ask them to willfully involve themselves in a fight against their friends and I'm reasonably sure that SPaTR and Co feel the same way. But what would a conversation here be without the peanut gallery trying to drag up non issues when there are plenty of relevant things to discuss?



Personally I am very surprised to see DBDC sitting this war out while 20% of "their" super tier is taken out. 

Edit: This is the best case scenario for Oculus and I am sure how happy they must be right now being able to take out the super tier piece by piece. Having to fight them all at the same time, would of made this war actually damaging to Oclulus. 


Read what Petro and Caliph said above. 


Also, so that I do not receive messages from various people in my in box who see this post explaining to me that I'm being naive, I say the following: Lord Hershey and I co-parent Doom Kingdom.  If you are one of the people who does not know why that matters, then you are in no position to be talking to me about naivete. 

Edited by White Chocolate
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It is a messaging thing. For example, couple of pages before;



Caliph just turns out to be more genuine with it.


Similarly, in our DoW thread you had Berbers harping on the same angle it was just Umbrella that was suppose to be the one to save their top tier while NPO burned theirs. It is a popular motive to try to play with.


I'm saying why have a few alliances burn their upper tiers when Oculus has many alliances with upper tiers and could spread the damage around the entire bloc rather than just on a few alliances.


Its not like Oculus is lacking in nations in range of the upper/super tier.



I think he's just projecting his feelings about his own alliance onto whoever he can't do anything against, as they sit it out while you guys torch their ally. (Not sure if they'll be allies after.)

So well played.

I was an Umbrella member for several years before I joined Doom, so I have a soft spot for them.
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I still think Republoq was the way to go with the whole Roman senate theme. Otherwise shoulda gone with Dune.



We still can.  There is time.  All we need is the political will.


"Confine yourself to observing and you always miss the point of your own life. The object can be stated this way: Live the best life you can. Life is a game whose rules you learn if you leap into it and play it to the hilt. Otherwise, you are caught off balance, continually surprised by the shifting play. Non-players often whine and complain that luck always passes them by. They refuse to see that they can create some of their own luck".

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We still can.  There is time.  All we need is the political will.


"Confine yourself to observing and you always miss the point of your own life. The object can be stated this way: Live the best life you can. Life is a game whose rules you learn if you leap into it and play it to the hilt. Otherwise, you are caught off balance, continually surprised by the shifting play. Non-players often whine and complain that luck always passes them by. They refuse to see that they can create some of their own luck".


Catchy name

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Of course now the situation has changed, but we are allied and have agreements with much of Oculus.  This current conflict is like a fight between 2 friends, which friend do you help bash the others face in?  

I honestly thought Gator, Tim and Bones were Doombirds, regardless of whatever AA they happened to be flying at a given time. Hasn't it been this way for much of the existence of the AA?  It would seem your members are under a direct attack.


Oculus has shown clearly you're either a member or up for the meat grinder, surprised this is how you guys see it as far as the two friends/ties to Oculus stuff goes.

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What ever will we do.

Berbers and Lord Hithcock do not approve of our methods.


I never said I didn't approve of them. I'm just saying that a more diplomatic solution could have occurred- preventing all of this non-sense.


This world needs more diplomatic efforts and less impulsive warring.

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I never said I didn't approve of them. I'm just saying that a more diplomatic solution could have occurred- preventing all of this non-sense.


This world needs more diplomatic efforts and less impulsive warring.



Good point, we should be more diplomatic and less impulsive just like Monsters Inc. Or was that your way of admitting pretty much all of Monster Inc's history was a string of bad ideas and things should have been handled differently on your end just about every time? Because the change you want to see in this world starts with you. Either way, thanks for the input we'll be sure to give it some serious thought at our biannual meeting of very bad unjust alliances.

Edited by Petro
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Considering how long he's had a countdown, I'd suspect that may be a while.

That's not an outcome that bothers me. Anyone wanting to pretend we're the ones that haven't traditionally embraced diplomatic means only to have them thrown in our face time and again can sit on it.
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Good point, we should be more diplomatic and less impulsive just like Monsters Inc. Or was that your way of admitting pretty much all of Monster Inc's history was a string of bad ideas and things should have been handled differently on your end just about every time? Because the change you want to see in this world starts with you. Either way, thanks for the input we'll be sure to give it some serious thought at our biannual meeting of very bad unjust alliances.


No need to bring M Inc into this. 


That's not an outcome that bothers me. Anyone wanting to pretend we're the ones that haven't traditionally embraced diplomatic means only to have them thrown in our face time and again can sit on it.


embraced? surely dissolving STA and and TPF was the righteous thing to do. I'd reckon the diplomatic means you are referring to- at this point and time- is using your allies pixels. Sengoku will be out of range of Mongels top teir the first round. And you've found ex-umbrella / DK members giving you the benefit of the doubt in your actions. 


I'm not saying BONEs actions were angelic, but let's not shy away from the senate abusing, sanction hungry hartw, either.

Edited by Lord Hitchcock
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No need to bring M Inc into this. 

You bring M Inc into this. I dont see bones running around here trying to defend his agression. It seems M Inc is more butthurt about all this than any of the involved parties at the core of this conflict.


Bones is fine, he isnt running around protesting here, he has said in the past he relishes a good fight, he has threatened people left and right of him, and finally, instead of seeking diplomacy with the aggrieved party, (defending against rogue attacks), he went out in an agressive manner and sanctioned a senator and govt member. He seems very content about the war, it's almost as if he went out of his way to seek this conflict. Fits well with his pattern of behavior. 

Edited by shahenshah
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