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Everything. Must. Die.


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[quote name='Facade' timestamp='1295930823' post='2598378']
Alas, the age of honor and politics are gone. This world has descended into the likes of a few alliances whose ego's are so large that they may collapse under their own weight, while in the dark recesses of their minds, they know that they will never attain the greatness or superiority of their most hated arch-rivals.

It must be hard to realize that while your enemy was and will be seen with the greatness of political maneuvering and will be remembered as the greatest alliance of the game, you will fall into obscurity and will not be remembered for anything you do. Your own inferiority complex has led you to do whatever necessary to cleanse the game of that which overshadows your petty and insignificant accomplishments. Congratulations Doomhouse, for accomplishing that everyone will remember that at the end of the world, the famous alliance that won the game kept fighting with their dignity and honor, against an opponent whose name will fade from the annals of history.
Well said Stagger.

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[quote name='cookavich' timestamp='1295931919' post='2598535']
I don't get the line that we're keeping the NPO safe. I mean, I'm certainly not privy to any secret information, but it just seems stupid to keep the NPO out of the war.

That's what was happening, hence TPF not being called in until they could get AZTEC in on that side.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1295930797' post='2598374']
I'm playing the worlds smallest violin. Somebody had to shake things up, and that fell to us.
tbh, I wouldn't expect you not to, it's fun to do so anyways. I'm just sayin'.

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If this holocaust you speak of is designed to destroy the world and rebuild the political landscape, I applaud it.

But its just double-standards applied to an old enemy who has already paid for their sins, in order to remove a potential threat. Using such double-standards, you obviously believe you do not require any more political allies; in which case I look forward to the next several years as people move away from you and the next cycle of CN power-struggle commences.

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[quote name='Cao Pai' timestamp='1295931682' post='2598493']
I've been in planet Bob as long, nearly as long, or longer than you have,
You: 5/24/2010 3:13:16 PM (245 days old)

Me: 8/11/2006 10:32:11 PM (1,627 days old)

I am far older than most realize. I have taken part in many conflicts, and I learned much from them.
I know how a true alliance should behave, and your alliance is not behaving like that.

This used to be a world of honor, and respect, and people like you, hypocrites like the New Hegemony, once tried to fight for it, now you will destroy it.
Sorry but if your glasses were any more rose tinted you'd be cutting your face with the thorns.

What you people fail to realize is that this is not a death. It is a rebirth, things will begin anew after this war, just as they always have. The cycle continues for as long as the creator wills.

Edited by Sardonic
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[quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1295931619' post='2598482']
Despite the rationalizations by the aggressors as to their justified reasons for this decision, they did not do this for any strategical, political, or military purpose. They did this to try and revive a waning Planet. Don't get me wrong, Umbrella, Mushroom Kingdom, and GOONS: I don't really like you much at all. However, what you have done in the greater context of this Planet is...well I don't completely dislike it. ;)

P.S. How does this rank on the all-time list of most replies in an hour?

Pretty low honestly. Been almost an hour and only 20 pages? I'm certain we've had threads grow far faster, during the prime of the game.

Oh right, first post in this topic. War is good. I said before I didn't particularly care who we went to war against, or for what reason, as long as we did. Well, Archon delivered, and for that I am happy.

And all the cries in this thread about how terrible we've become, how we're becoming the monster... well each one of those posts brought a smile to my face. I for one am glad Archon got fed up with playing the good guy. Wars like this are what we've needed for years.

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Hey TheNeverender, you know how this thread is full of crap?

[quote]They engineered a multitude of first strike "curbstomps," the most grossly abusive among them being the glibly named Woodstock Masscre against the Green Protection Agency. [/quote]

There's something called the GATO-1V War, read up on it here: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/GATO-1V_War

Or aren't you going to complain about it because you're hypocritical about who you want slaughtered and who you don't want slaughtered?

This CB is as full of crap as the one used on GATO when we all received a bloody ZI.

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[quote name='Platino' timestamp='1295932166' post='2598567']
In Soviet Russia, LoD is loyal, too!

He was loyal. Then he left after the war ended and he was branded a traitor and a deserter even though he left after the war. Myself, the jrcom staff and LoD will look forward to dictating your surrender terms to you from Francograd's Citadel. I know the way to the Emperor's chamber, I did some redecorating there.

Edited by Cager
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