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Declaration of War

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Im sure mi6 doesnt have to provide jack shit, just would be a useful piece of info. Yall claim you dont care for kaskus, yet are having super secret private conversations about "kaskus" and "war". One thing is for sure though,yall do care enough about kaskus for something

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Im sure mi6 doesnt have to provide jack !@#$, just would be a useful piece of info. Yall claim you dont care for kaskus, yet are having super secret private conversations about "kaskus" and "war". One thing is for sure though,yall do care enough about kaskus for something


Actually we didn't at all. 


Basically Ken already said he misinterpreted a conversation he had with another GOONS member. The only interaction MI6 that I know of was that Comrade Milton informing us of tensions with whatever micro LN is. 


We were completely uninvolved until Smurf decided to attempt to spin the most ridiculous CB into a global war.


Unfortunately, every step along the way he has blundered and now even his own allies are going to be hard pressed to support given how obvious he had been trying to draw them into such a conflict for his own personal reasons.

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That is the beauty of the situation. We don't have to supply !@#$all for answers really. Smurf/Kaskus are the ones who done $%&@ed up mate. Not MI6. Not GOONs. Only and solely MI6. What allies discuss between themselves is just that- what allies discuss between themselves.

This innocent typo gave me a chuckle. Thanks.
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to be fair, smurf has admitted he jumped the gun with his decision.


Right, so he should have been talking about how to make amends for his actions.


Instead he has been attempting to escalate the "mistake," he made at every step and turn.


He also has a history / track record in such events of doing so, which isn't an insignificant part of why many of the alliances he was counting on to be overly enthused by his antics have instead told him better luck next time.

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This innocent typo gave me a chuckle. Thanks.


I mean it's bad enough Smurf has no evidence of his claim actually happening and admitting to jumping the gun, it's another to start asking GOONS/MI6 to provide justification to the affair when it simply doesn't exist.


It's pathetic.

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I mean it's bad enough Smurf has no evidence of his claim actually happening and admitting to jumping the gun, it's another to start asking GOONS/MI6 to provide justification to the affair when it simply doesn't exist.
It's pathetic.

I see I was quoted by Myth. I see the content of the post doesn't address my post. Nothing new, I suppose. But now that you've got my attention, HI, MYTH <3
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to be fair, smurf has admitted he jumped the gun with his decision. Nevertheless, your reason of miscomunication with GOONS is suspect at the least because the conversation had to involve "war " and "kaskus". Sra mentioned this criticism earlier and have asked what you guys were talking about in the first place to lead to this confusion and still no answer .


He did indeed admit this. Unfortunately, he has since flip-flopped multiple times. He and his companions have continued attempting to discredit MI6. As for the conversation; People talk.. If anything relating to war was going on for GOONS (And given the situation, that seemed to be the case), I'm certain there has been talk about it. It's courtesy, and it's how CN works. 


The fact that people talk, that allies have conversations, is not a CB. It does not mean that there is any vile puppeteering going on. Like you yourself just said; kaskus messed up. I do not see why MI6 should be assigned any blame.

Edited by Partisan
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The truth is out there...






At this point you're just willfully denying the existence of the truth because it suits your agenda.


The beginning (and not the end of such logs,) started around July here , and have continued since then.

They clearly show a bellicose smurf asking quite literally to start a war so that "we can get the next war over with," while MI6 just asks him to go away.


Since then he has continued until having been rebuffed at his efforts at instigating a war from MI6 that he decided to launch one himself in hopes foreign parties would do exactly as you are and pander to their interests rather than fact.


Unfortunately for you Stewie, Smurf managed to $%&@ up, admit it -- and then continue attempt to escalate the conflict.


He was completely obvious about it and as a result is paying the price, but his intentions to embroil the world in a larger war are clear to all with eyes.


Jul 20 10:59:22 <UnknownSmurf> That said, I think the planet needs a global war
Jul 20 10:59:24 <UnknownSmurf> and I want a war
Jul 20 10:59:27 <UnknownSmurf> so whynot?   :D
Jul 20 10:59:39 <Stagger_Lee> uhuh....
Jul 20 11:00:28 <UnknownSmurf> Maybe I am missing something. Do you see a reason not to escalate this?
Jul 20 11:00:35 <UnknownSmurf> Enlighten me
Jul 20 11:01:41 <Stagger_Lee> I don't even see a problem.
Jul 20 11:02:18 <UnknownSmurf> Perfecto   :D
Jul 20 11:02:32 <UnknownSmurf> Oh wait
Jul 20 11:03:08 <UnknownSmurf> Problem is I know a couple of your guys warchests according to myth
Jul 20 11:03:13 <UnknownSmurf> well I mean I do
Jul 20 11:03:19 <Stagger_Lee> I'm sure a lot of people do.
Jul 20 11:04:14 <UnknownSmurf> But I have them the day after the occured
Jul 20 11:04:30 <UnknownSmurf> and I shared on the OWF that Khal only has 700mill despite his 10k tech
Jul 20 11:04:41 <UnknownSmurf> you should roll me for this
Jul 20 11:04:44 <Stagger_Lee> i'm sure youre very happy about it
Jul 20 11:05:59 <UnknownSmurf> I dont understnd
Jul 20 11:06:27 <UnknownSmurf> I give you a CB against a relatively weak alliance, not unconnected, but badly connected. Allied to an alliance you have had problems with in the past
Jul 20 11:06:59 <UnknownSmurf> (SRA)
Jul 20 11:07:10 <UnknownSmurf> we aren't even allied to DBDC 
Jul 20 11:07:16 <UnknownSmurf> so you don't have to worry about that counter
Jul 20 11:07:18 <Stagger_Lee> I quite like SRA tbh.
Apparently allies like SRA are cannon fodder for Smurf's amusement.
Edited by IYIyTh
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That is the beauty of the situation. We don't have to supply !@#$all for answers really. Smurf/Kaskus are the ones who done $%&@ed up mate. Not MI6. Not GOONs. Only and solely MI6. What allies discuss between themselves is just that- what allies discuss between themselves.


Well that's certainly your (referring to you, your alliance, and your alliance's allies) prerogative, but it's easy to see how this might fuel misunderstanding in the world at large.

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You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.. as proven earlier in this thread with screenshots of posts prior to the DoW in which I asked others to not expand this.

My allies/friends support me in whatever decisions I make as they know the opposite is always true. Obviously you know nothing about that considering how your friends kicked you to the curb... As the great Wiz Khalifa said, "I built this family on loyalty."

Call in some allies and you'll see what the alliances I "was counting on" think about your pathetic excuse for a "game changing" alliance.

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That is an interesting thought, Mi6 has stated they don't owe Kaskus a fair fight. Then they come out and say Kaskus' friends and allies even think this is a terrible CB.

If you truly think Kaskus is some lone wolf with no support and who doesn't deserve a fair fight, why not dogpile them with allies and finish this?

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Actually we didn't at all. 


Basically Ken already said he misinterpreted a conversation he had with another GOONS member. The only interaction MI6 that I know of was that Comrade Milton informing us of tensions with whatever micro LN is. 


We were completely uninvolved until Smurf decided to attempt to spin the most ridiculous CB into a global war.


Unfortunately, every step along the way he has blundered and now even his own allies are going to be hard pressed to support given how obvious he had been trying to draw them into such a conflict for his own personal reasons.

Playing dumb doesn't make your version anymore believable. You guys have yet to give a plausible explanation of how something like that can be miscommunicated, if you guys really were just minding your own business. Without logs to prove it really was a miscommunication, we have no real proof Ken wasn't telling the truth when he said M16 told GOONS they could attack LN. Either we believe Ken was lying then or now, either scenario is just as plausible without any evidence. Of course Ken is going to say he didn't mean that after he sees it used as a CB against you. That is just a defensive reaction. However the M16 response is what one would expect if M16 really did want a war with Kaskus. 

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Well since most of us want a fight and both sides are trying not to 'escalate' this, why don't we all just ghost MI6 and Kaskus.  We'll get our glow on, declare white peace for Christmas and have a hell of a good time doing it.



Is post does not necessarily reflect the views of those that are involved in this conflict or their allies...yada, yada, lawyer, lawyer.

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Well since most of us want a fight and both sides are trying not to 'escalate' this, why don't we all just ghost MI6 and Kaskus.  We'll get our glow on, declare white peace for Christmas and have a hell of a good time doing it.
Is post does not necessarily reflect the views of those that are involved in this conflict or their allies...yada, yada, lawyer, lawyer.

turn MI6 and Kaskus into two thunderdome teams. Go in and out with friends to boost casualties
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That is an interesting thought, Mi6 has stated they don't owe Kaskus a fair fight. Then they come out and say Kaskus' friends and allies even think this is a terrible CB.

If you truly think Kaskus is some lone wolf with no support and who doesn't deserve a fair fight, why not dogpile them with allies and finish this?


Some of us aren't in the business for escalating conflicts just because.


Just because you can put someone in a bad position doesn't always make it right to do so.


In this case, we'd just be giving Smurf what he wants. I've already said if it was my call I'd have dogpiled from day one because in my opinion treaties exist purely for the point of defending oneself against senseless and clearly calculated aggression embodied by Smurf. His admission of his mistakes in this affair and his repeated desire to start a global conflict (nevermind the track record,) lead me to believe this is simply purely unwarranted bellicosity, but that's not my call to make. I'm fairly certain we still reserve the right to given how incredulous this CB is and the back-room conversations I've overheard from some of the people Smurf was relying on.

Edited by IYIyTh
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Apparently allies like SRA are cannon fodder for Smurf's amusement.



For, I believe the 3rd time in as many days, I find myself quoting an MI6 member who thinks talking about SRA in MI6's war with Kaskus has validity.



At this point you're just willfully denying the existence of the truth because it suits your agenda.



Irony, you are such a fickle mistress.

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I do have to say one more thing in this thread thanks the bitching..with all these log dumps in this thread can we please have the ones that apparently caused the miscommunication? You know, the ones where GOONS - MI6 were chatting and how kaskus would not defend. Those ones. Either those or the ones with Doomsquad where MI6 talked to them about not escalating....

Itd atleast give us something interesting to read

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2-3 month old log dumps seem all the rage as a justification for war in Tywinsphere. Escalation by US is sensible now as a victory would mean he can choose who was right or wrong.


I'm not sure what "Tywinsphere" is supposed to be, but if you are talking about the civilized hemisphere we are by definition not built on personality cults or friends > infra patronism.

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