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So I'm wondering, and maybe you can help me out here. Is this a declaration of curbstomp, in which you end the fight with the other parties at war with Nordriech, or is this an actual two enter one leaves Thunderdome thing where the war stops only because the enemy is out of range? Because I, for one, think you both should opt for the latter. It's what you want to do, it's what you're capable of doing, and, frankly, it's what you should be doing. Because if either side has an ideology worth clinging to, it's something you prove to each other, independent of entanglements with interlopers.


Right-size the war so it's the war you want, not the war you're willing to accept.


Or maybe ideology has little if anything to do with it and you're making this DoW something it isn't.

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Ok, two observations on Nordreich at the start of this war.

I critique only because I love.


1. Every member of the alliance, except for the alliance founder, is still marked "New Recruit." Vacuum Valley and Niflhel have been members of Nordreich for 1648 Days and are still new recruits. Does that come across as just a TAD bit lazy?


2. For the love of Admin the Wise Nordreich, name yourselves alliance managers and an alliance heir or two or 5. I ain't wishing no bad on Bandnerd, but if something unexpected happens and he should get deleted? Maybe just lose internet connection at the wrong time, anything that could get him even accidentally deleted? Your entire alliance disappears when he does. All I'm saying is that would suck, maybe even for INT.


My bad if I come across as snivelly, but I'm just sayin'.

Edited by Clash
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To be honest, I don't think there was any particularly good reason for our relationship to grow cold, other than some internal issues and Thor going MIA and hurting internal morale. DT should see how silly it is for 6 alliances to declare on NoR while NoR has no backup. DT should jump in on our side.

The tears are sweet here lol

You should ask yourself where all your allies have gone :smug:

Edited by pd73bassman
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Ok, two observations on Nordreich at the start of this war.
I critique only because I love.
1. Every member of the alliance, except for the alliance founder, is still marked "New Recruit." Vacuum Valley and Niflhel have been members of Nordreich for 1648 Days and are still new recruits. Does that come across as just a TAD bit lazy?
2. For the love of Admin the Wise Nordreich, name yourselves alliance managers and an alliance heir or two or 5. I ain't wishing no bad on Bandnerd, but if something unexpected happens and he should get deleted? Maybe just lose internet connection at the wrong time, anything that could get him even accidentally deleted? Your entire alliance disappears when he does. All I'm saying is that would suck, maybe even for INT.
My bad if I come across as snivelly, but I'm just sayin'.

All valid points. Thank you. We are working on it ;)
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To be honest, I don't think there was any particularly good reason for our relationship to grow cold, other than some internal issues and Thor going MIA and hurting internal morale. DT should see how silly it is for 6 alliances to declare on NoR while NoR has no backup. DT should jump in on our side.

Sorry old friend. 


Edit: We can attack HB for you, if you want? 

Edited by Supa_Troop3r
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What would you say ya DO here?


That is a great question, and one that everyone should ask of himself from time to time. Myself, I'm a consultant. From just a few days of observation, it is clear that there are a number of alliance organizations that would benefit from a variety of products I offer, from personnel evaluations on over to ISO 9000 compliance.


If you know of anyone that could benefit from some best-of-breed world-class business process solutions, I would be very thankful for the referrals.

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Int and HB are the only particularly "fresh" alliances coming into this war against us. So, yes, that would be quite nice.

Believe that was meant to be humorous.

There were a lot of past events that could have been managed differently and led to a different outcome. Good luck coming back from this, NoR.
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Int and HB are the only particularly "fresh" alliances coming into this war against us. So, yes, that would be quite nice.

So this is what remains of "proud" Nordreich? Begging for support and unable to face the oncoming storm with at least a shred of dignity? I would laugh if it wasn't so pitiful.
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So this is what remains of "proud" Nordreich? Begging for support and unable to face the oncoming storm with at least a shred of dignity? I would laugh if it wasn't so pitiful.



Like many of us, the once mighty Reich is merely a sad shell of what it once was.




Kick back and relax, gentlemen. Winter is here 



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Between the Baratheon landings at Normandy, Viridian Paratroopers landing deep in Vichy territory, fast moving DoD assaults in North Africa and The International pushing west towards Berlin, I foresee Nordreich resistance rapidly declining in light of intelligence we have received regarding bankrupt warchests.

Edited by Tywin Lannister
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As per a report I received a year ago. When my friend tried to address what seemed like shallow WCs, he was met with.. "We don't talk about that."
It seems lackluster WCs is NoR policy.

Their WC's weren't that awesome all the way back to Grudge, most of the guys who had good ones all seem to have left for DoD.
I remember bassman and a couple other guys had huge ones, one guy who left for Umb had like 12 bil. Edited by Ogaden
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Between the Baratheon landings at Normandy, Viridian Paratroopers landing deep in Vichy territory, fast moving DoD assaults in North Africa and The International pushing west towards Berlin, I foresee Nordreich resistance rapidly declining in light of intelligence we have received regarding bankrupt warchests.

Presumably Mortal Wombat represents the Bagdolio government?  Or perhaps the Yugoslav partisans?

Edited by Sovyet Gelibolu
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