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Alliances Throughout the Years


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Protection Agency of Independent Nations (PAIN)
May 8, 2008 - Oct 12 2008

Good times, Great People. Then came the WotC, where we stood with Friends > Infra. It was a shame it had to end the way it did.

Oct 2008 - [size=4]Nov 2009[/size]

These were the glory days. I was sad to part with them, but my place was elsewhere.

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][color=#3a3a3a][size=4]Alchemy
Nov 2009 - Present

Things are quieter than they were back in the early days, but we're still around. We await the next war, when we are called to rain destruction on our enemies.

Overall though, I think back on all the great people I knew over the years, and I realize that so few remain. Wherever they've gone, I hope to hear from them again one day.[/size][/color][/font]

Edited by Verithmus
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[b]Sep '06[/b]: Started out in NPO for a very brief period of time (probably just my first week, ghosting and leaving)
Went to GDA
RL friends made a micro, TCA, went to that for ~6 months
Back to GDA ~May '07
Left GDA ~Karma
=WE=, but Cato had already left, so I left after a day
NUF with ex-GDA for a little bit
TCU with ex-GDA for a little bit
DOA with ex-GDA for a little bit
(Total time in ex-GDA micros ~5 months?)
BACoN from Dec '09 to June '11
Sparta since June '11 (but really like Dec '10, because Bacon was rather dead).
Still in Sparta, [b]Dec '12[/b]

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FoA: Started in March of '09, was leaving towards the end of the year, then \m/ en mass raided FoA after Sparta dropped them. Bi-Polar shoots off, all fun ensues.
ICAN: Joined in Dec of '09 because I wanted a smaller, active alliance, was there for a while then they went inactive.
FIRE: Joined in Early Aug of '10, was here for two and a half months, then got too inactive.
GATO: Joined in late October of '10 and have been here ever since.

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TDO: Feb 08 - July 09. Left due to boredome/John Warbuck.
Synergia: July 09 - Sept 09 (?). Merged into protector, due to all co founders getting hit by RL in one week.
Kronos: Oct 09 - dec 09: Left Kronos when Heracles and Ender deleted and the magic of Kronos disappeared
MHA: Nov 09 - june 11: Chose MHA for the Douglas Adams humour, that was a mistake.
PS: LOLled at the nonsense iyiyth posted in #MHA2. Dumping him was the best decision they ever took. Don't get me going on his silly interferences in the economic part of the game.
AzN, App: July 11- Oct 12: The inner circle was too closed, then found a great friend, great project: The Borg.
Oct 12 - Dec 12: Then happened this: [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114140&st=0"]http://forums.cybern...pic=114140&st=0[/url]
31 Dec 12: Time to get a RL (if at least the universe isn't destroyed like an aid circle ago).

Edited by Kippa Tarxien
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Ah, let's see.

Was recruited by the /b/ alliance in January 2007. Decided that they were a bit over the top and I wanted to play more seriously. Got recruited to the [b]Euphorian Commonwealth[/b] (January 2007-June 2007) for 80k in aid. It was a lot more then than it is now. Don't look at me that way. <_<

I was in a commie alliance in a certain defunct moon game that decided to reform in CN, so I quit to join the [b]International Communist Party[/b] (June 2007). This did not go well. We were unable to secure a treaty agreement with ODN on time before NoV and Golden Sabres attacked. This is when I really started to become active in CN.

I then followed KarlMarx and Finnish Commie to the [b]New Pacific Order[/b] (June 2007-May 2008). This alliance was a lot of fun and I was part of the legendary "NPO troll squad" back in the day, but there were very strong power struggles and cliques that were undermining the alliance. People I respected most like LordValentine, Doppelganger and Doitzel started to fall out of favour, while the alliance leadership decided that they were going to undermine NpO leader, and probably one of the greatest figures in CN history, Electron Sponge. After Doitzel and Doppelganger made their famous posts ([url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=26898"]Doitzel's De Profundis[/url]), well, being the tenacious and unpredictable girl that I am (which is why everyone* loves me), decided that I was going to defend them by opening up a counterargument on the NPO forums. By that time, I was a NPO council member, a pseudogovernment position with vague responsibilities, that was chosen by election. My influence was not enough to change the debate, and I saw no future in being one of the few pro-Sponge people. I resigned.

I then joined the [b]New Polar Order[/b] (May 2008-some time in late 2009). NpO had a much more relaxed culture than Pacifica did, and people there genuinely got along better. This is the alliance I'm actually most known for being in, even though I achieved probably the least there. I tried for some of the deputy minister positions a few times, but I was somewhat depressed back then and would do things like disappear off IRC for a month at a time.

Eventually I decided to join the SE incarnation of a TE alliance, the [b]SOS Brigade[/b] (2009-October 2010). This was a very fun alliance to talk to. I probably would have quit CN years ago if it wasn't for this group. I briefly resigned in January 2010, and created then what would become the genesis of my next alliance. Of course, SOS was incredibly poorly managed as an alliance, and had even worse power struggles than NPO did. I ended up as the Time Traveller, but I don't remember what that position was supposed to be, really. I watched my friends tear themselves into bitterly opposing camps. I never could get them to reconcile, which is one of the saddest things I've ever had to deal with while playing this game.

So, in January 2010, I left SOS because I disagreed with Arrnea's plan to go to war on an optional aggression clause of a protectorate treaty to defend the \m/ side of what was originally the "Second Unjust War". I created a one nation AA called the New Sakura Order. I rejoined after the war was no longer about \m/ and instead about AlmightyGrub being a conniving fiend. This was used to create one of the more popular April Fools joke threads of 2010. Some of my friends from SOS told me they wanted to make an alliance like that for real.

And so began the only alliance I've ever been the leader of, the [b]New Sakura Order[/b] (October 2010-May 2011) . I managed to keep the alliance channel, #sakura, one with constant fun. I took a more conservative and principled approach to foreign affairs than I think most alliances do these days, which really caught SOS Brigade off guard in the Tentacle Grape War. We almost turned the treaty web upside down with that one. Eventually, Haruhi (aka Elrich von Richt) started trying to push me into treaties I wasn't comfortable with, and recruited a lot of his RL friends into the alliance, who almost never showed up except to support things that he did. He eventually got my closest supporters removed from the government, and, well, did a lot of other things that I won't mention here. I was left in a position with no power base, and an advesarial government. I ended up resigning from the alliance completely on the fear that we would become tied to Nordreich, a move which I now regret.

I then chillaxed in the [b]AOD Brigade[/b] (May 2011-August 2012). I didn't do anything noteworthy here, except being one of three members active on IRC. I've been out of CN politics for well over a year now. Eventually the alliance started to become so small that it might be seen as a valid tech raid target.

And now I'm in [b]Anarchy Inc.[/b] since August 2012. Noteworthy for [u]almost[/u] letting my nation delete last week. (Oops.) It's kind of like NpO used to be a long time ago, but I'm not as interested in CN as I used to be. It's as if all the life has been sucked from this game and everything that happens is completely predictable. I think I've just been playing for too long.

* = of course you do, right!?

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[quote name='Katsumi' timestamp='1354830965' post='3061183']
This is the alliance I'm actually most known for being in[/quote]

You are wrong... It's the NPO time that at least I remember best... So many troll comments

[quote name='Katsumi' timestamp='1354830965' post='3061183']* = of course you do, right!?


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Alliance Joining Date Leaving Date Length of Tenure Reason For Leaving
Unaligned February 20, 2007 February 21, 2007 1 day Protection from raiders
Unified Protection Federation February 21, 2007 March 1, 2007 8 days Differences with alliance leadership
Novus Orbus March 1, 2007 March 6, 2007 5 days Alliance instability
Global Alliance and Treaty Organization March 6, 2007 April 28, 2007 54 days Offer to join the Federation of Armed Nations
Federation of Armed Nations April 28, 2007 Continues 2,051 days N/A

ETA: Goddamn table not displaying properly :(

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I have been with the GPA since 2/12/2007 which is 2,126 days through today - 8December 2012.

I joined them because they focused on the economic aspects of the game which really interested me. Once I started looking at the political side of things I felt that neutrality was the best choice for me as well. Since then I have been honored to serve multiple terms as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Economics, and even a term as President. Eventually RL has won out and my activity level has dropped significantly, but not before my nation cracked into the top 10, peaking at 6 or 7 (I actually think I got to #6, but had screen shots at #7), and stayed there a VERY long time. Even now with minimal effort I have remained in the top 25-30 nations and am the #2 nation in the history of CN with money earned. Its worked for me and I consider my experience playing CN to have been very successful thanks to remaining in the GPA.



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[quote name='SpiderJerusalem' timestamp='1354661193' post='3060367']
Don't flatter yourself pumpkin. You had nothing to do with me leaving.

I wasn't talking about you leaving.

Pumpkin has a nice ring to it, though.

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[quote name='TRON IX' timestamp='1354492767' post='3059705'](One day they will find out and come after me for that 12 tech I just know it.)


I'm actually fairly certain I knew about this and I/we decided to let it go.

I'll have to check the old logs.

You were extremely small iirc and I believe I also pm'd your nation multiple times.

I was just starting out in MHA around that time.

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[quote name='Katsumi' timestamp='1354830965' post='3061183']
I then followed KarlMarx and Finnish Commie to the [b]New Pacific Order[/b] (June 2007-May 2008). This alliance was a lot of fun and I was part of the legendary "NPO troll squad" back in the day, but there were very strong power struggles and cliques that were undermining the alliance. People I respected most like LordValentine, Doppelganger and Doitzel started to fall out of favour, while the alliance leadership decided that they were going to undermine NpO leader, and probably one of the greatest figures in CN history, Electron Sponge. After Doitzel and Doppelganger made their famous posts ([url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=26898"]Doitzel's De Profundis[/url]), well, being the tenacious and unpredictable girl that I am (which is why everyone* loves me), decided that I was going to defend them by opening up a counterargument on the NPO forums. By that time, I was a NPO council member, a pseudogovernment position with vague responsibilities, that was chosen by election. My influence was not enough to change the debate, and I saw no future in being one of the few pro-Sponge people. I resigned.
[color=#0000ff]Am I forgotten as one of the first people in NPO to oppose the plotting against Polar? I was the first one driven out for that reason (Anthony, Seerow, Chron, and others were driven out for different reasons), having had been forced to resign in 2007. I get no respect.[/color]

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Joined January 08, Buddy of mine from RL (Tacoleary for anyone who knew him) recruited me and Mandellav into a small alliance called =LOST=. I stayed in =LOST= for over three years, worked my way into government, all the way up to emperor. When we merged to form TLR, I became a senator and eventually I became a trium member. I have been in government in these two alliances for the past three years at least, and it's been an absolute blast. =LOST= was by far the best little alliance in this game, and I couldn't have asked for a better place to call home.

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[quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1352321346' post='3049794']
I always find it interesting seeing people's choice of alliances change over their career of CN. You can literally find them in one alliance despising another, but then a year+ later are in that same alliance. You can see multiple people alliance jump 2-5 alliances each month, you can find so many merging into others or splinters breaking away from others that it's hard to keep it straight where someone is.

I have noticed the same thing. In one example, several people got government positions, made critical missteps to allow a war, then jumped ship to the aggressors. People is probably too nice a word, but I dont want to get the mods down on me by using more accurate words here.

My history: CA (first few weeks) GPA (early 2007 until after the War against Peace) Grämlins (until after karma) Nordreich (until 836 days ago) CA again and forever.

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[b]Unaligned[/b]: May 2006 to June 2006.
Some friends introduced me to the game and I signed up. I picked the blue team as it's my favorite color. I in turn managed to get others to sign up, also on blue.

[b]New Polar Order[/b]: June 2006 to September 2008
Some of my friends decided that we should try out an alliance. At the time the NAAC had just had it's teeth kicked in by the NPO and Polar had just been created. So they were the cool blue alliance to join. I came in as a general newbie member and worked my way into the government in September 2006. I moved up in the FA world pretty fast, and had a large hand in trying to make Polar a unique and special place and not just "Little NPO". I helped reform the Polar gov into what it has now, and became the first Minister of Truth (Foreign Affairs). I got sort of well known at this time. Around this time I had created probably the most treaties in the history of the game ever and was pretty majorly into politics. I was one of the top posters on this forum as well. After being Minister of Truth I became Liaison (third in command) and then later Regent (second in command) under Emperor Assington and later Sponge 2.0. I did a lot of stuff, made a lot of great friends, a lot of great enemies. I helped some alliances get started and on their feet. I also helped bring quite a few to destruction. I also hated the NPO (who was our "closest ally" at the time). Very very long story short, the NPO engineered a war against us, we lost it, and they took the opportunity to force "anti-NPO" elements from Polar. I was their main target for as long as I remained in Polar it would be anti-NPO. Simply put, in order for Polar to surrender, I ended up leaving my only home that I had spent so much time and effort building. It was a !@#$%* time, but you play with the bulls and you get the horns.

[b]Genesis[/b]: (Probably) September 2008 to March 2009
When I left Polar, I wasn't technically perma-ZI, as Grub wouldn't likely have let me leave otherwise. But I was pretty hated (perhaps even feared) figure with the current Hegemony. Despite that my good friends in Genesis took me in with no hesitation (despite the very fact of my admission making them a target). Genesis was a small alliance that stuck to itself and minded its business. I was used to being high ranking government in one of the most powerful and politically relevant alliances in the game. It was... a change. I quickly decided to run for Minister of Foreign affairs to fix up their operations. A month or so into that and the NPO decided to come and threaten us about it. I refused to re-run for election, although for the record Genesis would have still elected me and dealt with any consequences.

[b]NSO[/b]: March 2009 to May 2009
Genesis was awesome, but I was stuck as a general member of a sleepy little alliance, and I was bored to tears. Ivan founded the NSO. He wanted to recruit me. I told him I was done with being a general member. He promised me that if I were to join, I would be free of any interference from the NPO. I joined the NSO on its first day of existing and was immediately made a Sith Lord. I fully supported the ideas behind the NSO experiment (the idea of taking in anyone and everyone and giving them a chance to have an alliance) and it was fun to be on the ground floor of an alliance for the first time. I helped setup their FA and Military structures. The alliance (and its government) quickly filled with defeated foes of years past, and I flat out didn't like many of them. I got along poorly with most of the government. Overall the alliance started to have a really weird and hostile vibe, and I didn't like it. I also couldn't go home yet. I still signed treaties between my next two alliances and the NSO though, so we overall got along well. It just wasn't for me.

[b]The Liquor Cabinet[/b]: May 2009 to September 2009
Founded by my friend and mentor Electron Sponge, it promised to be an interesting ride. It was a combination of Sponge's Vox Populi spies and Polar expats from my/Sponge's era. I was the third in command with the title of Theodore Roosevelt, because I wouldn't join unless I got to pick my own title, and that seemed like the most badass title. Also no one knew what it meant, which was great. I had big aspirations for what ended up being a retirement home. My big achievement was protecting the newly formed alliance Creole and helping to create Frostbite. A bloc that could have been a major force but ended up falling apart due to egos and attitudes.

[b]New Polar Order[/b]: September 2009 to present
I decided that TLC wasn't worth investing more time in, and I finally decided to petition for membership in Polaris once again. I re-joined and pretty much hung out. I was an Imperial Advisor (non-gov) for Grub but I mostly just enjoyed being back home and telling stories. When Grub resigned and Penguin became Emperor, I took a more active role, primarily in helping to internally manage the governmental affairs. Penguin, who is awesome, was unable to really commit the time required to lead and resigned. Polaris also had a hard road ahead of it, which we all knew. Penguin made me Emperor, and I still have the job. Former Polar Emperors have permanent membership, so I suspect this will be the last alliance for me, although I guess we'll see.

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[quote name='RandomInterrupt' timestamp='1355285362' post='3062894']
[b][spoiler]Unaligned[/b]: May 2006 to June 2006.
Some friends introduced me to the game and I signed up. I picked the blue team as it's my favorite color. I in turn managed to get others to sign up, also on blue.

[b]New Polar Order[/b]: June 2006 to September 2008
Some of my friends decided that we should try out an alliance. At the time the NAAC had just had it's teeth kicked in by the NPO and Polar had just been created. So they were the cool blue alliance to join. I came in as a general newbie member and worked my way into the government in September 2006. I moved up in the FA world pretty fast, and had a large hand in trying to make Polar a unique and special place and not just "Little NPO". I helped reform the Polar gov into what it has now, and became the first Minister of Truth (Foreign Affairs). I got sort of well known at this time. Around this time I had created probably the most treaties in the history of the game ever and was pretty majorly into politics. I was one of the top posters on this forum as well. After being Minister of Truth I became Liaison (third in command) and then later Regent (second in command) under Emperor Assington and later Sponge 2.0. I did a lot of stuff, made a lot of great friends, a lot of great enemies. I helped some alliances get started and on their feet. I also helped bring quite a few to destruction. I also hated the NPO (who was our "closest ally" at the time). Very very long story short, the NPO engineered a war against us, we lost it, and they took the opportunity to force "anti-NPO" elements from Polar. I was their main target for as long as I remained in Polar it would be anti-NPO. Simply put, in order for Polar to surrender, I ended up leaving my only home that I had spent so much time and effort building. It was a !@#$%* time, but you play with the bulls and you get the horns.

[b]Genesis[/b]: (Probably) September 2008 to March 2009
When I left Polar, I wasn't technically perma-ZI, as Grub wouldn't likely have let me leave otherwise. But I was pretty hated (perhaps even feared) figure with the current Hegemony. Despite that my good friends in Genesis took me in with no hesitation (despite the very fact of my admission making them a target). Genesis was a small alliance that stuck to itself and minded its business. I was used to being high ranking government in one of the most powerful and politically relevant alliances in the game. It was... a change. I quickly decided to run for Minister of Foreign affairs to fix up their operations. A month or so into that and the NPO decided to come and threaten us about it. I refused to re-run for election, although for the record Genesis would have still elected me and dealt with any consequences.

[b]NSO[/b]: March 2009 to May 2009
Genesis was awesome, but I was stuck as a general member of a sleepy little alliance, and I was bored to tears. Ivan founded the NSO. He wanted to recruit me. I told him I was done with being a general member. He promised me that if I were to join, I would be free of any interference from the NPO. I joined the NSO on its first day of existing and was immediately made a Sith Lord. I fully supported the ideas behind the NSO experiment (the idea of taking in anyone and everyone and giving them a chance to have an alliance) and it was fun to be on the ground floor of an alliance for the first time. I helped setup their FA and Military structures. The alliance (and its government) quickly filled with defeated foes of years past, and I flat out didn't like many of them. I got along poorly with most of the government. Overall the alliance started to have a really weird and hostile vibe, and I didn't like it. I also couldn't go home yet. I still signed treaties between my next two alliances and the NSO though, so we overall got along well. It just wasn't for me.

[b]The Liquor Cabinet[/b]: May 2009 to September 2009
Founded by my friend and mentor Electron Sponge, it promised to be an interesting ride. It was a combination of Sponge's Vox Populi spies and Polar expats from my/Sponge's era. I was the third in command with the title of Theodore Roosevelt, because I wouldn't join unless I got to pick my own title, and that seemed like the most badass title. Also no one knew what it meant, which was great. I had big aspirations for what ended up being a retirement home. My big achievement was protecting the newly formed alliance Creole and helping to create Frostbite. A bloc that could have been a major force but ended up falling apart due to egos and attitudes.

[b]New Polar Order[/b]: September 2009 to present
I decided that TLC wasn't worth investing more time in, and I finally decided to petition for membership in Polaris once again. I re-joined and pretty much hung out. I was an Imperial Advisor (non-gov) for Grub but I mostly just enjoyed being back home and telling stories. When Grub resigned and Penguin became Emperor, I took a more active role, primarily in helping to internally manage the governmental affairs. Penguin, who is awesome, was unable to really commit the time required to lead and resigned. Polaris also had a hard road ahead of it, which we all knew. Penguin made me Emperor, and I still have the job. Former Polar Emperors have permanent membership, so I suspect this will be the last alliance for me, although I guess we'll see.[/spoiler]

That is quiet the journey. Reading stuff like this makes me feel i should have discovered CN years ago and that i have somehow missed the fun train.

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[quote name='Helbrecht' timestamp='1355372318' post='3063196']
That is quiet the journey. Reading stuff like this makes me feel i should have discovered CN years ago and that i have somehow missed the fun train.
RandomInterrupt was never really on a "fun" train per se but it was certainly a train and you missed it my friend.

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/b/ - Late 2006-Early 2007


Unaligned Red under Moldavi Doctrine - mid 2008-early 2009

NPO - Early 2009 for a week or so, left due to annoyance with system


UCR - Early 2009-Late 2010

INT - Late 2010-Mid 2011

PFJ - A few months in mid 2011, helped found it with some LSF/INT members, was fun for a little while

INT - Mid-Late 2011

RIA - Late 2011-Early 2012

INT - Early 2012-Late 2012

UCR - Present

Edit: Forgot PFJ. Didn't know Wally was there. o.0

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