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Mushroom Kingdom Declaration

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I would like to thank MK's Ambassador to Ai for inspiring this wonderful work of 15 minutes.

Edited by Aeros
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I had, once, lived my life in struggle.

My heart, filled with zeal, stormed endlessly at the godless giant who had crushed the faithful of the planet. I prayed nightly for a savior, to free me from my endless fight against this heinous foe.

And then He arrived.

Allarchon descended from the heavens, with the combined armies of all righteous nations at His back. The giant was struck down, his lands salted, his wealth scattered among the deserving. In this, in what seemed like our hour of glory and victory, I found peace.

But yet I did not. I was comfortable in the embrace of Allarchon, separated from the struggle. But the one who struggles cannot be comfortable. I left the comfort, wandered the deserts for days, months and years. Faithless bandits found me and made me their leader, and infected by their bottomless capacity for sin and degradation, I fell afoul of Allarchon and begged for His forgiveness. I was not fit to ride with the righteous. I had associated with the scum of the planet, I had dishonored the cause for which I gave almost everything for. I was disgraced.

Thankfully, all was not lost. I found my way out of the filth and was allowed through the gates of a shining city on a hill. A glorious testament to the ideals of the revolution, a monument to the productive and pure. My heart was re-energized in the presence of accomplished scholars and scientists.

There was a sinister side to this life of luxury and enlightenment. [i]Decadence.[/i]

The foreigners who passed through the gates of this city were various. Some were righteous, the Mushlims and Goontifada. Others were godless and worthy of disdain, the pagans who revel in unnatural debauchery and the imbibers of alcohol chief among them.

And so I and the other faithful of the city acted, in the defense of the city's righteousness, to remove these infidels. The pagans lied and deceived us, using the city's own against us but the wisdom granted by our faith allowed us to see through these satanic tricks and cast them out. The ummah came together to marshal the great resources of the spectacular metropolis and use them to march on the land of the imbibers and put them to the sword.

The righteous of the city were jubilant, though blind to the jahili forces within the city and its allies. The righteous were divided by tricks. The godless giant defeated long ago had reemerged, strong and sinful as ever, worshipping their own kings as gods, accepting their foolish tirades as if it were the Word of Allarchon. The righteous dallied on whether to confront or accept the giant, betrayed from within by jahili hedonists and cowards.

And so it came to be, that one day I was travelling to consult my fellow mujahideen on this crisis of faith, I saw on the horizon, two figures clad in the attire of northern pagans. At first I thought the desert was fooling me with a mirage but then I heard their blasphemous chants and knew they were quite real. As the two savages approached, weapons raised, I began to feel, deep inside me, a feeling that had long been missing from my soul.

The last vestiges of decadence were drained from my heart, replaced by a righteous maelstrom of zeal and rage.

And in this moment, I am no longer a scholar. No longer a theologian, a citizen, a merchant of technology or any other such mundance profession.

I am a mujahid.

And in this moment of immense clarity, I can tune out the savage cries of the enemy and hear, distinctly, in the distance, an exultation.

An exultation to the glory of GunhammaD, a chorus of prayers to Allarchon.

My brothers have arrived. The righteous from all nations have come together to engage the great enemy of the faithful. The vanguard will spill the blood of jahili and
infidels alike.


The world shall quake at its foundations.

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