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Biggest War Ever?


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Is this the biggest war ever or how big would a war need to become the biggest war these days? I'm not even sure if its possible to have bigger wars these days due to a shrinking total amount of players. I know there have been some big and destructive wars in the past, so I wouldn't be sure enough to say this is the biggest with any certainty. Although in terms of size and destructive potential, with both sides being large and able to fight for a while, this war does rank among the best. I think its a perfect way to start out the new year after so many years of nothing interesting happening.


Does anyone have know the stats on how this war compares to previous wars in size and what some of the biggest past wars were?

Edited by Methrage
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Are you referring to number of nations or statistical damage outputs? Because it's the latter (if not already it will be) but certainly not the former.


I think both are valid ways to measure how big a war is, even they give different results. So any measurement it sets new records is interesting.

Edited by Methrage
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It's possible that this is the biggest war in terms of overall NS involved. In terms of number of nations involved, this isn't that big a war. Certainly if you compare it to GWIII or the Unjust War it's quite small.


DOUBLE EDIT: last statement was wrong, retracted.

Edited by Lamuella
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In terms of number of alliances involved, I don't think this is the biggest. In terms of nations involved it most certaintly isn't the biggest. In terms of damage done, this perhaps is the biggest. In terms of how quick it "escalated", it is the biggest. There are several ways of measuring how "big" a war is.

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Largest number of nations would go to UjP war or Karma.

Largest number of alliances would go to GW III or Karma.

Biggest damage done would go to BiPolar or this war. This war has a few very big hitters that BiPolar didn't have but BiPolar had more alliances going all out, whereas this war has more people in PM.

Most costly war, however, would definitely be this war. High end infra and tech is costly.

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FAN-1 Vision went from December 17, 2007 - May 14, 2009


to be fair a LOT of that was a cold war. (well, a room temperature war)


As far as recent world wars on a multi-month scale, Karma lasted from April 20 to July 19 2009 (3 months), Bipolar lasted from January 20 to April 4 2010 (2.5 months), and DH-NPO lasted from January 17th - May 3 2011 (3.5 months).

Edited by Lamuella
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A very large percentage of active nations not on near-to-hyper-neutral AAs are involved, I dont have any numbers and would love to see them if someone does, but subjectively it doesnt seem all that different from GWIII for instance.

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This is a pretty destructive war but BiPolar was insane. TOP was a 220 nation Umbrella and CnG was at their peak. That front was absolutely brutal. I remember we had 100 members on IRC coordinating. I don't think we will ever match that again just due to the state of the game.

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FAN-1 Vision went from December 17, 2007 - May 14, 2009



to be fair a LOT of that was a cold war. (well, a room temperature war)


As far as recent world wars on a multi-month scale, Karma lasted from April 20 to July 19 2009 (3 months), Bipolar lasted from January 20 to April 4 2010 (2.5 months), and DH-NPO lasted from January 17th - May 3 2011 (3.5 months).

This one would be longer.



I'd say in terms of square footage this is by far the largest war, but external factors such as height, girth, and alternate dimensions should be considered as well.



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This is a pretty destructive war but BiPolar was insane. TOP was a 220 nation Umbrella and CnG was at their peak. That front was absolutely brutal. I remember we had 100 members on IRC coordinating. I don't think we will ever match that again just due to the state of the game.


Agreed.  The TOP front of BiPolar and Karma were the two "best" and "biggest" wars imo.  This one is the most enjoyable (and biggest) since then.





 I really like your Username btw

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This definitely isn't the biggest in terms of players. [ooc]come on, the servers hardly even lag anymore :awesome:[/ooc]


ah, well I remember both the times I completely destroyed someone before they logged on, and the times they did the same to me...


I sometimes miss old CN.

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