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Synergy Announcement

Co God Ben

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Also, for the "two bloc's being the same" or whatever the hell is going on, PB and SF go more alone those lines considering VE/GOD's MADP. What one does the other does...

[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1289470965' post='2510288']
I asked a legit question, but instead of just answering you guys decided to beat around the bush. So Sirius is an oDoAP then there is no problem and my question has been answered. Thank you.

You guys are not important enough to look into things beforehand.

Aww someone got their feelings hurt and said we're not important. He just ruined my day. :(

[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1289481904' post='2510351']
Why would you do this?

Didn't you read previous pages? Skippy got a picture...

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[quote name='Co God Ben' timestamp='1289469938' post='2510283']
Theoretically, if anybody attacks a treaty partner, any alliance is controlled by that partner if they honor their treaty, no?

It's also worth note that LoSS is in Noir, an ODP bloc. Do we control Synergy and Noir?

TCU is nearly twice as large as TIO as well. Facts are stupid things.

I hereby dub thee: Arexes "Facts are stupid things" Kriekfreak :v:

Honestly, with the CN wiki it's not that hard.

[quote name='Mayzie' timestamp='1289474350' post='2510313']
I always thought Synergy was an alliance. :unsure:

It actually used to be, before it merged into Kronos I wanna say, probably 14 or 15 months ago?

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[quote name='We Are Not Alone' timestamp='1289442044' post='2509904']
Bad alliance joining a very bad bloc.

Remind me why I care again?

Right... because you didn't want to be apart of this bloc about 4 or 5 days ago?

[quote name='We Are Not Alone' timestamp='1289443534' post='2509950']
I love how GATO is so quick to call me out and get defensive on this matter. I was just voicing my opinion on how I thought Synergy was and how I thought TIO was. Also aren't TIO the ones with the drama recently?

Your opinion is probably one of the worst in all of CN. You have no [b]solid[/b] or [b]concrete[/b] opinion ever, you constantly change your mind, you hop alliances more then a bunny hops around in an entire week, and you go from prasing to trolling because we denied you from joining because your loyality ties are thinner then a piece of yarn. I believe this picture will convey the world's feelings towards yourself.


[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1289468467' post='2510273']
No, I don't think that would be comparable.

You have Sirius who consist of small alliances like TKTB, TCU, BTA and more larger ones like IAA and TIO (I still consider TIO to be small too but I'm guessing they are larger than TKTB, TCU and BTA).

And then you have Synergy consisting of larger alliances like Loss, GATO, IAA and now TIO. So that kinda means that if one of the smaller Sirirus alliances will be declared on this will mean that Synergy will get sucked in. The same goes the other direction. Basically IAA and TIO now both control Synergy and Sirius. I would not like this if I were either Loss or GATO.

Really? You must have not of heard of Skippy's plan to usurp power and become the God Emperor of Synergy :smug: You also must not be aware of the relationship GATO and IAA share either. Obviously the creation of a treaty web doesn't happen during these types outcomes? It's not like Planet Bob isn't full of these horrible things :smug:

Anyways, on a good note, I am very glad to see the acception of TIO in Synergy! I have known quite a few of these guys and they are :awesome: individuals who kick arse! Congratulations guys! Looking forward to more fun times!

With out Further ado, I shall now provide this post with mindless hails.

o/ TIO
o/ Synergy
o/ LoSS
o/ IAA

Edited by SoADarthCyfe6
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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1289486584' post='2510386']
Mostly the fact that an alliance I like is admitting an alliance that almost went to war over a yo momma joke to their bloc.

Yeah, that is pretty bad, in fact its sooooo bad, that its almost as bad as threatening war over some one pulling out of a TC.

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GATO and the other Synergy alliances are good people. I don't get this move at all. The Imperial Order is basically a micro-alliance with a big mouth.
For some reason these TIO people seem to hate the bloc my alliance is part of therefore I don't like them either.

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[quote name='Timmehhh' timestamp='1289508962' post='2510612']
GATO and the other Synergy alliances are good people. I don't get this move at all. The Imperial Order is basically a micro-alliance with a big mouth.
For some reason these TIO people seem to hate the bloc my alliance is part of therefore I don't like them either.

We don't hate PB. We dislike some of the alliances within PB. If you read back in our threads, you'd see that the dislike is mutual.

Also, hivemind, much?

Edited by Sentinal
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[quote name='Timmehhh' timestamp='1289508962' post='2510612']
GATO and the other Synergy alliances are good people. I don't get this move at all. The Imperial Order is basically a micro-alliance with a big mouth.
For some reason these TIO people seem to hate the bloc my alliance is part of therefore I don't like them either.
Size isn't the most important thing. We've gotten to know TIO for a while now and we really like them. Synergy is a bloc that wants people we can count on and really, really like. Sorry we aren't coming together for power like some.

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1289486584' post='2510386']
Mostly the fact that an alliance I like is admitting an alliance that almost went to war over a yo momma joke to their bloc.
We've already admitted fault at that, and moved on, learned from our mistakes. Its sad to see some people still dwell on that.

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[quote name='porksaber' timestamp='1289441506' post='2509879']
wow! look, you just turned this all the way up!

Porksaber has adequately described my feelings.

God, I wish you were in my bed, porkie

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[quote name='Cairna' timestamp='1289528380' post='2510823']
Porksaber has adequately described my feelings.

God, I wish you were in my bed, porkie
Sorry, turn that knob as much as you want, it still doesn't change this:


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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1289480429' post='2510342']
Maybe you should read further before commenting on a post that has already been addressed several times. Rarely do alliances join two or more MDoAP blocs. Yes I know, Sirius is not a MDoAP bloc on paper. In reality, like I addressed above it is. [b]Also Pandora and CnG do not share members, you fail miserably in your analogy[/b].
It's no worse than mistaking a bloc's treaty set up. But sure.

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[quote name='Manis B' timestamp='1289596762' post='2511346']
Those of you who know GATO know this was debated endlessly on our end.

And then we beat IAA to the vote.

So I think we'll be ok. Thank you for your concerns.


LoSS was totally blinded by the presence that is TIO so therefor we pushed this right through with little to no debate or thought. That's how we roll.

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[quote name='Co God Ben' timestamp='1289599649' post='2511385']
TIO are the LoSS puppetmasters. But our friend on page 6 already pointed that out.
Heh, and IAA thinks they're our partner in our up and coming takeover :awesome:

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