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    The Tear
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  1. Meh, I have seen better :) He stole it all from me!! Its good to see you're still doing stuff like this Phoebus.
  2. They think I'm going to do more than just scratch myself thistime.
  3. Wow I remember all those years ago when Magicman and HoT were BFF's. So much for that.
  4. [quote name='GulagArchipelago' timestamp='1346120110' post='3025847'] Guys, we might as well restart Synergy. [/quote] Who said it hasn't
  5. I hate both of these alliances. Stupid name, stupid alliances Good to see the circle finally re-completing.
  6. Bob, just shut up, no one likes you!!!! Always following us around and such.......
  7. I'm sure this discussion has taken place on the MK threads, but I'm not able to post there as I barley have the time to post twice a month on LoSS's forums let alone anywhere else. (Notice post count compared to join date) For the next fundraiser I'd like to put in this suggestion: [url="http://www.childsplaycharity.org/"]http://www.childsplaycharity.org/[/url]. I do so because we are an online game site and Childsplay is big in the gaming industry when it comes to charity, as any fan of Penny Arcade can attest to. It's one I have donated to a couple of times and offers other methods of donations besides cash, though I guess you still have to use cash to buy the game you are donating. Anyway, it's just a thought. And it does allow for Paypal.
  8. It was always fun to see how the treaty was never used unless there was something to gain by having numbers or as stated above someone needed to reach someone through a "far off" connection, otherwise it was a dust collector.
  9. Wasn't by our choice. He left the alliance on his own after stepping down and not running. He's on his rotation again. He does this every few months. Alliance jumps for a bit then comes back.
  10. I retired, now I am back, such is the way of Cybernations.
  11. LOSS has been there and done that, we blamed Krunk, it helps. Seriously, hope it works out for you.
  12. I go pew pew with Hyperonic, see: [url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=91301&Extended=1"]http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=91301&Extended=1[/url]
  13. [quote name='Morphine Mate' timestamp='1309831500' post='2748973'] Wonderful for you. Now that a good portion of the LoSS gov has left I look forward to watching it [b]crash and burn.[/b] [/quote] ^ he don't know us very well do he..... [quote name='rtellez06' timestamp='1309833542' post='2748999'] Wait so you 5 ragequit loss and started a new alliance? I knew about this when Dua and Phoeb got elected to trium. Lolol [/quote] I haven't been around for 4 months and I still shake my head at thinking about people leaving when things don't go their way instead of sticking around to make it better. ragequit and leaving for a breather is two different things.
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