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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1356817719' post='3069206']
Ok, ill call your bluff. MK wanna go 1v1 with AI? You have the balls to accept? If you do let us know and im sure we can make it happen, if you dont then stfu cuz all you are spouting is BS and you hiding behind w/e allies you feel you have left.....

Takes a lot of balls to call out an alliance with about 60% of your NS.

Edit: Especially when Alterego was the one saying DH knew about the attack and committed a valid CB.

Edited by kerschbs
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[quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1356818147' post='3069213']
Takes a lot of balls to call out an alliance with about 60% of your NS.

Edit: Especially when Alterego was the one saying DH knew about the attack and committed a valid CB.

I think you'll find all the calling out has been done elsewhere. If they want us now they can have us, if they want a global war then they should learn patience as we are in no rush whatsoever.

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[quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1356818147' post='3069213']
Takes a lot of balls to call out an alliance with about 60% of your NS.

Edit: Especially when Alterego was the one saying DH knew about the attack and committed a valid CB.

Flak was the one saying we wouldnt do anything but whine, welp he is wrong and GATO answering for them just proves my point more in that they can yap loud as long as they have people behind em.

Also Alterego isnt .gov nor does he have any interest to be and is entitled to his own opinions just as much as you are, but he doesnt set policy for AI by any means......we .gov do, of which he has never been a part of ;)

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[quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1356818147' post='3069213']
Takes a lot of balls to call out an alliance with about 60% of your NS.

Edit: Especially when Alterego was the one saying DH knew about the attack and committed a valid CB.
Exactly what I was thinking. And Tim pretty much does whatever he wants. I hope everyone has learned this by now.

Edit: And the sooner we throw out this stupid idea of a "valid CB" the sooner we can get back to making our world more interesting. Certainly, AI has enough treaties to not have to worry about losing, right?

Edited by Steve Buscemi
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[quote name='AuiNur' timestamp='1356799909' post='3069131']
AI sucks. I'm glad I stole their slot.

[quote name='SpiderJerusalem' timestamp='1356713139' post='3068816']
Yup, it was [i]clearly [/i]them I referred to. I would want nothing more than our allies to share in on the fun. The shady bunch, not so much

So that's your ally that thinks you suck and is glad that he stole your slot from you. Got it, ta.


[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1356698385' post='3068785']
They are truly [i]the worst.[/i]

Also, meet Context.

Let me know when you want to take'er out again.

I don't quite know what you mean or why you're replying for somebody else, when he's perfectly capable of providing a response? I figured that it was a reasonable question about his opinion, given that he lumped DT in with FOK and MK.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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[quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1356818147' post='3069213']
Takes a lot of balls to call out an alliance with about 60% of your NS.

Edit: Especially when Alterego was the one saying DH knew about the attack and committed a valid CB.

Also takes a lot of balls to brag about wars that you won when the other side has less than 60% of your side NS, but that never stopped a GATO to brag about it.

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This is amusing to me for reasons that should be obvious, but I'll explain anyway because the lot of you seem to be exceptionally dim witted:

-Masterof9Puppets creates a topic about him going rogue and eventually leaving this world, filled with some typical rhetoric you'd find in a goodbye thread
-Alterego arrives on the scene and makes a dumb statement (or "joke") about how DH knew about this and had put Puppets up to it
-DH leadership and members then mock Alterego for being Alterego
-Myth, SCY and the others join Alterego in making ridiculous assumptions
-AI gets defensive and starts chest thumping, IRON joins them in their folly
-Somebody seriously brings up that BS "plot" by MK to block alliances from getting Tech
-Some guy who used to be in Grämlins eons ago derails the thread for a brief period to talk about four years ago like anyone cares
-DH sees AI getting huffy, continues to poke and prod them because it only makes AI look even more desperate than people already assumed they were
-JA makes a hurtful observation about why he thinks this kind of grandstanding is taking place
-I ate a whole pint of ice cream to get over the insult :(

For the record, I am obviously biased~ toward DH, but I will say that we're making fun of Alterego and AI because of the absurdity of their accusations and grandstanding based off those same ridiculous accusations. AI and IRON coming out in force like this over AI's own lies and paranoid delusions only cements what the world already knew but nobody wanted to say because unlike some parties here in this thread, there are those of us who know when to keep a sock in it for the sake of civility. If you think foaming at the mouth in public really helps though, then by all means continue with this facade AI.

I can't wait to hear the next ham-fisted accusation thrown our way.

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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1356818741' post='3069218']
Also Alterego isnt .gov nor does he have any interest to be and is entitled to his own opinions just as much as you are, but he doesnt set policy for AI by any means......we .gov do, of which he has never been a part of ;)

Very intelligent choice (not sarcasm). Alterego in gov would be very problematic.

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1356759764' post='3069031']

That's not what I'm seeing from where I'm standing. The worst AI will do is complain and moan about us [b]because they don't have the pair it would take to stand up and fight us.[/b]
I was going to respond to this yesterday, but I fell asleep before I clicked submit. Looks like everyone has now generally said what I wanted to say, so I'll just leave you with: AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1356823424' post='3069247']
Also takes a lot of balls to brag about wars that you won when the other side has less than 60% of your side NS, but that never stopped a GATO to brag about it.

I've won a lot of wars and lost a lot of wars but I don't brag about either. However this is rich coming from you, someone who spent most of his CN career in an alliance that delighted in smashing people who couldn't fight back.

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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1356819066' post='3069220']
Edit: And the sooner we throw out this stupid idea of a "valid CB" the sooner we can get back to making our world more interesting. Certainly, AI has enough treaties to not have to worry about losing, right?

NG certainly does.

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lol, Chief Joe and Bud, didn't you two use to be NPO's butt buddies back in the day during your time in Vahalla? That's what I thought. Yes, we are Mk's muscle. You have a problem with Mk, your going to have to come through us first.

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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1356840330' post='3069312']
lol, Chief Joe and Bud, didn't you two use to be NPO's butt buddies back in the day during your time in Vahalla? That's what I thought. Yes, we are Mk's muscle. You have a problem with Mk, your going to have to come through us first.

They're probably already aware of that with you guys being bloc mates and all. Thanks for clarifying your position though.

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1356796182' post='3069120']
Might I suggest that you and the rest of your alliance heed your own advice then? There's equal amounts of "no u first" posturing from both sides, neither of you have the balls to do anything.

My "micro" alliance? Barking big, JA.

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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1356818741' post='3069218']
Flak was the one saying we wouldnt do anything but whine, welp he is wrong and GATO answering for them just proves my point more in that they can yap loud as long as they have people behind em.

Also Alterego isnt .gov nor does he have any interest to be and is entitled to his own opinions just as much as you are, but he doesnt set policy for AI by any means......we .gov do, of which he has never been a part of ;)
In the grace of a single post you complain of a common member's prod after making a juvenile challenge of your own, then write off a common member of your own as inconsequential. Even I am not so daring. ;)

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1356845474' post='3069333']
In the grace of a single post you complain of a common member's prod after making a juvenile challenge of your own, then write off a common member of your own as inconsequential. Even I am not so daring. ;)
To be fair, compared to Alterego's, my "membership" is far from common

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