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Declaration of War From the Viridian Entente

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[quote name='Trinite' timestamp='1295324093' post='2579977']
Ok really. His honesty? I'm ok with you guys taking a very easy CB for a war that was inevitable anyway, but let's not deify the guy who stabbed probably the nicest guy in Polaris in the back.
You guys? I am about as politically active as a couch. I am just calling this how I see it, he confessed to what he did and now might be getting leniency for it.

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[quote name='leprecon' timestamp='1295323673' post='2579956']
The answers are actually in the very same post you quoted.

But I will reiterate, since reading comprehension isn't a common skill here.

To my knowledge, I thought Lennox was the one who gave the information in the first place to Dajobo.

So because he gave valuable information to Polaris, then later admitted to it, Lennox does not get punished?

I am quite confused here.

Hypothetically, lets say I had knowledge of STA's warchests, and I approached Archon and asked him if he wanted to see it. Archon things I am joking and says, "sure lets look." I then tell Tygaland that I gave information to Archon and he accepted it, thus making it a CB and giving me immunity?


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[quote name='King Srqt' timestamp='1295323533' post='2579945']
Oh I see, giant conspiracy theory, VE must have contacted a ruler that had left planet bob (even though they probably didn't have any way to do that) had him contact NpO and tell them about his plan to spy on VE and hoped that NpO would go along with it.

That is a brilliant plan and obviously the most likely scenario.
I admit it's not the most likely scenario that VE knew beforehand, but they sure know how to lead me to think that. Lennox handed them a reason to hit an alliance they've been wanting to hit. They through away the rulebook and diplomacy, and likely knowing Lennox was just screwing over the NpO hit them anyway.

I'm not an idiot. I've been around as long as you have, watching. I know Dajobo should have immediately washed his hands of it, as I do anytime someone mentions spying to me.

But VE's in the wrong. And to every alliance that complains about them being put in the wrong position, just look at who put you there within a few hours of being given a reason.

Try and convince me you're not cowards.

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[quote name='TrilobyteMan' timestamp='1295324164' post='2579984']
So it's okay when the guy who did the spying comes clean, but the entire alliance that's being punished over one member who made an arguable false judgment in a friendship (over something clearly shown he doesn't even care about) doesn't even get negotiations. I see now.
The one member is the second in command for the entire alliance, pretty sure that makes a difference.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1295323578' post='2579949']
I can't help but wonder why your spy is still masked as a member on the VE forums as of just a few minutes ago.


There's no reason for them to demask him, pezstar! Like Impero said, he's an experienced [i]former[/i] player. He'll be gone in no time. Just as soon as the job's done.

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1295324544' post='2580004']
I won't be taking it to that level, but my hearts are with you.
Oh to be honest I don't see how we get involved. We're not bandwagoning.

I'll enjoy watching.

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[quote name='Zombie Glaucon' timestamp='1295324621' post='2580010']
I love this canard. Please go on explaining how attacking our ally was something you guys did in our best interest.
You guys started the war and cleared us opening that front. Spare me the victim complex and start burning.

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NpO spied on VE and told VE about it. VE was not happy and instead of greeting that information with flowers and sweets, chose instead a path of war.

VE has a valid CB, regardless of other details surrounding it. No matter what the other details are, there remains culpability on NpO's part, and that is the basis for VE's CB.

Polaris, I am disappointed in what is now associated with your alliance. I expected better of you all - and the actions of one have now impacted the entire alliance.

Such are the responsibilities of leadership.

To our allies in VE and NpO: May you both fight with honor. Huitzilopochtli watches you both and shall judge you by your bravery and valor.

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[quote name='King Srqt' timestamp='1295324487' post='2579998']
You guys? I am about as politically active as a couch. I am just calling this how I see it, he confessed to what he did and now might be getting leniency for it.
[/quote] oh quit the crap srgt, it doesn't work that way on bob and you damn well know it. VE knew who this guy was and knew what this guy was up too, this is the reason he was accepted, and is still, a member.

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[quote name='Janosik' timestamp='1295324131' post='2579982']
I've got a deal for you. Tell me how to declare on a nation that doesn't exist, and I will tell you how to delete your own forum posts. Sounds good? As I good-will gesture from TOP I'll do my part first. First; delete your nation...

Maybe you can pay some of your tech dealers to attack him. Just a thought.

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[quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1295324717' post='2580016']
NpO spied on VE and told VE about it.

Correction: Lennox spied on VE. NpO did not order Lennox to do it they merely accepted screenshots. VE did not believe that was a CB in Karma but for some reason they do now.

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[quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1295324698' post='2580015']
You guys started the war and cleared us opening that front. Spare me the victim complex and start burning.

That's right, we said "go ahead boys!", not a word of argument against it. Hilarious.

The real victims are poor old TOP. You can see it in their every grudge-laden, action-less post.

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Well here is proof that Polar did recruit Lennox.

Btw Polar: We have detained your spy you cant have him back til we are done with him

Edited by Sooner
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[quote name='King Srqt' timestamp='1295323745' post='2579961']
Probably because he is the one that came clean in the first place and VE might have taken his honesty into account and not expelled him, or are still deciding what to do with him.
This makes the second spy from VE who is still masked as a member.

[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1295324100' post='2579979']
Since I'm sure it was ignored by VE earlier, I'll ask again - where in the app it was clear that it was an experienced player? How did Impero know?
Not sure if you missed it or you're just trying to make a point, but it was covered in the OP's logs:[quote]21:16 Chancy I should just tell impero this is lennox
21:16 Chancy so i get into VE fast[/quote]

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[quote name='King Srqt' timestamp='1295323533' post='2579945']
Oh I see, giant conspiracy theory, VE must have contacted a ruler that had left planet bob (even though they probably didn't have any way to do that) had him contact NpO and tell them about his plan to spy on VE and hoped that NpO would go along with it. That is a brilliant plan and obviously the most likely scenario.
[/quote]More like VE was so desperate for an unjustified casus belli that they took at face value the obviously transparent ramblings of a wannabe provocateur our Regent had indulged with a certain detached amusement. That or VE was dumb enough to actually believe the face value of said provocateurs words.

Either way, your alliance acted with both dishonor and unwarranted aggression.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1295324224' post='2579990']
Curiouser and curiouser! Cried Alice
I know, right? It's LITERALLY impossible that ANY communication happened between Lennox and anyone in the entirety of VE anywhere but inside that very thread.

The only explanation is that it's a conspiracy orchestrated by VE.

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