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An Imperial Decree

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[font="Palatino Linotype"][b]T[/b]oday, we celebrate the third birthday of the New Sith Order. However we celebrate with much on our minds. To last these past few years, under the circumstances we have, is more than most can do. Battling the odds, the critics, and even the coalitions while maintaining our community and body is without a doubt the most impressive feat I have seen in this world.

[b]M[/b]y sole duty as sovereign lord is to lead our members to new frontiers. To carry the mantle to new heights. To build upon the foundation my predecessors left for me and to do it in the best way I know. It is with those principles in mind in which I defended friends, led our nations to war; and stayed away from one no matter how tempting [i]it[/i] was.

[b]T[/b]hese three years have paved a windy road for us. A road that curved from the beginning and sees more than it's fair share of roadblocks. But a closer look reveals the auspicious lack of revisionism. The absence of attempting to cover tracks or past deeds speaks volumes about the nature of our alliance and encourages me like nothing else can. The path of the Sith is one of colour, contrast and clarity.

[b]A[/b]s perhaps the most unapologetic but somehow still functioning entity, Our Order stands in a unique position in history. Only a handful can say the same. And yet their fortunes over time have been drastically different than ours. The New Sith Order has faced repeated betrayal, repeated abuse and repeated let downs. At the face of each; the Sith have stood our ground and persevered.

[b]R[/b]esolute and defiant, we enter our fourth year. The spirit of the Sith lives on as strong as ever. On this day, we look to the future, while remembering the lessons of our past, and as Emperor of the New Sith Order I say to the cyberverse: We are here to stay. The strong will survive.[/font]

[i]"So, are you ready? Are you ready to sacrifice yourself, your nation to gain every inch that will help us succeed? Prepare yourself. Grab the torch, raise the flag and begin the march towards power. Break your chains, set yourself free, get ready to enslave those who do not take the charge. For power makes right, and we are right. The strong will survive."[/i] ~ Imperator Emeritus [b]LintWad[/b]

[i]"The New Sith Order will not die. This alliance will exist and succeed so long as we will it."[/i] ~ Imperator Emeritus [b]Heft[/b]

[i]"We have stood strong after three years of merciless attacks and conflicts against those who want to take us down, stop us from spitting some wisdom, and shut us up once and for all. That !@#$ ain't happened yet. Our drive, determination and incomparable dedication to the cause is matched by !@#$@#$ no one. Three years and we are still here, $%^&@#s."[/i] ~ Imperator Emeritus [b]YouWish959[/b]

[font="Palatino Linotype"]/

Rayvon ~ Emperor
Dilber ~ Dark Lord

Ivan Moldavi ~ Founder, Imperator Emeritus
LintWad ~ Imperator Emeritus
Heggo ~ Imperator Emeritus
Heft ~ Imperator Emertius
YouWish959 ~ Imperator Emeritus

KirstenMichelle ~ Sith Lord
Shirunei ~ Sith Lord
WorldConqueror ~ Sith Lord

Rabonnobar ~ Sith Master of Proliferations
Cody Haner ~ Sith Master of Lies
Duke Thero ~ Sith Master of Aggressive Negotiations
SonicPluto ~ Sith Master of Propaganda & Indoctrination[/font]


[url=http://www.newsithorder.info]New Sith Order forums[/url] || #NSO@irc.ColdFront.net[/center]

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Congrats and I love this quote

"So, are you ready? Are you ready to sacrifice yourself, your nation to gain every inch that will help us succeed? Prepare yourself. Grab the torch, raise the flag and begin the march towards power. Break your chains, set yourself free, get ready to enslave those who do not take the charge. For power makes right, and we are right. The strong will survive." ~ Imperator Emeritus LintWad

Very similar to my ideals.

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I have to say this is a birthday few envisioned would ever come to pass for this alliance in the past. You've shown that, if nothing else, the Sith are certainly strong willed and mean every word they say. Congratulations.

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Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Order shall set me free.

It has been great getting to know you guys, you are a great lot and some of the best friends I've made in my 5 years here.

Cheers to another 3 years

o/ NSO

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This is excellent to see. I have nothing but respect and admiration for the New Sith Order, and it's been an absolute pleasure to go from being hated enemies in Nemesis to allies and friends in Ragnarok. I'm no longer there and the relationship no longer exists, but it has not changed my personal opinion on the Sith; keep on trucking, guys.


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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1330963861' post='2933954']
For power makes right, and we are right.


Someone explain to me how this makes sense.

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