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Imperial Announcement from the New Polar Order


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[quote name='Burnsey' timestamp='1287862659' post='2491413']
This thread still isn't about MCXA gaining NS. It became about MCXA when people continued to talk about them...

Congrats NpO.

they did mention their recent accomplishments, so *shrug*, just trying to diffuse the situation when there really should be no hostility here.

I blame it on :(( [s]NPO[/s] GOONS :(( , (hey it still works, right?)

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1287792642' post='2490940']
You two want to back that up with any information? Please show me a mistake one of our leaders has made in the past year. Or are you just making stuff up?

I think the issue SCY really comes down to the line between mediocre and good. Or perhaps to be a bit more generous, between good and excellent. People willing to do all the organizational work and such that really makes an alliance run, is all very important. Recruiters, tech managers, ect are all the lifeblood of an alliance. An alliance with a solid core in those areas is arguable a good alliance. They can post solid growth rates, maintain decent wonder numbers, be active, all good things. However, if their leadership isn't dynamic and visible they can never be an excellent or great alliance. Its the main thing that separates the wheat from the chaff. If an alliance doesn't have strong willed, personality driven, independent leaders, the alliance will never become a leader, it will become a follower and a pawn. Yes, MCXA has had impressive growth, and apparently have decent activity and is doing fairly well. I wouldn't call MCXA a bad alliance, I'd say its average and moving towards good. But it isn't great, not by a longshot, and it won't be until you have that solid core AND someone like Archon or Ivan to take the helm and use that solid core to its full potential on the political arena.

To touch more upon the transition from Penguin to Random, it reminds me of the Godfather, Random is a wartime consigliere.

Do you renounce Satan? :ph34r:

Edited by Lord Fingolfin
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[quote name='Trinite' timestamp='1287810785' post='2491099']
I agree. Penguin is awesome and everyone likes him, but that's boring. I'm curious to see what this brings. I haven't seen people blaming things on random for too long.
I see Blame Random threads everywhere. I may have even created a couple of them. But yeah, I'm also deeply interested in these developments. Maybe it won't be as boring as it has been of late.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1287780219' post='2490786']
If the only thing that you can remember that Almighty Grub done was honor NpO's treaties and fight in both sides of war you have some kind of memory problem for sure.

[color="#FF0000"]How did I miss this jewel? I think Im going to put it into my collection of incredibly stupid things people say. Maybe right next to my other gold nuggets like...[/color]

[quote]#01[22:37] <Crymson[TOP]> We have finished voting. We are in.
[22:38] <AlmightyGrub> thank you
[22:38] <AlmightyGrub> I appreciate the support
[22:38] <AlmightyGrub> just be careful
[22:38] <AlmightyGrub> please
#01[22:38] <Crymson[TOP]> We've our own interests in this as well, namely defeating SC.
[22:38] <AlmightyGrub> yes
[22:38] <AlmightyGrub> I know
[22:38] <AlmightyGrub> just be careful
[22:38] <AlmightyGrub> but give them hell[/quote]


[quote]#01[01:52] <Crymson[TOP]> We're hitting CnG in about 45 hours.
[01:52] <AlmightyGrub> awesome[/quote]

[color="#FF0000"]but wait there's more...[/color]

[quote]#01[23:12] <Crymson[TOP]> Will STA care if we hit MK?
[23:13] <AlmightyGrub> probably
[23:13] <AlmightyGrub> I wont though[/quote]

[color="#FF0000"]Is it about time to abandon the whole "We we're just being loyal allies" crap. The only people you are fooling are yourselves.[/color]

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[quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1287899357' post='2491833']
[Cut to avoid a huge post]

Don't stop there, the leprechauns might eat you.

As for the actual topic: It's sad to see Penguin go, but I can understand his reasoning. To be honest I knew this would eventually happen as unfortunate as it may be. However, I am pleased to see Random become the new emperor.

Best of luck Random, and Polaris.

...was probably Random's fault that Penguin had to leave :ph34r:

Edited by CobaltShine
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[quote name='CobaltShine' timestamp='1287905810' post='2491884']
Don't stop there, the leprechauns might eat you.

As for the actual topic: It's sad to see Penguin go, but I can understand his reasoning. To be honest I knew this would eventually happen as unfortunate as it may be. However, I am pleased to see Random become the new emperor.

Best of luck Random, and Polaris.

...was probably Random's fault that Penguin had to leave :ph34r:

And this evil fellow called "RL" who has been taking away so many inhabitants of Planet Bob. Someone should jump him.

Edited by Sentinal
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[quote name='Sentinal' timestamp='1287906098' post='2491888']
And this evil fellow called "RL" who has been taking away so many inhabitants of Planet Bob. Someone should jump him.

The two of them combined would confuse anyone. Although, as the theory goes, it's Random's fault that this "RL" fellow exists.

As a side note: It's also interesting to see that group break off. I also suspected that would eventually happen a while ago but I could never figure out how it would happen or precisely who would be involved. Good to see nothing too catastrophic (or so I hope) happened with it.

Edited by CobaltShine
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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1287862045' post='2491409']
AlterEgo doesn't hold a position of power in BAPS yet he's more or less its face, and i'm betting most of the hate BAPS gets from the other side is almost purely from him. Point being, it doesn't really matter if you hold a position of power or not.
Any alliance leaders who judge an alliance only by the posts of a single ordinary member are crap leaders. The actions of the alliance and the policies of the alliance are what should be judged. You may not realise this but BAPS was despised long before I arrived simply for not abandoning GOONS. That hate still exists and when BAPS were all but destroyed its few remaining friends and allies turned on them for trying to save the alliance, that hate still exists too.

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Just to clarify, A0 has the right to express himself as he sees fit on the OWF, as does every other BAPS member. His views sometimes reflect the general BAPS view on things and often times don't. The majority of BAPS view this forum as a waste of time, space, and energy, which indeed it is. So those who have nothing better to do in life rather than argue that black is white, or white is black, feel free to get back you your incessant ramblings, none of which have ever actually changed anyone's mind on anything.



BAPS hits 2m NS incidentally


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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1287932366' post='2492005']
Grub told the rest of us that the MK treaty was cancelled during Bipolar. I thought this was common knowledge by now.
I believe he said he expected it to be. Not that it was.

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1288026583' post='2492860']
I believe he said he expected it to be. Not that it was.
Everybody expected it to be, especially witnesses to the Polaris embassy on the MK forums. It was just one Wall of Rant after another. We went full bore at each other. That the treaty survived is a testament... well it's a testament to something, that's for damn sure.

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1287795500' post='2490967']
I don't know what you're talking about! I was only born in May 2010. Last Ditch Effort's honour has never been tarnished.

To be completely honest, I'm sure I have some logs lying around that actually implicate you in spying on ODN..... wonder if I can dig them up..

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1288067530' post='2493355']
Everybody expected it to be, especially witnesses to the Polaris embassy on the MK forums. It was just one Wall of Rant after another. We went full bore at each other. That the treaty survived is a testament... well it's a testament to something, that's for damn sure.
This is true, that embassy got pretty ... interesting for a while.

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