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[quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1312255034' post='2769723']
Indeed, and she's welcome to begin rebuilding you when we've finished with you.[/quote]

Still not gonna give an exact date, time, how many cycles, whether its ZI or not.. are you?

Lets say I decide to go elsewhere and that alliance has a requirement of "Not on any ZI lists". Would you say I'm eligible to apply?

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[quote name='khmerkid' timestamp='1312250960' post='2769641']
I honestly just think ure a lil !@#$%* that craves attention cuz u get beat at home :)
Even [I]I[/i] think this is in bad taste

Anyway, this was a dumb move by what I had previously thought was a pretty smart guy. Whatever. I'm more concerned with how quickly NG has been taking care of business and gaining capital yesterday.

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[quote name='Cynic' timestamp='1312255189' post='2769730']
Still not gonna give an exact date, time, how many cycles, whether its ZI or not.. are you?

Lets say I decide to go elsewhere and that alliance has a requirement of "Not on any ZI lists". Would you say I'm eligible to apply?

No, we're obviously still attacking you.


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[quote name='Cynic' timestamp='1312255189' post='2769730']
Still not gonna give an exact date, time, how many cycles, whether its ZI or not.. are you?

Lets say I decide to go elsewhere and that alliance has a requirement of "Not on any ZI lists". Would you say I'm eligible to apply?
You can apply anywhere you like. You won't be accepted, though, because 1) you're obviously extremely untrustworthy, and 2) I won't be finished with you.

Edited by King Xander the Only
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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1312255268' post='2769733']
No, we're obviously still attacking you.


That wasn't the question. Moron. I didn't ask about their "No war" requirements, I asked about their "No ZI list" requirements.

Basically, just tell me whether I'm officially on your ZI list or not and I'll stop posting.

[quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1312255335' post='2769734']
You can apply anywhere you like. You won't be accepted, though, because 1) you're obviously extremely untrustworthy, and 2) I won't be finished with you.

Glad you can decide you accepts me in their alliance. I'm sure they'll really enjoy you dibbling in their IA.

Edited by Cynic
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[quote name='Cynic' timestamp='1312255372' post='2769735']
That wasn't the question. Moron. I didn't ask about their "No war" requirements, I asked about their "No ZI list" requirements.

Basically, just tell me whether I'm officially on your ZI list or not and I'll stop posting.
You'll stop posting? In that case, you're on our ZI list. Now go away.

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So in summary, Cynic has diarrhea of the mouth and fingers from being butt hurt by NG. Bad form and I feel sorry for any alliances which are standing in line waiting for your membership. Drunk, high, w/e, dumb is dumb and you deserve what happens to you.

I have to say NG and Fark deserve props for communicating and not letting a trouble maker get the best of either of them o/

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Sad that because everyone has to be friends, probably lest Pacifica rise again, that FARK allows their member to be spied by a high ranking NG offical.

As for the Cynic stuff, meh. Glory in the casualties, and definitely fight back.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1312266332' post='2769886']
Sad that because everyone has to be friends, probably lest Pacifica rise again, that FARK allows their member to be spied by a high ranking NG offical.

This was exactly how the conversation played out in private. We begged FARK not to declare on us and reminded them that the NPO will surely crush us all if any war broke out.

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[quote name='Cynic' timestamp='1312255372' post='2769735']Glad you can decide you accepts me in their alliance. I'm sure they'll really enjoy you dibbling in their IA.

I honestly can't tell if you're just playing ignorant here, enjoying some inside joke I'm not seeing, or really have no knowledge of established recruitment procedures on Bob.

Let me run this down for you:

Step 1 You apply in appropriate thread on alliance forum. You're required to have set certain AA (be it main or X applicant), and team colour. If you didn't do the latter, your trades are being screened - and if you have good trades going, processing can go on.
Step 2 You're being asked questions that vary from alliance to alliance (like "why this AA", "who recruited you") and one that is a must: former alliances. Some go a step further and ask if this nation is a reroll, and if so - go back to Q1.
Step 3 Alliance screening. There might be an upfront question in this regard in step 2, but regardless of answers - recruits are being screened, most commonly via IRC for former alliance gov opinion on you as a member, but also any aid/tech they need to pay back, military orders, standing trials or - like in your case - sentences.
Step 4 FA staff on appropriate level tries to level out any bumps that became apparent in Step 3. If alliances in question have good standing, it's customary to let go of minor offences.
Step 5 Admission or rejection of applicant. One is accepted into an alliance only if he's got clean/cleared record, or if given alliance is plainly looking for a fight.

NG stated over and over again that they still hold a grudge against you, are not finished with you and will not be convinced to let it go. Ergo Step 4 automatically fails, and you could not be admitted into any serious CN alliance unless they breach their own internal policies

[quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1312255335' post='2769734']
You can apply anywhere you like. You won't be accepted, though, because 1) you're obviously extremely untrustworthy, and 2) I won't be finished with you.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

This is not "dibbling in their IA", but quite the opposite - it's a simple observation based on common IA policies and your current status in NG.

Edited by Beau Vine
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Everything makes sense in this thread, the butthurt, the log dropping and call outs, typical OWF asshatery.

Except one thing that bothers me, the guy who actually spied seems to be still in NG and doing fine....are there actually any repurcussions or did he get off scott free?

It doesn't bother me, but I thought spying usually involved a beatdown and/or reps.

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1312210717' post='2769132']
On a random note, did anyone else notice that the nation linked in the OP is 4.5 years old (and has spent the entire time in Fark), and has [i]0 casualties[/i]? How does that even happen?
Fark's not exactly the most aggressive alliance out there.

This whole affair strikes me as somewhat fishy; the OP is currently under attack by Non Grata, he says for telling Fark that their nation got spied on by Non Grata's apparently former MoD, which spy mission is not disputed. Non Grata says they already told Fark this, however the offending nation isn't under attack by Fark, and there are no reps showing to Fark. Meanwhile apparently Fark wants to attack the OP, despite not wanting to attack the nation that actually did ... spy on their nations. And Non Grata says that the OP objected to some treaty that they signed, and so went out and tried to start a (rather interesting) war between them and XX, but the name of the treaty that was apparently objected to is left obscure.

Have to admit that I don't really trust anything anyone said in this thread, including the OP. Everything just smells of "I'm leaving out all the details that are problematic to me" because nobody's story really adds up.

And of course Nordreich sanctions the OP. Despite having Zog on their AA, somehow ... Black team just never changes. Just remember: if you like having trades, pick any other team.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1312284648' post='2769979']
I could fill you in with all the details Haflinger, but frankly, I don't give a damn about you.

I am sure the feeling is mutual.

[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1312284738' post='2769980']
Curse the black team for sanctioning a spy!!!!

I believe you sanctioned the wrong nation then, Zoom. I believe [url="http:// http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=139110"]THIS[/url] is the nation you're looking for.

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So what i got from this whole thread is:

[*]Cynic's a whistleblower who happens to be a tiny nation and easy to give retribution.
[*]X-NV-X the MoD of NG was doing the spying has a large nation and 11k tech and if they tried giving punishment would probably rip them a new arsehole.
[*]Cynic is treated as the spy.
[*]X-NV-X gets sacked from goverment? doesnt have to pay reps? doesnt get kicked from the alliance?

So i can see where Cynic is coming from when the person who spied got a slap on the wrist... So either scared little kiddys to not give him more than a slap on the wrist or support the use of spy attacks within your alliance? :huh:

Edited by the rebel
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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1312282262' post='2769970']
Black team just never changes. Just remember: if you like having trades, pick any other team.

This thread is boring and not affecting me either way, but I just cannot allow this slander of my native Colour to stand. How dare you, Mr. Haflinger :mad: Black Team is clearly the most superior trading zone of all; why, I get several offers weekly to emigrate to poor backwaters of different colorisation because they cannot survive on their basic resources. Some mendicants even try to bribe me to move to their substandard quarters. Clearly therefore Black is the best mercantile district, a virtual Libertopia of Free Market gains. Please amend your post accordingly.

etc etc

[i]PS. If there are rumours of unstable trading in my home, I can unhesitatingly point an accusing finger at Sparta: those people are the worst, abandoning agreements without a word of warning at the drop of a trade circle. But that is another matter and I will thank you not to tell them I said so.[/i]

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