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Recognition of Angry People


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[quote name='White Chocolate' timestamp='1317701024' post='2815515']
Let me get this straight, you're arguing that because no one in NSO or Tetris actually expected Legion to take military action in spite of the fact that most alliances would if subjected to the same behavior, Legion is somehow at fault for taking military action and surprising you?

LOL! Well, surprise surprise. Guess they called your bluff. More power to them in that case.
That's not even remotely close to what I said. You, sir/madam, are unfit to represent white chocolate. :mad:

If you wish to issue a rebuttal, then do make sure that you are rebutting an actual argument, rather than a figment of your imagination.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1317695757' post='2815373']
[color="#0000FF"]I tolerate no attacks on NSO allies. My rule has always been one of [s]unconditional[/s] support. Right or wrong. It is irrelevant.[/color]
I agree with RV? ok :awesome:

Since when is anything on CNtel "private"? Sure it was rude, but it was not exactly secret info at that point.

Support for Tetris and my allies in NSO.

Props to Legion for showing the jewels, I guess.

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[quote name='Valtamdraugr' timestamp='1317706588' post='2815806']
I agree with RV? ok :awesome:

Since when is anything on CNtel "private"? Sure it was rude, but it was not exactly secret info at that point.

Support for Tetris and my allies in NSO.

Props to Legion for showing the jewels, I guess.

To be fair to the subject of the war, CNtel has literally nothing to do with it.

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[quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1317708585' post='2815860']
To be fair to the subject of the war, CNtel has literally nothing to do with it.
I stand corrected.. my apologies.

edit: dissemination was the offense?

Edited by Valtamdraugr
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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1317704380' post='2815709']
Your alliance will probably be under 20 members when Legion is done with you. No one will care about your law.

I can honestly say I have gain a little more respect for NPO knowing that you aren't there to lower their standards. Back to the short bus with you sir.

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My only question in all of this.. NSO kicked you and spit on you for nearly a MONTH, Legion. You were spied on ingame and all that good stuff. Tetris comes along and posts screencaps which you cant even come CLOSE to proving they spied. At worst theyre guilty of accepting the info as far as you know. So uh..how come you didnt hit NSO back then?

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1317715838' post='2815917']
My only question in all of this.. NSO kicked you and spit on you for nearly a MONTH, Legion. You were spied on ingame and all that good stuff. Tetris comes along and posts screencaps which you cant even come CLOSE to proving they spied. At worst theyre guilty of accepting the info as far as you know. So uh..how come you didnt hit NSO back then?
Woah Woah Woah. One step at a time. You want them to declare war on EVERY alliance that spies on them?

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[quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1317718702' post='2815933']
Woah Woah Woah. One step at a time. You want them to declare war on EVERY alliance that spies on them?

Well that would make sense, at least they wouldn't be declaring on us if they just followed those rules.

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[quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1317708585' post='2815860']
To be fair to the subject of the war, CNtel has literally nothing to do with it.

Clearly not, It has more to do with your inept government and alliance mates.

Spy, change government, innocent now!!!!!!

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1317715838' post='2815917']
My only question in all of this.. NSO kicked you and spit on you for nearly a MONTH, Legion. You were spied on ingame and all that good stuff. Tetris comes along and posts screencaps which you cant even come CLOSE to proving they spied. At worst theyre guilty of accepting the info as far as you know. So uh..how come you didnt hit NSO back then?

I doubt they're surprised NSO countered. This way seems more efficient. At any rate, you have to start somewhere.

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[quote name='Ridin High' timestamp='1317692192' post='2815271']
Before you go off trying to make a case for Legion's innocence you should know that we did much more than "reshuffle government." A vote of no confidence on your leader after publicly humiliating your alliance should be the first inclination that we were sorry about what happened. Our PoFM had also elected to step down from his post. Then I went to Legion and apologized to at least two members, one being Totem himself. I also said I would personally investigate where the screenshots were from. I guess they decided they didn't really care and attacked without asking me what I had found out, only like what? One or two days after I told them it would never happen again. Oh yeah I also said I would apologize to their entire alliance on their board.

Well Legion, I am ending my investigation and all previous offers are off the table. Apparently you would rather defend your honor than do some diplomacy and work with a government who has a completely different opinion of the previous administrations actions.

Although I know you did more then just switch govt and sit on your ass, I'm going to have to surprisingly agree with myth on this one. I know from experience your even worse then pollard lol, and you just gave evidence of your alliance members stepping down.

In my personal opinion I think this thing was planned. You had to have some sort of back up plan to keep down pr. It may have helped a litle but not much. Super Cool Yellow is right in any case your alliance should be held responsible. I don't know if war is the answer, but it has turned to that, so my last words are this.

You were clever I hope you enjoy what you wanted, and I hope Tetris and Legion have fun. o7

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everyone seems to be congratulating legion on standing up for themselves...

which really says alot about Legion since apparently having a spine seems to be a huge improvement for them as an Alliance

so congrats legion, hope you enjoy the war and thanks for giving us something to cheer about as we watch you burn

P.S. Please escalate this

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[quote name='erikz' timestamp='1317728122' post='2815995']
Bla bla bla Tetris. At last you got what you deserve. Good on Legion to respond on the invasion of their sovereignty.
Have they responded to the invasion? If I was reading their DoW correctly.. this was in response to the dissemination of information gleaned from said invasion and not in response to the invasion itself.

meh, whatever... RoK on!!

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[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1317704972' post='2815725']
That's not even remotely close to what I said. You, sir/madam, are unfit to represent white chocolate. :mad:


[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1317704972' post='2815725']If you wish to issue a rebuttal, then do make sure that you are rebutting an actual argument, rather than a figment of your imagination.

Okay. If this is not what you're saying

[quote name='White Chocolate' timestamp='1317701024' post='2815515']
Let me get this straight, you're arguing that because no one in NSO or Tetris actually expected Legion to take military action in spite of the fact that most alliances would if subjected to the same behavior, Legion is somehow at fault for taking military action and surprising you?[/quote]

when you said this

[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1317698015' post='2815440']I'm not familiar with all of the details, but I can confidently say that no one on our side actually expected Legion to "do something about it," as it were. The actions undertaken by Tetris, therefore, were of their own volition and, at least in their mind, not done under the usual sort of duress that is normally needed to induce any sort of corrective behavior.

and my interpretation is a figment of my imagination. In addition to saying I'm wrong, please clarify for me what you meant.

Because regardless of whether or not you think my comments are worthy of a representative of Lander Clan -

*White Chocolate shrugs*
- I am capable of being wrong from time to time, those who know me well are well aware of that fact -

that IS how your statement came across to me.

Edited by White Chocolate
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[quote name='White Chocolate' timestamp='1317742961' post='2816127']

Okay. If this is not what you're saying

when you said this

and my interpretation is a figment of my imagination. In addition to saying I'm wrong, please clarify for me what you meant.

Because regardless of whether or not you think my comments are worthy of a representative of Lander Clan -

*White Chocolate shrugs*
- I am capable of being wrong from time to time, those who know me well are well aware of that fact -

that IS how your statement came across to me.
My point was that Tetris had taken some measure of corrective action for the posting of the screenshots, which is more than just about anyone else who has provoked legion lately (including ourselves) bothered to do. Some countered that such action was only in response to some sort of external threat. The post you quoted was pointing out that, since no one, including Tetris, honestly expected Legion to take any notable action, and certainly not declare war, then the actions taken by Tetris were not done under threat, but were actually sincere.

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It's often funny what people manage to communicate by accident.

You might've fired Pollard to cover your asses (evidently too late) whilst making claims to better reasons. Well, though you apparently did not believe that fully (that's how I understand your surprise and outrage) it was true. Pollard, Hereno, dane0 (Ridin High word is law, so I have to ignore USMC123 protest that the last was not in gov when he made the transgressions) along with other Tetris members did actual, and lasting damage to your alliance. If anything, Legion DoW proves that the vote of no confidence was justified, even if proposed far too late (and was not consistent with who you elected shortly after).

While I wouldn't mind a war on Bob, I hope this little show is contained to Legion v NSO+Tetris. You deserve this retaliation (whether it is aggressive or defensive is pure semantics at this point as both sides try to diminish complex situation into one word, to fit pact wording nicely).

PS.: for all those programming references in titles, you sure are slow to update your own wiki -_-

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