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A Joint Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom and the Viridian Entente

Leet Guy

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1320481001' post='2839495']
Really...how do you plan on hitting all those NSO nations out of your range?

I don't consider a bunch of people below 5k ns having anything left. Anyone with enough tech to be worth something post war will be in range.

[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1320480831' post='2839492']
I would like to thank you as well Lord Romano for staking the honor of your name to the intent of your joint announcement. That intent being to strike both parties unless peace is achieved before the deadline. From what I know of you, your honor isn't something that your treat lightly so I have no reason to think that you won't hit NSO every bit as hard as you hit us. If that does occur I also have no doubt that NSO will hold with their promises to us to never surrender under any circumstances. So once again I owe you a debt of gratitude for being willing to take on the NSO problem yourselves. Getting rolled will truly be worthwhile if it does nothing else but get the Siththys off our hands.

I never say anything that I won't do. And just to reiterate something I mentioned earlier in the thread, I'm not trying to take anything away from your victory, and to be sure it is a victory, it's just time for it to end.

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1320480876' post='2839493']The way I look at it, Legion will take a NS hit, but NSO will literally have almost [i]nothing [/i]left if they don't give in.

This is already, or was about to be, the case. We had it covered. So NSO lose very little. If Seerow is serious, and Legion and NSO will both be attacked even if NSO refuses white peace, I'm puzzled as to what leverage VE/MK intend to use on NSO.

EDIT: Clarity

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1320480876' post='2839493']
Why would you measure the loss in comparison to raw numbers, that makes no sense. The way I look at it, Legion will take a NS hit, but NSO will literally have almost [i]nothing [/i]left if they don't give in.

This is what I do not get, VE can not do any more damage to NSO then what Legion has done and is doing, so the fact is NSO will get nothing more then what they are already getting and will peace out very soon with VE simply do to the damage they have taken and will not be able to fight a fresh alliance even one as shocking as VE.

this is just another way for people to roll Legion

We all know how this will play out, VE DoW NSO, NSO tell its allies to stand down, 3 days later NSO agrees peace with VE and Legion get rolled.

the fact your all saying this wont happen makes me LOL, the fact you will sit there and lie though your teeth to try and look good.

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[quote name='Lincongrad' timestamp='1320482194' post='2839500']
I'm puzzled as to what leverage VE/MK intend to use on NSO.

EDIT: Clarity

Like I said, not in my best form right now given the fact that its late on a weekend night, but by leverage I'm guessing you mean the fact that they finally will finally be beaten down into a micro with tech levels far to low to rebuild at any substantial rate.

[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1320482892' post='2839502']
Me too. Especially when they're essentially clueless to what's going on.

Yea man, keeping up the arrogant attitude is definitely warranted, since you guys always have a one up on everyone. It's why you do so well.

Strategic victory incoming?

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1320480876' post='2839493']
Why would you measure the loss in comparison to raw numbers, that makes no sense. The way I look at it, Legion will take a NS hit, but NSO will literally have almost [i]nothing [/i]left if they don't give in.
Dude, Impero, NSO's !@#$ is already broke. There aint nothing you can do to them that they wont value lesser than having Legion's !@#$ wrecked some more. You know this. Think of this as NSO going nyah nyah nyah at Legion some more, while they have you and the voyteks go medieval on Legion's arse.

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1320483608' post='2839505']
Dude, Impero, NSO's !@#$ is already broke. There aint nothing you can do to them that they wont value lesser than having Legion's !@#$ wrecked some more. You know this. Think of this as NSO going nyah nyah nyah at Legion some more, while they have you and the voyteks go medieval on Legion's arse.

I still see about a million NS, 87k tech, and almost 100 members, enough for them to be yelling about how they 'wont surrender because they aren't loosing!' up until this announcement, and enough for a large number of people to back them up in saying that. Check back to that topic that closed the day before yesterday. So in short, they are certainly broke, but we can make sure they get broken even more.

This though, is not about that, it's an incentive to end the garbage that both them and legion have been piling up around here and let their ally, whose punishment has long since been served, out of the war.

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[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1320460090' post='2839236']
Unfortunately, that is a poor example, because CN war mechanics are not linear. It'd be more like saying you're in a trailer park in tornado alley. If you make it past the first tornado, you accept it for what it is. You then have the option of leaving the area or staying. If you leave, you can say you survived the tornado. If you stay, you run the risk of another one coming.

That's a terrible example, are you high?

It is more like this.
This is how it would look in the real world.

Ethiopia attacks Somalia(aka team Tetris) looking to get some revenge.
Some groups that didn't really want to be involved surrender.
Ethiopia is clearly winning and is going to level the rest of Somalia.
Ethiopia wants the rest of Somalia to surrender and become honourable.
But Somalia doesn't want to surrender, because it fears other nations will think less of it.

Now Nato comes in and said's if you guys don't find peace we're going to kill every single person in both countries we see, until peace is found.
If only one of you want peace and the other doesn't? Unacceptable both of countries will be burned to the ground and all your people will die.

Why do we feel we need to get involved? Well because we're bored of seeing it on the news.
What do we hope to gain from it? IDK a chance to do to war with all of Africa(NpO)?

Edited by Commander shepard
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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1320484859' post='2839514']
I still see about a million NS, 87k tech, and almost 100 members, enough for them to be yelling about how they 'wont surrender because they aren't loosing!' up until this announcement, and enough for a large number of people to back them up in saying that. Check back to that topic that closed the day before yesterday. So in short, they are certainly broke, but we can make sure they get broken even more.

This though, is not about that, it's an incentive to end the garbage that both them and legion have been piling up around here and let their ally, whose punishment has long since been served, out of the war.

ninja edit. never mind

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[quote name='MitchellBade' timestamp='1320428099' post='2838488']
I'm sure we can expect MK/VE to remedy this situation soon. I heard NG is also in the business of regulating community norms.

No, we just set precedents.

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1320482118' post='2839499']
I never say anything that I won't do. And just to reiterate something I mentioned earlier in the thread, I'm not trying to take anything away from your victory, and to be sure it is a victory, it's just time for it to end.

We agree that's this war is past it's expiration date, but I must state again that we aren't the ones who're trying to prolong this.

While you state that you're not trying to take anything away from our victory I hope you come to see that you already have. If NSO capitulates and accepts our terms then it could be said that it was your hand that led them to the truce table. If they don't and you come in after we've been at war for more than a month than we'll suffer damage many times greater than what we've already endured. So I ask you, do you think we deserve this.

We fought a nearly even war with a justifiable CB, gained the advantage, and then asked for a very reasonable peace agreement that included Zero reps. Isn't that why the both of you formed Karma so that curbstomps and exorbitant reps would end? The final nail in the coffin of the Karma Ideal will be pounded home when you follow through on this. It is truly ironic then that the Mushroom Kingdom, home of the Voice of Karma, and the Viridian Entente, the Vanguard of Karma, will make Archon's words of freedom and hope as hollow as a dead tree.

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[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1320490280' post='2839528']
We agree that's this war is past it's expiration date, but I must state again that we aren't the ones who're trying to prolong this.

While you state that you're not trying to take anything away from our victory I hope you come to see that you already have. If NSO capitulates and accepts our terms then it could be said that it was your hand that led them to the truce table. If they don't and you come in after we've been at war for more than a month than we'll suffer damage many times greater than what we've already endured. So I ask you, do you think we deserve this.

We fought a nearly even war with a justifiable CB, gained the advantage, and then asked for a very reasonable peace agreement that included Zero reps. Isn't that why the both of you formed Karma so that curbstomps and exorbitant reps would end? The final nail in the coffin of the Karma Ideal will be pounded home when you follow through on this. It is truly ironic then that the Mushroom Kingdom, home of the Voice of Karma, and the Viridian Entente, the Vanguard of Karma, will make Archon's words of freedom and hope as hollow as a dead tree.

While I agree that it's bull !@#$ for VE/MK to step in now, you guys have GOT to start having a little faith in yourselves. You won the war. The only people who will ever tell you otherwise are your opponents and a few mouth breathers who just can't seem to accept that you won a war. Even NSO knows you won. I promise you, they're not stupid. They know what happened here. Their culture and their stubbornness might not allow them to admit it to you, but the powers that be in NSO are amongst the brightest in the Cyberverse. They know what happened. The mouth breathers are just random hangers on who, for whatever reason, can't accept your victory. Do you listen to spergy jack asses in day to day life? Why would you let them rob you of your right to be proud simply because the words are being spoken on the OWF, then?

Have some faith, both in yourselves, and in the community as a whole. We know you won. Absolutely nothing is going to take away from that, or change our minds. Change the way Legion thinks, rather than sinking back into your defeatist attitude. If you need some help with how to do that, send me a message on IRC. I know, better than most, I'd wager, the power of public perception.

Edited by pezstar
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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1320484859' post='2839514']
I still see about a million NS, 87k tech, and almost 100 members, enough for them to be yelling about how they 'wont surrender because they aren't loosing!' up until this announcement, and enough for a large number of people to back them up in saying that. Check back to that topic that closed the day before yesterday. So in short, they are certainly broke, but we can make sure they get broken even more.

This though, is not about that, it's an incentive to end the garbage that both them and legion have been piling up around here and let their ally, whose punishment has long since been served, out of the war.

Of that million NS 556K+ is in peace mode (cant hit that), of the 87K 43k+ is in peace mode (cant hit that, of the 98 nations in NSO 42 are in peace mode (cant hit them) and most of the rest NSO nations with free slots are below 1.1K NS.

Please tell me how you will provide a real reason for the sith to wish for peace? and how the way you are going about this is not a dream come through for the NSO.

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[quote]by leverage I'm guessing you mean the fact that they finally will finally be beaten down into a micro with tech levels far to low to rebuild at any substantial rate.[/quote]
This is no leverage. NSO is already beaten down materially about as far as they can be (as others have pointed out the majority of their remaining NS is either in peace mode or out of range). They have allies – RoK – who will send them an aidfall immediately after the war ends which will rebuild them. The threat of losing a tiny bit more NS is nothing compared to the incentive for them to stall and see Legion trashed, particularly if there's a chance of them being able to 'win' that war.

[quote]This though, is not about that, it's an incentive to end the garbage that both them and legion have been piling up around here and let their ally, whose punishment has long since been served, out of the war.[/quote]
Legion have had a reasonable peace offer on the table for a long time now. Tetris could end their front any time they liked, too. It is [i]only NSO[/i] that have been piling up garbage. If you really wanted to achieve what you say you want to achieve, you would be threatening only NSO, or pressuring Tetris to accept the peace that's on the table for them from Legion already. If you actually believe that your ultimatum applies any pressure to NSO to be reasonable, you're an idiot. And I know very well that you're not an idiot so rolling Legion must be the ulterior motive.

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1320483094' post='2839503']
Yea man, keeping up the arrogant attitude is definitely warranted, since you guys always have a one up on everyone. It's why you do so well.

Strategic victory incoming?

Actually yeah ... But, I think I've changed my mind. Just to watch you go forward with this little endeavour.

Tetris and Legion can thank you later for your strong support in seeing an end to this.

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[quote name='Master-Debater' timestamp='1320480763' post='2839491']
Im going to laugh so damn hard if MK/VE attack only to have NSO and Legion hold their allies out of this war. The amount of blue balling will be so epic I expect MK to implode on itself.

Blue Balls and Low IQs that is the new MK/VE motto.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1320478734' post='2839478']
[b]This makes MK/VE look even more pathetic.[/b]

I'm loving the excuses to the in for this war. :awesome: Whatever happens Legion comes out looking good. MK?VE come out looking like idiots, NSO looks extremely weak.

While I wouldnt agree with that I would say the Legion now appears to be an alliance thats not taken lightly anymore. Congrats Legion this is win win. [b]Win [/b]that you hold NSO in the palm of your hand & [b]Win [/b]that two very heavy hitters are now required to take you on after a month or so of war under your belt. Make peace, you won.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1320482892' post='2839502']
Me too. Especially when they're essentially clueless to what's going on.

Didn't Ardus say earlier you guys have been in communication with them regarding this war from the get-go? So, I'd reckon to say they're not clueless.

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1320482118' post='2839499']
I never say anything that I won't do. And just to reiterate something I mentioned earlier in the thread, I'm not trying to take anything away from your victory, and to be sure it is a victory, it's just time for it to end.

I don't believe you in the least.

Some people have said I'm excessively paranoid. But they won't anymore because I've had them all killed.

Whether you intended this or not, and I assume not, it looks like nothing more than a ruse set up so that you and MK can come in and save your allies without them taking a PR hit for asking. Probably something one of you thought up and you all agreed with. You come to bail out Tetris, MK comes to bail out NSO.

In fact, the more you all speak, and the more I see this little "play" of exchanges between you and NSO, who have been largely absent in this thread (curious), the more it looks exactly like I described.

Ironically, you probably will take more of a PR hit for this then if you just called it like it really is.

Well, pretend what you want, yet your words are nothing but illusion. Verbal smoke. Your actions part the veil covering your intent.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1320497966' post='2839558']
I don't believe you in the least.

Some people have said I'm excessively paranoid. But they won't anymore because I've had them all killed.

Whether you intended this or not, and I assume not, it looks like nothing more than a ruse set up so that you and MK can come in and save your allies without them taking a PR hit for asking. Probably something one of you thought up and you all agreed with. You come to bail out Tetris, MK comes to bail out NSO.

In fact, the more you all speak, and the more I see this little "play" of exchanges between you and NSO, who have been largely absent in this thread (curious), the more it looks exactly like I described.

Ironically, you probably will take more of a PR hit for this then if you just called it like it really is.

Well, pretend what you want, yet your words are nothing but illusion. Verbal smoke. Your actions part the veil covering your intent.

I'd just like to point out that no one has done anything yet, and ultimately, you don't really know what it is they have planned.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1320498545' post='2839562']
I'd just like to point out that no one has done anything yet, and ultimately, you don't really know what it is they have planned.

Is it a surprise party? To celebrate peace? Now that would a refreshing change.

Applying pressure to resolve a situation in favor of your ally is not the worst use of power. But no need to dress it up with false intention. That's a slap in the face to most thinking peoples.

Well, let's hope I'm wrong and in 72 hours, minus the difference, a girl jumps out of a cake and confetti falls from the sky. Now that would be fun.

I like pie AND cake, btw.

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