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Declaration of War from the Viridian Entente


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I think we are missing that this is a war of survival, not a vendetta. NSO coalition was plotting and scheming to take down Polar. NSO was reduced sufficiently but time has revealed NPO's shenanigans and fact that they have not been reduced as a threat sufficiently. A few months of PM for a few nations will not cripple NPO.

You realize that your opinions just make it closer to NPO's peace terms being "take care of Tywin for us"
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You've done nothing to earn respect, but, that doesn't mean I'm going to act like a fool when speaking to you. There's common decency and respect, and you lack both. 
In a year, you might very well end up allied to some of these people. Not worth being so angry at people for being on a different side. Hell, we were allied a year ago.
Tywinn is a handful. I've conspired against him while he was on my own side (Never thought those Vox elections were funny, Tywinn?). Still, he's better than nothing.

Aww because I play a little role on the big boards? Those who matter, know me better. In situations where it's required, they get to know me better and see a different side of me. The fact that you're upset over the way I act on a global stage, worries me none. You mean nothing in this global scape, and I'll never meet you any where of consequence where you'll see me.

You chase me around with all these attempts at defamation like I'm the only brash and outspoken personality around. Just !@#$@#$ give it up already. It's a whale you're not gonna catch. Edited by Rayvon
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I think we are missing that this is a war of survival, not a vendetta. NSO coalition was plotting and scheming to take down Polar. NSO was reduced sufficiently but time has revealed NPO's shenanigans and fact that they have not been reduced as a threat sufficiently. A few months of PM for a few nations will not cripple NPO.


You should really listen to the leaders of your own side and just stop. You literally do more harm than good with every word you spew.

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Aww because I play a little role on the big boards? Those who matter, know me better. In situations where it's required, they get to know me better and see a different side of me. The fact that you're upset over the way I act on a global stage, worries me none. You mean nothing in this global scape, and I'll never meet you any where of consequence where you'll see me.

Though, it is thought that how we behave online is just a manifestation of who we really are beneath the cover or manners and tact.


I didn't know you well when we shared time in VE, so I can't make any claims either way.

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Though, it is thought that how we behave online is just a manifestation of who we really are beneath the cover or manners and tact.
I didn't know you well when we shared time in VE, so I can't make any claims either way.

I'm not talking [OOC]OOC[/OOC]. I'm talking about me, Rayvon. On the 'big boards' and in varied political arenas [see: IRC, embassies, etc]

[OOC: Ever since Impero and Goldie decided to be pieces of shit OOC when I was last Viridian, my entire OOC has been completely separated from 'Rayvon' - I'm here to play a game like everyone else; He's chasing around 'Rayvon', I'm not making OOC accusations against him] Edited by Rayvon
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Thats all well and good, and I appreciate your position, but you do seem to be quite frequently finger pointing at NPO, when the totality of your opinion suggests you should be finger pointing at those allies you are supporting.

Even if he was, we wouldn't know about it. Allies generally prefer not to air each other's dirty laundry. GOONS; involvement though is less surprising to me than the rest of the supposedly 'moral' periphery.



I think we are missing that this is a war of survival, not a vendetta. NSO coalition was plotting and scheming to take down Polar. NSO was reduced sufficiently but time has revealed NPO's shenanigans and fact that they have not been reduced as a threat sufficiently. A few months of PM for a few nations will not cripple NPO.

You mistake 'rolling' with destroying, for one. I only see vitriol stemming from the last war. And of course, seeing as how you aren't one of those pushing terms (instead, simply parroting those above you), the only ones who can really justify their stance are those involved. In any case, the political costs of the war increase the longer the war is waged. Time will tell if the stances of both coalitions were 'worth it'.

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Aww because I play a little role on the big boards? Those who matter, know me better. In situations where it's required, they get to know me better and see a different side of me. The fact that you're upset over the way I act on a global stage, worries me none. You mean nothing in this global scape, and I'll never meet you any where of consequence where you'll see me.

You chase me around with all these attempts at defamation like I'm the only brash and outspoken personality around. Just !@#$@#$ give it up already. It's a whale you're not gonna catch.

What do you mean I don't matter?




You're so mean!

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That would mean some in the coalition targeted NPO. Nowhere, in any sense of that statement attributed to Dajobo does he say NPO was our target. Given that we kicked off the war with a legit CB against someone other than NPO, I think you've found yourself a sufficient answer.

Yeah, but Polar doesn’t command its coalition, and understood its coalition had demands it would acquiesce to. So what Polar was happy to achieve doesn’t encompass the entirety of its coalition’s agenda.
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Yeah, but Polar doesnt command its coalition, and understood its coalition had demands it would acquiesce to. So what Polar was happy to achieve doesnt encompass the entirety of its coalitions agenda.

Trying to wrap my mind around this idea that coalition politics means some vast conspiracy. The root of the politics is actually pretty simple since NSO wanted to attack Polar. That would have dragged down everyone around Polar as happened to your side. The majority of alliances involved would have been compromised if NSO achieved its Pacifica backed goals of revenge. Edited by Tywin Lannister
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You would have a leg to stand on, in many of our opines... if it were not for those pesky screams from the tops of mountains to ANYONE who would listen in the early days of the war.... "this is not about NPO"... "this is about supporting Polar"...

This may finally be the thread that convinces me it's complete waste of time to read the OWF. Well played and thank you.

I just wanted to say, opine is a verb.
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I think we can all agree that this is probably one of the stupidest arguments made itt.


I feel that underestimates the stupidity of other arguments made here.

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Trying to wrap my mind around this idea that coalition politics means some vast conspiracy. The root of the politics is actually pretty simple since NSO wanted to attack Polar. That would have dragged down everyone around Polar as happened to your side. The majority of alliances involved would have been compromised if NSO achieved its Pacifica backed goals of revenge.

How are you struggling to wrap your mind around the idea that coalition politics is some huge conspiracy? You seem to be spending all your time telling everyone how you were building exactly that with your Machiavellian plotting. You also seem willing to believe NPO was part of some huge coalition conspiracy led by NSO to roll polar... If you believe that to be true, your coalition would look even more retarded to NOT have NPO as it's primary target.
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What I learned from this thread is...


Nothing, like all war topics throughout the years.


This may finally be the thread that convinces me it's complete waste of time to read the OWF. Well played and thank you.


Its took this many years and globals to realise that  :blink:

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